TAX FRAUD KLAGE - an Gerichte der Welt

The Rich Class of the World paid on 100 trillion Dollar of CAPITAL GAINS never any INCOME TAXES!  - Same about TAX FRAUD of all Conglomerates and Banks of the globe!

see - Switzerland and Biden Delaware - etc.


Charge also to WTO / OECD / IRS Washington, White House - etc.  

EGMR   Human Rights Tribunal

Allée des Droits de l'Homme

67000 Strasbourg - France


ANKLAGE gegen die Schweiz wegen internationalem Steuerbetrug

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

Auf der Grundlage der beiliegenden Beweise erhebe ich Anklage gegen die Schweiz

im Betrag von Euro 5 Billionen (trillion) --- (Zeitraum 1960 bis heute) 

Es ist erwiesen, dass auf der kriminellen Wirkung der Schweizer Steuergesetze und des Bankenwesens der Schweiz den Staaten ein Schaden durch Steuerentzug in der Höhe von mindestens 5 Billionen Euro entstanden ist.

Dieser Schaden an über 150 Nationen muss ausgeglichen werden aus Gründen der Menschenrechte, insbesondere der Schaden der entstanden ist durch die Nicht-Besteuerung der Milliardäre und der Konzerne - zum Schaden der anderen Steuerzahler und der Überschuldung aller Nationen.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Realer Name von René Delavy --- (nach Hausdurchsuchung, Konfiskation Computer, Busse 15'000 Euro)


not willing to act against Tax Fraud Crooks!!!

It is clear that the Tax Laws made by the “Big 4” (PWC – EY – KPMG – Deloitte) minimize tax charges for the Rich Class and conglomerates and raw material companies etc.  - and maximize tax charges for the masses of middle class and the poor. 

Therefore, all governments and parliaments must be atomized now. 

In the same circus as Switzerland are: 

- Delaware Biden - Jew Wall Street – City of London – Hong Kong – Caribbean - Singapore etc. etc. 

It is quite clear that all such criminals including Nigger Obama having saved such Jews 2009 and Trump as the lowest character on the globe, must be eliminated by Putin and Jinping – soon.  


Responsible for these trillion crimes are the Federal Council of Berne and the Federal Court in Lausanne.

The Rich Class became rich by trillions of Dollars on tax free capital gains, and so Bezos for 100 billion and also Bill Gates. And the Swiss Criminals Blocher and Ebner were income tax-free on 10 billion Dollars. To say, BY LAW those gains are taxfree, PROVES, to what extent the TAX LAWS are made alone in favour of the Rich and totally  against  the Poor.

All courts and lawyers, tax and other laws, processes, procedures, governments, court cases and indictments are only in our world, to PREVENT that the VIPs, the Rich Class and all big banks and companies can EVER be sent in jail or murdered for their incredibly highest Crook crimes. On the other hand, ordinary people can be killed for no reason at all, since the 99 percent are still the slaves of the High Class of Crooks since 3000 years.

Therefore, the ELITE must be murdered soon-


Perpetrators for international Tax Fraud:

Switzerland as example:

- Swiss Councel in Berne, Swiss Court in Lausanne, WEF in Davos, all hundreds of banks in Switzerland, all cantons with special laws for foreign companies, the "BIG 6" of Tax Fraud, thousands of lawyers and tax experts, hundred thousand of foreign companies, one Milion of rich folks having their accounts or fortunes or domicile in Switzerland and administering all fortune here and adding 1000 tax tricks in favour of conglomerates and billionaires, realized capital gains not taxed - etc. etc. - Damage 5000 billion Dollars since 1960 to today.

Meine Antwort auf die Reaktion von EGMR:

Durch die Art wie meine Klage verunmöglicht wird infolge der von Euch verlangten Prozedere beweist, dass das Europäische Gericht für Menschenrechte an der Klage nicht interessiert ist.

Damit ist erwiesen, dass zu Gunsten von einigen Zehntausenden von reichen und mächtigen Verbrechern und zum Schaden von Milliarden von ärmeren Menschen, diese TAX FRAUD PRAKTIKEN aufrechterhalten werden sollen.

Diese Tatsache soll historisch in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen und die Art der Bevorzugung der reichen und mächtigen Klasse durch alle Gerichte der Welt festhalten.

Mehr war niemals zu erwarten von EGMR. 

Die 99 Prozente werden diese Richter einzeln an die Wand stellen und erschiessen!



