Literatur-Bullshit des Nobel

Kritik zu Han Kang – Literaturpreis-Idiotie 


Noch kein Buch von der Dame gelesen, aber trotzdem reicht es für eine Fundmental-Kritik an Vollidioten. 

Ich beweise, dass in Literatur, Physik, Wirtschaft, Chemie nur noch Vollidioten den Idiotenpreis bekommen, der die Welt in den Ruin gebracht hat.


Hier werde ich mich beschränken auf die LITERATUR. 

Kritik zu Han Kang 

Na ja, sie will kein Fleisch mehr essen, weil es um Tiere zu schade sei. Da hat sie recht, aber es ändert am Wahnsinn der Masse der total verblödeten 9 Milliarden kein Deut. 

Dann sollen sich Jugendlichen gegen eine Militärdiktatur in den USA – der Mördernation Nummer 1 – falsch verhalten haben - und es gab Tote. Wann lernen die Schweine von Jugend, dass sie selbst der Grund für Diktaturen sind? 

Und dass diese Irren geschützt von allen US-Präsidenten, von Milton Friedman, Karl Popper allen Drecksjuden des Universums - und dem Swiss Bundesrat samt Scholz und Bockbär???? 

Sie schreibe die Schrift-Scheiss-Spraack die die Kritiker lieben - Nichts sagen und viele Weiber MeToo Gefühle und Befindlichkeiten ohne Sinn und Zweck. 

Diese Sau soll verrecken. 


Und man erwähnt die früheren Gewinner des Dynamit-Preis-Bullshits: 

Fosse – Lappalien aus Norwegen - ohne Tiefe. 

Ernaux - Vögelt rund herum und mault über Männer. 

Glück - Scheisse von Lyrik ohne Begründung der Misere. 

Peter Handke: Der dümmste Literat aller Zeiten nach MRR. 

Bob Dylan: Glorreich seine Songs – aber ein Merkmal über die Blödheit des Komitees. 

Swetlana - Merkwürdige Gedichte zum Fortwerfen – Auslösung der Ukraine Kriege der Drecks-Nato-Juden. 

Alice Munro: Soll ihre Tochter vergewaltigt haben – man lacht sich zu Tode mit WOKE und Cancel-Scheisse von Geistesschwachen und Medien des Fake. 

Maria Vargus Loslassen: Diese Peru-Scheisse ist nach Trump und Reagan der dümmste Klotz nach Bockbär-Politiker und Selensky - aller Zeiten. 

Braucht es noch mehr Worte? 

Nun verreckt alle endlich! 

René Delavy – Côte de South Corea 

Oct. 2024 


Nobel Prize - Synonym for CHAOS

"Nobel Prize" - Synonym for a chaotic and insane Dynamite-World?
(All illusions about measuring reality)

We should start to think about the real value of the Nobel Prize. Is it as important and heroic as everyone guesses? Let's start an overall view on the history of the Dynamite Prize:

The founder of this prize, as everyone knows, heard on the name of "Nobel". This word as used in German language means something like "high-born, stylish, extravagant or expensive". This suits perfectly! And what did Nobel, this "High-born"? He gave the world the first mass destruction in form of Dynamite. This stuff was used and still is used, not only to dig tunnels in beautiful mountains, but also to blow up human bodies in the air. It was done so in two World Wars and still is done by state wars and its reaction, the individual counter-terrorism against these wars.

What a nice start of "une belle histoire"! N'est-ce pas? Unfortunately, this story does not improve with times. Cheap ideologies, together with poor Nobel-prized intellectual performances, created a cheap sense for reality in a Huxley-World. Based on this maxim, have a close look of who got this Prize in the last 60 years:

Yes, some nice persons with integrity got it. However, most of the winners got the Nobel Prize for utterly wrong reasons. Look at these arguments:

-           Many men and women got it that might have done more for the technological destruction of our platform of living than any other "average"-people - in view of helplessness for future generations in an out-powered world. They have apparently studied how to better the world, but the achievements of their minds were more of an explosive stuff than dynamite. What do planes or cars else but transform billions of tons of energy stuff into deadly gas and destroying therewith the climate of the planet, thus poisoning air and spoiling water and grounds? And this goes for most of the technological matters ever invented.

-           Take the mathematical "geniuses". They have found theories for economics of growth that do nothing else but accelerate the destruction of future life on this planet. The higher the profits, the faster the production, the quicker the services, the greater the number of cars and planes, the higher the laws of feasibility… and we can watch a world were all mechanics of self destruction grow faster and faster. The point of no return has long time before passed by; so about the year 1975. Since those days, nothing can ever correct the terrifying mistakes made in development, these crazy brains of Nobel have helped to develop.

