"Highest Accounting" - World Accounting Rules
Nestle - Apple - HSBC - China - are bankrupt!
All Balance Sheets, shares, State bonds, derivatives are over-valued by factor 10 to 1000 - the world has gone mad in values!
The Author
The only author to have written in several books and articles about "highest accounting" could only be some René Delavy.
This is fact since this person had not only audited any sort of conglomerates, banks, insurance, communal entities, but also been a consultant in taxation and organisation of companies all over the globe for 30 years.
Further, Delavy has written Books to falsify any theory of economics and philosophies ever written and he had proven, that all SYSTEMS given by humans must have led by the end to the destruction of humanity and our planet and the time frame would be from the year 2000 to 2099, when in total about 25 billion of folks will die from the collapse in matters of finance, economics, resources, pops explosion, paranoia and stupidity of VIPs and masses, missing water, nourishment getting out, climate and weather collapses and planet going to hell by very normal behaviourism of human Apes.
But now, go further into the matter of "highest accounting":
1. Family, Conglomerates, Nations are the same
In matters of accounting, the rules for making balance sheets, statement of earnings, cash flow etc. including the rules for bankruptcies are the same for:
- Families, little companies, conglomerates, banks too big to fail or nations
in other words, whatever in finance mechanics and evaluation is true for a father of family, is also true for the accounting of Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs and any nation like USA.
The difference is only the time, until the bankruptcy and death of a person or company or State is known and evident to everybody.
Further the difference is that small entities can be saved - big banks, conglomerates and nations however tear the rest of the globe down in a globalised trap and destruction for all times, once the figures come too high in gigantism.
2. Rules of Gigantism
Everybody knows, that technology and finance and mass production and using up all reserves in resources and energy would by the end kill the planet and humanity. This is the reason for the fact, that humanity required 2000 years after the Crook Jesus, to become so great in globalisation, deregulation, privatisation and neoliberalism, that there would be no chance ever, to avoid the total collapse of finances, leading to the rest of collapses to mention below.
It was natural, that under the dictate of the Jews in finance and the rules of Karl Popper and Milton Friedman, the explosion of debt bombs and worse from thousands to millions to billions to trillions would end in a unsurmountable catastrophe by 2000, which was the case as predicted by Delavy. Since that time of no return, the development was to hide the craze by dirty tricks in politics and to increase the volume of destruction by the factor of 10.
3. Relation of Debts and Assets
One important Rule of "Highest Accounting" would be that debts mount so high that they would tumble to hell in very short time.
Now, the usual rule that we have "Soll- Haben" or "Debit - Credit", to say that so much of loss would create a profit in another way, is nuts. When debts, that are underlying to an interest spiral and being nominative, go down the drain, the assets, being "valued" in phantasy like shares, real estate, culture goods, raw material, State bonds, currencies etc. - all this does not react one-to-one, but in excess of the Debt "values".
In other words: When debts tumble, assets in a "value" for more or even 10 times higher than the debts themselves, are going lost for all times and provoke the complete disaster and shall end in matters of capitalistic theories. In other words, the whole world was going into bankruptcy within a very short time - perhaps around the year 2018.
4. The Crimes of Central Banks
When the Central Banks like Fed, ECB or any national bank became aware about the crimes of the finance Jews, they tried to react. Instead of killing all such Jews, bankers, idiots and criminals, they first followed the idiotic Theories of John Maynard Keynes and saved by trillions of Dollars, Euros, Yen etc. with the tax money of middle Class (rich VIPs, conglomerates and banks don't pay their taxes) all rotten banks, insurance business, investment funds, pension funds, hedge funds and other criminal shit, created by the Jews, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, WEF Schwab, all Goldman Sachses and other Jews of the globe.
The result first was, to make explode the indebtedness of all States on Earth to the extent, no one, not even God or Allah could save such nations from bankruptcy.
Worse was the fact, that all nations tried the trick to come out of the dilemma and they did it either
- by AUSTERITY - effecting that all BIP of States would fall to hell - or
- by GROWTH - not only making the debts to explode, but the whole planet be destroyed after such dirty programs -
But not recognizing the simplest facts about accounting, the central banks started to issue trillions in worthless capital and cash and bonds to the profit of Jews and bankers and to the charge of ordinary folks. Thus the debt bomb further exploded in USA, Europe, China, Japan and else and the result would be the end of belief into Cash and the tumbling of all Currencies of the Globe to hell - and this would be the end of Capitalism, after the normal end of communism before.
5. The Jews of Wall Street
Hitler killed some 6 millions of Jews but could not prevent the Jews of being the great Kings in U.S. and Israeli politics.