Das Europäische Gericht für Menschen-Unrechte ist der dreckigste Gerichtshof der Welt. Einige Alibi-Angeklagten aus Afrika und dann 99 Prozente der Halunken der Reichsten und Mächtigen auf ewig straffrei halten und die Klageprozedere dermassen kompliziert halten, dass die Massen der Elenden niemals zu ihrem Recht kommen könnten.


Wie die Trump Administration tut diese Affen-ORG nichts für die Arbeiter und alles für die steuerfreien Reichen, die Judenbanker, die korrupten Regierungen und die Populisten, ohne sich bewusst zu werden, dass sie ein Verbrechersyndikat sind.


Diese Handelsidiotie fördert nur das tödliche Wachstum einer korrupten Bande des "Deep State" und macht alles um die Elenden und Arbeiter der Welt zu schädigen.


Diese US Behörde zugunsten von Trump-Korrupten tun alles, um den Mittelstand und die Armen ausbluten zu lassen und jene zu verfolgen, die von den "BIG 6", den Steueroasen und 1000 Steuertricks der Reichsten niemals profitieren können.

Supreme Courts

Sie sind wie die Supreme Courts (siehe diesen Text) einfach Betrügerbanden der Mächtigen, die niemals einen Richter sehen für ihre Verbrechen und der Vernichtung unseres Planeten seit 50 Jahren, mit dem Resultat, dass in 100 Jahren alle TOT sein werden, die glaubten ein Recht auf Leben und garantierte Rechte und ausgleichende Gerechtigkeit zu haben.

Not paying taxes worldwide

Switzerland takes care that 115'079 Companies don't pay their taxes worldwide - and 339'661 Foreigners possessing more than 5 million Dollar do the same criminal act. 

Damage since 1960: 5000 billion Dollars taxes not paid outside Switzerland!

Worldwide Principle and FACT: 

The corrupt elites and the paranoid masses believe in values of States, banks, papers and money and crypto bullshit that are fully lost for all times. 

The principle is that all central banks issue trillions of money to uphold such Junk being overstated or even zero (see below) and FACT is that the religon and believe in Money and Papers and figures in computers make it, how in reality the effective bankruptcy of the whole finance world is not yet evident, before the global CRASH comes and destroyes all inexitent fortunes in 200 countries. 

2021 all States, banks, insurances, conglomerates, masses are bankrupt, since figures in computers are without any value. All is just belief - such as the existence of a God, Jesus or some rich Trump.

Drecksjuden-Sau Jonas Projer 

Dieser Allah-verfluchte Jude mit Namen NZZ und WEF Schwab Jonas Projer weiss seit 30 Jahren um die Verbrechen des Swiss Tax Systems im Rahmen von 5 Billionen Dollar zu Lasten aller Länder der Welt. 

Er half wie die «BIG 6» (pwc, EY, Deloitte, KPMG, Accenture, McKinsey) und 10000 Anwälten und Treuhänder und der Bundesrat und die Bundesrichter und alle WEF Teilnehmer über die Tatsache, dass die Rich Class seit 1960 auf gigantischen Kapitalgewinnen niemals Steuern leisten. 

Per Gesetz oder die Geheimhaltung bei der Vermögensverwaltung von Banken oder mittels Domizilen in der Schweiz oder Briefkasten in 50 Steueroasen bezahlt die Rich Class beinahe keine Steuern. 

Die Drecksjuden-Konzerne bezahlen auf 90 Prozenten ihrer Weltgewinne dank der Schweiz und anderen Juden keine Steuern. 

Dafür musss diese Drecksau von Projer mit den gottverfluchten Beamten und Polizisten und Richter der Schweiz nach Auschwitz ins GAS, wie eine Million Juden, die vergast wurden von der Schweiz, weil sie das Hitler Regime als Bank und Rohstofflieferant um ein Jahr verlängerten und Hunderttausende von Juden zurück ins Heilige Reich der DDR Angela Merkel stiessen. 

Noch Fragen – saudumme und verlogene Arschlöcher? 

Steuerdrecksloch Schweiz – ZUG – St. Gallen 

Keiner Sau in der SVP Swissness Völkische Plödheit ist bekannt, wie die Schweiz dafür sorgt, dass die Ausländer (auch Migranten) und die internationalen Companies, die Reichen und die Armen ihre Steuern bezahlen per TAX FRAUD. 