-           What about Economics? Let's face it. Most of these Prizes went to US-Americans. Why? Face the results: Based on neo-liberal ideas we noticed how huge US-firms became more and more powerful, whereas the poorest nations lost all their chances because these models of "increase in profit and shareholder value" were modelled to let flow money to those "who have" and make starve those "who have not". It's so easy. Such a theory cannot work, not in the USA, not in Russia after the loss of communism and not in China after the turn from socialism to neo-liberal US-capitalism. The towers of indebtedness will make crunch the world's stock exchanges, banks, insurances and all securities thinkable - in the long run.

-           And the Nobel Prize for Medicine? Sure, when I get in a hospital I hope to be cured by the medicaments created by some bright brains. But look at the other side: This help to human mankind made explode just one and only species, the Homo sapiens. We will be seven and may reach ten billion soon. At what price? Remember above points and look at another truth: A mass humanity, living with mass animals, produced Birds flue, AIDS and some other pandemics still to come. And the curse of other sicknesses like tuberculosis, malaria and many other were believed eclipsed forever. And now they are increasing fast again, because poverty, produced out of neo-liberalism and the craziness of models of feasibility, have more effects than often harmful or deadly achievements of many Nobel Prize-winners.

-           And the Nobel Prize for achievements in Literature? Look at this literature without prejudice. Isn't it recycling for the ten thousandth time the ever same feelings of humans? Love, hatred, murder, killing, fun and action and heaps of superficial scrap, considered to be the most important matter of human mankind? Forget it! Ideologies of putting every human matter in the midst of all interests - and setting at the same time our platform of living, the nature of our planet Earth, in the asshole, can no longer be tolerated. No philosopher or writer of the last hundred years saw the terrifying consequences of a living in an express train thundering soon into the wall down the valley, which I name in my books "End of human vanities and feasibilities". But all write beautiful stories about the adventure of human life, not imbedded in higher grounds of human reasoning. Where is the value of such scrap for the survival of all future generations of our children to come? 

-           But worst are the consequences were experienced with the Nobel Prize for Peace. What peace? The worst war profiteers, state criminals and torturers got the prize. For a little agreement that interrupted the crimes between hegemonics and weak minority nations or group of ethnics for a while, several politicians or generals got the prize and afterwards, these nations continued their crimes and everybody could see that the Nobel Committee has been laid in. The USA in Vietnam with three million civilians killed, they assisted Pinochet, Contra, Anti-Lumumba, Stroessner or Videla and his bunch of mad-gone patriots - and many other state terrorists and criminals in torturing to death their own youth, their own intelligensia, everywhere on this planet, in South and Central America, Africa, Asia - and they did not stop with that practice to this very day.

Persons like Kissinger, McNamara, McCarthy, Nixon, Kennedy, Bush and almost all Presidents of the United States were and are in fact the worst State criminals of the last 50 years. And they were candidates for the Nobel Prize and some other criminals got it finally. What about Israel? In spite of a Nobel Prize for peace granted many years ago, never ever any politician of Israel wanted same rights for Arabs and Palestinians and continued to build innumerable settlements in land not belonging them - and never ever were UN-resolutions for better human rights enforced by the United Nations or the USA during the last four decenniums. Where are here the excellent reasons for a Nobel Prize for "Peace"? Look out for them and conclude: The World has gone crazy!

Based on the foregoing reasoning, the Nobel Prize fulfilled never any promises. But it still leaves wrong tracks in over 90 percent of brains of human mankind. We should have Prizes for: Ethics, feasibility without growth, preventing deadly human behaviourism against our platform of living, the Earth, for the protection of nature, animals, climate, to the benefit of all future generations to come - by keeping air, water, grounds clean and leaving a few resources and energy stuffs to those who should have had a chance to live on after us, for ten thousands of years to come, in harmony with the fundamental laws of the planet. Exactly those topics should have been the reason for writing literature, developing philosophy and natural sciences, which would not create odd stories or helpless theories - which will prove by the end to have shortened history of our species. To conclude: our present criminal politics and economics will end up in terrible and harmful effects for our daily life, all systems may collapse, and at the same time we continue to believe in a cynical "Peace in the world". Ethical and normal thinking prize-winners could we have expected instead of cynics and feasibility-believers, would the species Homo sapiens not have gone crazy long time ago.

The "Best of all worlds"? Yes, an Orwell-Earth, a "beautiful and new" technological surveillance-world, where the fear from terrorists is greater than the one from hegemonic and crazy-gone governments, with their gigantesk potential of self-destruction. Survival and future of human mankind demands for a vital change in our systems, our logics and our style of living. Therefore, future prices of dynamite would weigh low any ideas increasing the limits of growth, luxury and feasibility - otherwise human mankind will soon have made its last prayer.

Rene Delavy
Author of "PLADESNIEKANT", "CHAOS" and "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction"   //