Truth about Steve Jobs

All the Truth about Steve JOBS of APPLE

I never understood the HYPE around Steve Jobs and his Company APPLE.

Something was wrong from the start. Either we have as GOD our reality of Nature, Adam and Eve followed by an apple-bite - or we have the bliss of a DEVIL based on techniques to kill a whole planet within 200 years from 1900 onwards and ending with the chase out of Paradise in 2099.

I grew up with IBM and the computer programs of Microsoft. But some of my friends came over and were shouting: "What, you don't work with Macintosh? Are you crazy? Tosh is a mystery, it's great, it's God - it's Steve Jobs!"

Funny enough, never any person mentioned ever some Steve Wozniak. He made the techniques of funny computers, and our lost Jobs only stood behind and asked perfection and was the sales-man of sold perfection - comparable to "The death of a Sales-Man" written by Marilyn Monroe.

I did never understand what the geniality of Jobs could be - for me the personal computers of Microsoft were just good enough. I did not want to lose my time with orange GADGETS for little children. And I was right, as this text here will prove by the end.

Apparently, Jobs said in front of Students in his late days: "Death gets rid of old matters - to create space for new ideas..." - WOW, how right, how right - but Steve never understood what he meant - here you can read the real background.

Past story of Steve

The life of Steve Jobs was an adventure, full of surprises, luck, black swans and turns that could make a genius out of an ordinary man, if this specimen is actually a genius or not at all.

Steve was a dictator and did not like people, and he is entitled not to like them - I don't like 99 percent of folks either - but Steve took them for the wrong reasons for stupid.

With Steve Wozniak and some other guys, Steve developed:

 - Macintosh - NEXT - Pixar - iPod / iTunes - OS X - iPhone and finally iPad.

I don't have to give all details with dates, years, times, the clue he was sent out of his own company and later begged on knees to come back. This odd and common story has been written by folks, who do not posses my brains, some thousands of times.

By the way - I myself invented absolutely nothing - except the correct reading of reality, of highest accounting, the future of collapses in communism, neo-liberalism, capitalism, idiocy in philosophies and theories in economics - and the destruction of our Planet within only 100 years, based on rotten computers, figures too high to be understood, Mass-Laws of Killers, Boys on Wall Street and the preparation of the bankruptcy of all banks and nations of our Globe. This seems nothing good, compared to some iPad idiocy, to make people crazy like hell and not recognizing the true situation in which the whole of the human scrap is living in today.

Present story after death of Steve

Yes - the present time. All females are talking absolute non-sense with their iPhones the whole day long. Never these ladies wonder why their world of finances, of industry and of their savings goes down to hell just now. And their machos do not want to know, why in only 100 years of deadly progress, greed, killing growths and final destruction of a planet, we have come to the end of history - when at the same time some dreamers of Techniques tell us, that the death of Steve JOBS would be a disaster, because after all he has created finally the most expensive company of the Globe with a value of 344 billion of Dollars, when Microsoft is less and Google some166 billion, amazon 103 billion and the Facebook some 80 billion Dollars.

What an achievement!

Another Genius like Einstein brought us the Atom bomb, Ford the time-bomb cheap car to destroy our geo-sphere, Edison some scrap to simplify our lives and exhaust all resources, China some very cheap production to kill the rest, Friedman a financial time bomb that at present sent all of us in free fall, tearing to bottom all banks, stock exchanges, pension funds, insurance and nations.

USA is dead, Europe is dead, Japan a long time ago destroyed, China and India on the edge of an implosion never seen in history before and finally, I wonder with an iPad or not, why all people of the Globe with their completely useless super-modern University and World Libraries could have become so dull, not to see their own efforts to kill the future of all times to come.

Intellect - are not books, are not computers, and even less Internet or rotten iPads. Intellect consists in high understanding of world mechanics and of highest commonsense in the brain of an individual person, thinking a little bit on other levels than the ordinary freaks of technology.

Future story - also based on craziness of Steve

How will you explain to your children how useless inventions or some enforced scrap of JOBS led to make blind their parents, when by 2020 all finance systems will be broke around the whole planet, when by 2030 industry will have ended with demolishing itself and all airplanes come down from heaven and cars stand still? --- But still the ecologic collapses will mount until 2099 in accelerated manner up to heaven - destroying the whole planet inclusive plants, oceans, forests, resources, water and air and all the rest of humans, leaving no chances of survival for a very crazy STEVE JOBS World?

You will see - iPhones only shall work in future to communicate the loss of chances in a technological FREAK SHOW - of very little importance and accompanied by heavy illusions, given by Homo Apps.

iPad my have 10000 useless APPS of low-in-brains and make the stupid MASSES believe, they had a play-station to make them intelligent, when their childish needs will have broken all intellectual forces that could ever have existed, before the technological ERA of Apes with technical gadgets of zero sense and value would have come to its end.

Jobs and Gates and Soros and Popper and Friedman and other VIPs are free to be regarded as the fore-thinkers of a world, when in fact they made all to create an interdependent world of low-IQ types, believing in a GOD they never would know if HE existed ever. But they will have destroyed with their little Play-Garden the whole of the nature, animals, ground water, oceans and life of a Globe - and even be proud of this fine achievement.

Jobs is just another wheel in this chaotic machinery of self-destruction - and nothing else.

Had we had less of such "geniuses" - humanity may have, perhaps, survived a little bit longer. But how it is now, we can say:

"Dear Steve Jobs, it was time that you and some other GW Bush, Ronald and Obama blinding geniuses went up to heaven or down to hell. You did nothing to increase the intellect of humans in a way, your friends would have assumed what cross-road could lead to disaster and which ones to a given Paradise."

Jobs - have a good time and get lost as quickly as ever possible.

written on October 15, 2011