Hier nur einige Beispiele: 

- Bundesrat Blocher wohnhaft in Bad Ragaz, machte mit Ebner und ohne ihn mit Hilfe auch von Steueroasen steuerfreie Kapitalgewinne von total 10 Milliarden Profite und bezahlte NIE Einkommenssteuern drauffi. 

- Elon Musk wohnt in St. Gallen und hat 100 Milliarden Kapitalgewinne gescheffelt und null Steuern geleistet. Aber seine TESLA und seine Mars Raketen Factory sind pleite und kein Mensch will diese Blase sehen. 

- 65'969 Gesellschaften mit ausländischer Beherrschung sind in der Schweiz und bezahlen auf Auslandprofiten (95 Prozent ihrer Totalprofite) keine Steuern und in ZUG auf dem Inlandprofit CH einen Viertel der üblichen 20 Prozent Ertragsteuern. 

- Millionen von Idioten der Rich Class haben ihr Vermögen auf Swiss Banks oder Hedge Funds oder in Vaduz Stiftungen und bezahlen darauf null Steuern (hinter Finanzschleiern) weltweit. 

- Alle Drecksreichen des Silicon Valley und der Schweiz wohnen in Steueroasen wie Zug, Wollerau und speziellen Orten der USA, wo per Gesetz praktisch keine Steuern erhoben werden, während die Massen geschröpft werden bis aufs Blut – Arschlöcher von Regierungen weltweit. Ebner erzwang Steuern in Wilen von 10 Prozent statt 30 Prozent – dies ist korrupter als TRUMP. 

- Der Mittelstand und die Armen haben riesige Beträge für Krankenkasse, Arztkosten, Zahnarzt etc. und können CHF 2900 an den Einkommen abziehen, während die Reichen mittels der «BIG 4» des Accountings (PwC, EY, KPMG, Deloitte und Mc Kinsey etc.) praktisch alle ihre Profite zum Verschwinden bringen mittels Finanzgesellschaften in Steueroasen. Auch riesige Bankboni (höher als die Dividenden an Aktionäre) sind steuerfrei mit Beschiss. 

- Der Staat zwingt alle Alten, riesige künstliche Eigenmieten als Ertrag auf EFH und Apartments zu versteuern als Einkommen, auch wenn diese Alten ein Negativeinkommen von 35'000 Franken pro Jahr haben. Dies ist Staatsbetrug zu Gunsten der Rich Class und korrupte Beschädigung zum Schaden der Mittelklasse und der Armen. 

Zudem verpulfern diese Idioten ihre Steuereinnahmen an die Juden mit ihren Blasen in Banken und Börsen und wertlosen Wertpapieren und die Waffen für die Ukraine und kürzen immer mehr die Sozialleistungen an die Armen, die in Autos schlafen und nie einen Arzt sehen, weil sie die Prämien gar nicht bezahlen können, nachdem sie von jüdischen neoliberalen Konzernen entlassen worden sind, 20 Jahre vor dem Rentenbezug. 

Alle Staaten und Banken und Konzerne sind pleite seit Jahren wegen der Billionen Dollar an ungedeckten Schulden und Billionen von wertlosen Blasen-Aktiven, d.h. absolut wertlose Gelder, Wertpapiere, Bitcoins und anderer Scheiss und bald auch der unverkäuflichen Immobilien weltweit. Der totale RUIN steht vor der Tür.

Dies ist nur die Spitze des Eisberges der korrupten 7 Zwerge in Bern, dem WEF in Davos, den Dreckstypen in Lausanne und Berner Parlament und on BIDEN-Delaware und Hillary Clinton, die Sister von Thatcher – aber dies alles ist IHNEN sicherlich zu hoch. 

Zudem erlauben die Schwizer per Gesetz, dass alle Rohstofffirmen praktisch keine Steuern leisten weltweit und denn klauen sie den Russen alle ihre Vermögen in der Schweiz und hoffen, dass die Araber und Amis und Franzen nicht merken, dass jederzeit ihnen dasselbe Schicksal blühen könnte – nachdem die Schwiez bereits allen Juden des Holocausts ihre Vermögen als Boni, steuerfrei, an ihre Topleute aller Banken und 7 Zwerge verschenkt hatten nach 1945. 

Also, schlimmer als die blöde Schweiz sind nur noch die USA, Israel, City of London, Delaware und der Teufel in seinem andren Dreckloch - jenseits des Paradieses Gottes. 