Whereas the Jews in Middle East reached the effects of the hatred and terrorism in Islam, Arab and Magreb area and creating in fact the fine U.S. 9-11 disaster in New York and the U.S. wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria, we have another fact in the USA itself:
Under lead of Popper, Friedman, Greenspan, Chicago School, Shock Doctrine and stupidity of the Evangelicans of Tea Party and rotten Presidents JFK, Nixon, Bush, Reagan, Clinton, Obama, the Jews around WEF in Davos and AIPAC could take over the mastering of politics in USA and so become the force to kill all socialists by torturing youth to death in Chile, Argentina and 50 other States on our Globe.
But worst was the creation of Hedge funds, investment banks, rating offices, derivatives, future, options, ABS, CDO and CDS in trillions of dirty Dollars and spread that deadly system over Russia, Europe, England, China, India and with help of IMF over Africa with the effect, that today in 2014, all States and banks are virtually bankrupt and shall be without any values or means by about 2018.
6. Crash of Capitalism
The Crash of capitalism is less the work and effect of criminal Jews, stupid Americans and tax-free VIPs helped by Switzerland and other 50 Tax Paradises, producing in fact the deficit spending of States down to death, but the logical result of rotten theories of Milton Friedman and all theorists since Adam Smith, as proven in my book "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung", written about 1995 to 2000.
It is a fact that never our money world, basing on currencies, could end otherwise than to make the CROOKS very rich and the masses very poor.
More is that the oligarchs were given for free all resources of the globe like metal, coal, oil, gas, seldom earth to produce their tax-free business to the detriment of the masses - all covered up by democrazy of blind mice under dictate of the upper Class - and then there would implode Japan, China, Russia, India, USA and Europe for all times to come.
We can ask if a world without Cash, criminal Las Vegas stock exchanges, open frontiers and worthless currencies and useless States would have had a better chance. My feeling is, that science and politics and craziness of VIPs and masses would have led to the end of humanity by all means, there never was another option - but Finance helped, to accelerate the whole process of self-destruction by "Power times Stupidity".
7. Relation of Finance to Economics to Culture to Ecology
In fact, as written in my oeuvre, there was no importance, if humans would be killed either by finances or by economics, cultures of death, science, technology, stupidity in sick brains in a huge and endless collapse of all ecologic mechanics.
When water and lands are sold against cash to those having less and less means to afford survival, it was clear that the accumulation of dirty NGOs or Congresses of the fools of WEF Idiots by millions, would lead to hell in any case.
The rule is - out of accounting: One brain with geniality weighs 1000 times the value of any idiotic CONGRESS of stupid NGO cows and penisses, pretending to save the animals, nature, justice, cash, human rights and take what you want, as ALIBI idiots under control of the normal mafia of Jews, bankers, oligarchs and members of parliament - worldwide.
In a world where any child of 5 years had already gone nuts completely and striving for cash and glory and sports and idiocies in the internet and computers, any chance of survival of the fittest, being in fact the highest Crooks and Skunks of given Systems, became a MYTH.
8. The Craze of Politics and Science
The Role of politics since ever was never to handle with care the interests of the poor or the masses, but to be re-elected to maintain the power in the hands of crooks, money-makers, greedy Jews and crazy scientists and stealers of the free goods of a planet, and when the price for humanity would lead to destroy all lands and oceans of a globe and build mega-towns that tumble to hell from 2000 to 2099 , the "fittest", to say the Jews and bankers and politicians and media power idiots would be at the front of the very normal wave of self-destruction.
It was always a one-way-street to use up for Cash and the easy life of the rich class, not paying taxes, on cost of what the planet Earth would offer just once and then the world would be dying for all times, on cost of the 99 per cent, being killed first.
But worse was, that by the end even natural matters like water, air, climate, weather, land, forests, oceans and grounds were destroyed on purpose and in the meantime having a culture of literature, of philosophy, of arts and music, being said to be the heavenly result of human creationism, when in fact it was only there to hide the truth, some sort of accompany and easy tones to make believe the rotten masses, that all infrastructures would not be tumbling to hell, when finance and wars and torture by the privileged idiots could go on and on and on and on....
9. The End of Humanity
The end of humanity was not the result of a plan of a genius, of some God, of some theorists in economics, of philosophies of idiotic swines or the criminal leaders of religions like catholic pederasts, Islam sharia terrorists, Evangelican Shit in Tea Party Americans or any other ESOTERIC stupidity.
The end of humanity was the very normal process leading to "highest accounting", death of capitalism, pops explosion, running stupidity in science, education, literature, arts and politics.
This sort of Species, called Homo sapiens, when they wanted to know NOTHING and always just were eager Swines -- well, such a history of stupid animals, where always the Masters in lowest ethics and justice would win the power over the masses to be so dull, they would believe any LIE of the great monsters in a dictatorship of dull majorities -
- how the hell our world would not tumble over the ABYSS before 2099?
And now go to hell - and please - never come back.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on Feber 22, 2014