Renée Delavie – Côte de WEF Davos in ZUG 

written in March 2023

G-7 Gaunerei - June 2021

Es ist ein Skandal, wie die USA, die EU und der Rest die ehrlicher Steuerzahler-Massen bescheissen:

Die Mindeststeuer von 15 Prozent auf Gewinnen der Weltkonzerne ist ein Bluff. Diese Judenfirmen werden weiterhin bescheissen und ohnehin sind 15 Prozente ein Witz. Diese Tricks führen zu nichts.

Ich hatte gelernt an der UNI: Accountants erschaffen ein INTERNATIONAL TAX SCHEME  and any country gets of real INCOME some 35 percent of taxes. And all "Mixed Companies" at ZUG still pay only 25 percent of normal low tax rates in Switzerland and such dirty shit still govern all big criminal enterprises worldwide.



Beilage 1:

Legal TAX FRAUD - Switzerland

Politics of TAX FRAUD

Big 4 - OECD - IRS - EU Commission and Switzerland and 50 tax oasis

All 25 cantons of Switzerland have tax laws to excempt Non-Swiss companies from high taxation on a worldwide basis- same goes for non-Swiss millionaires. In additon, the Rich Class does not pay taxes worldwide on  CAPITAL GAINS - ON TRILLION DOLLARS OF PROFITS!

Tax profit alloction: It is taught in all universities that conglomerates should pay 30 percent income taxes in 200 nations according to allocation of REAL profits. Instead with crime of Switzerland and 50 other Tax Oasis, such cripples pay almost ZERO taxes to States! So indebtedness of nations was increased by at least 20 trillion Dollars in the past.

Perpetrators for international Tax Fraud:

Switzerland as example:

- Swiss Councel in Berne, Swiss Court in Lausanne, WEF in Davos, all hundreds of banks in Switzerland, all cantons with special laws for foreign companies, the "BIG 6" of Tax Fraud, thousands of lawyers and tax experts, hundred thousand of foreign companies, one Milion of rich folks having their accounts or fortunes or domicile in Switzerland and administering all fortune here and adding 1000 tax tricks in favour of conglomerates and billionaires, realized capital gains not taxed - etc. etc. - Damage 5000 billion Dollars since 1960 to today.

In 200 nations, on wide over 100 trillion Dollar - rich class und conglomerates didn't pay TAXES since 1975!!

90 percent of Profits of conglomerates and CAPITAL GAINS of billionaires are not taxed, basing on tax evasion tricks in crook laws - but the masses are tortured for any dime not declared!

In the course of history, the Rich Class realized 100 trillion Dollar (100'000 billion) capital gains on shares and never paid taxes thereon worldwide, since those profits are not taxed in any country.

Alone in Switzerland, ten thousands of companies and millionaires did not pay income taxes worldwide with help of Swiss tax laws and Swiss bankers.
And companies should pay fortune taxes on stock exchange values, instead of crooked equity values of their rotten balance sheets. 

Jews and Non-Jews of the Rich Class and "Deep State" steal all Silicon Valley Junk, our money by banks, all raw material and oil of the globe, being oligarchs or owner of Shares - never taxed by trillions of Dollars, since all laws of the Junk of politicians prevent the taxation of capital gains.

Should those skunks not give back those trillions to the lowest 20 percent, the 99 percent will massacre all those billionaires, Jews and politicians and brain-sick elite gangsters - soon.

TV 3Sat brought a documentation about all tax and audit criminal acts of the "BIG 6". Not one Newspaper of Springer, Spiegel, FAZ, NZZ and other 100 media mentioned just one word about the crimes - done in favour of the Rich Class and ALL Banks and Conglomerates of the Globe!!

Note how the billionaires of USA or of the 9 top government idiots of China never paid any taxes on 200 trillion Dollars from 1960 to today - on realized and unrealized capital gains. The reason is the impossibility of States to return taxes on losses.

But how with companies world-wide, not taxed by trillions of Dollars by dirty tricks of the "BIG 6", losses could be ported forward against future gains and never force nations for repayments. This would be justified in view of treatment of middle class and poor, who are taxed like HELL - worldwide!! 

Therefore: All bankers, Jews, media crooks and politicians must be eliminated soon.

OECD knows well that any tax agreement with Switzerland is not worth the paper of the contract:


This is only just one of the major problems of neoliberalism, but one of the most effective:

- Top CEO - Top "Big 6" (pwc, EY, KPMG, Deloitte, Accenture, McKinsey) and top Jew Bankers and WEF participants should be arrested and tortured publically to death.

Only by this method, the followers of top cracks will make clear to solve such problems:

1. All conglomerates of the globe take advantage of tax heavens and by 1000 accounting and tax tricks, they would only pay Taxes on 5 percent of worldwide profits.

2. Same for all billionaires of the globe. They would not even pay taxes on private capital gains, realized and unrealized, on billions making their fortune of these privileged criminals - making one per mille of World POPS. This lasted from 1960 until today.

Now it's too late: In view of the coming finance CRASH, billionaires and conglomerates will see losses only in future - during the time all nations drop to bankruptcy forever - most probably before 2025...

3. About 50 nations are short before bankruptcy because of immense debts and not getting taxes of the rich class - nations such as Japan, USA, China, Italy, Spain and most other lands, where the official State Debts are not truly shown and the debts of banks, conglomerates and uncovered mortgages are never shown by shadow banks and banks too big to fail.

To prevent the complete CRASH of World Finances any moment, drastic measures should be implemented - NOW.

Read my text about worldwide TAX FRAUD, with help of 50 tax oasis and 1000 accounting and tax tricks...


Worthless are today: All shares, all State bonds, all ABS, CDO, CDS, all Crypto-Bullshit, all conglomerates, all banks, all nations by trillions of Euro or Dollar.

Bankrupt are today therefore: All nations, all rent systems, all banks, all central banks, all insurance and re-insurance, the whole system of finances - in 200 nations!

1. Switzerland will NOT inform about criminal and illegal Tax Fraud they find, but deliver some indicatives of minor cases - as usual. The big matters will be hided to the disadvantage of all countries - USA and Europe and else.

2. But the major thing is, that 90 per cent of Tax Fraud and Evasion in Switzerland is based on LEGAL contracts with persons, companies, banks in the international field.

3. The huge Companies in Zug and Zurich and Geneva and else only show 10 per cent of international true Profits, the rest goes by constructions built by accounting firms in areas of zero to very low taxation. Plus some Privileges of tax-free time during starting years of profit generation. 

It's known by Swiss, U.S., English and any Government of the Globe-  inclusive Tax Justice, OECD and IRS and Big 4 (PWC, KPMG, EY, Deloitte, Accenture, McKinsey) and all Accounting Firms and Tax Lawyers of the whole Globe.

A so-called "Mixed Company" at Zug or any other town in Switzerland or Tax oasis, pay no taxes on 90 percent of world profits of conglomerates. On the rest, in Zug such companies pay only 4 percent income tax (25 percent of normal cantonal taxes!!)

4. In Switzerland, rich folks pay almost no taxes due to tax competition, capital gains and heritages not taxed, very low tax on dividends and special agreements of tax-freedom (example Glencore) over many years.

5. As in all nations, only Middle Class and Poor are forced to pay all taxes, without privileges, places and towns with high tax rates and overall controls on any sorts of income and fortune. The Rich Class did all to prevent high taxes with help of 50 Tax Oasis and international Tax Competition.

6. All deals in real estate were done by the Rich Class - worldwide - to great part with help of BLACK MONEY, to prevent high taxes on criminal affairs.

The whole is a Bluff of OECD, IRS, EU Commission and the Tax Paradises like Switzerland.



Insider Report - IRS / EU -

Damage 200 Bio. Dollars (U.S. Trillions) from 1960 to 2018 


TAX FRAUD - Switzerland together with other Tax Paradises

Switzerland and other Tax Paradises abzocking the World -

There is no such thing, as LEGAL tax laws not being a crime, in favour of the rich Class, against the interests of Middle Class and the Poor. 

All legal and illegal Tax Fraud methods of Switzerland and else, are made to discharge the rich idiots by help of lawyers, accounting firms and tax experts. Finally, the average of folks are controlled to 100 per cent for income and pay ALL taxes, whereas the rich conglomerates, bankers, VIPs live free of charge and therefore are responsible for the trillion deficits of State USA, Europa, Japan etc. -

Stop the Crooks, or the 99 per cents will massacre these idiots in IRS, EU Commission, tax justice and Swiss 7 Dwarfs of Berne and of the tax authorities, handling with agreements in favour of the rich Class alone. This is the greatest injustice thinkable in this rotten world.

And now we go into the DETAILS:

Switzerland makes a distinction between "Steuerhinterziehung" (Tax EVASION) und "Steuerbetrug" (Tax FALSIFICATION).

The first is a worldwide CRIME but according to Swiss laws absolutely legal inside the Swiss borders - but the second, falsification, is meant to be the one real crime. In the rest of EU and most other Countries in the world, BOTH are a crime and there is no difference between evasion and falsification. And now, Switzerland, with its bank secrecy law and tax paradise mechanics, makes a terrible fuss about this matter of legacy, which is perfect Swiss 7 Dwarfs-style...

Now, I prove here that something like "Steuer-Hinterziehung" (tax evasion) does not exist at all in Switzerland. All together is just TAX FRAUD of criminals, wanted and dictated by all Governments of the Globe:

But first let's explain the nature of both expressions:

- Steuer-HINTERZIEHUNG: Deviation of taxes in disfavour of the nation, of the other folks, of middle class and poor - by the richest Chaps in all countries in the world.

- Steuer-BETRUG: Deviation of taxes, exactly like above, but on the basis of "falsified" documents, bookkeeping, annual accounts, methods, contracts and other matters, that could leave behind a TRACE in form of writing and signatures.


This is to say that in my view, the more cunning method is legal in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco and other Tax Paradises in our world ---- but the so-called criminal Tax-Swindle by DOCUMENTS is somehow honest, because we have a trace and have a chance to prove the criminal deed some time in future.

Now let's learn, what kind of methods are used in order to justify "Steuerbetrug" where Switzerland can only recognize some sort of nicest gentlemen's offence, called in this land: "Steuerhinterziehung".

1. An outside Swiss owned company (Holding, mixed-company, licence or manager fee device etc.) in Switzerland, owned by shareholders or other perpetrator's of any nature, coming from Germany, France, England, USA, Russia or any other nation in the world, if established in Zug, Schwyz, Obwalden, Vaud, Zurich, Geneva and a lots of other local tax-paradises inside Switzerland is, according to Swiss bankers views ----- nothing but Steuer-Hinterziehung!

So a complete set of an established Company, with entries in trade registers, with bookkeeping, with annual statements and a lot of bankers, lawyers, auditors taking care of that curious thing ---- has nothing to do with falsified DOCUMENTS!!! My God, what else?

2. A Michael Schumacher or any other of thousands of Crooks, earning abroad millions or billions of cash, pay here in Switzerland on the basis of taxes on "Household costs" instead of real income, pay here perhaps less than one tenth of what would be payable in Germany, Italy, Spain, South Africa, China, India, Australia - in fact all lands of our Globe.

And this is (in Switzerland) NOT "Steuer-BETRUG", but only a legalized deviation of taxes!!! What a nice tricky Nixon matter we have here! EU Commission can't be so blind not to see the false scheme.

3. Thousands of financing companies for tax stealing, established by banks and their lawyers, Stiftungen and Anstalten in Liechtenstein, funds in Monaco, Singapore, Hong Kong, Cayman Islands, Bahamas and some other 50 tax paradises worldwide, funds being on Swiss banks, are NOT "Steuerbetrug"? Great!

4. I have seen thousands of vehicles for tax evasion, not only in Switzerland, but also in England, USA, Canada, all lands in Africa, South America and Asia, all being nothing else but very complex and sophisticated instruments to take profits from normal companies away and to have it administrated free of tax. And the whole system is covered by all Parliaments and Governments of the world, who are made by the richest Chaps in Industry, Financing, Consulting, Service Business, Oil and Gas, Armaments, Doping - in short, any market activity you could think of.

5. Another dirty Nixon-Trick would be: Lowering all taxes in Switzerland or elsewhere and to keep them on same low level for Swiss and EU-income. EU officials said, this could be an escape from present cheating situation of the Swiss Abzockers. What a shame! This would simply mean, further discharging the richest Skunks of richness, and socializing the heavy tax charges to middle-class and poor, by asking for more money from them by other ways (value-added tax, lower social help, less participation in health care etc. etc.). This was done in Germany, France, England, USA - in fact in almost all nations, which protected the rich scrap and let pay the poor for those criminals' deeds.


We have to learn from the above matter, that some Mafia-systems, in thousands of presentations, are not outside jobs of a few nice guys in Sicily or Chicago. It is the usual, worldwide valid Friedman style of capitalism, as installed in any land, with their oligarchic constructions - of which the Russian one is only the most visible and stupid one, since artificially created by Yeltsin-Putin with help of U.S. Chicago Boys.

It is about time that all Middle Class and Poor, paying all charges for countries to be working in infrastructure, old age insurance, health care, agriculture, education, water and electricity, trains and mailing systems, in short all activities in favour of social life and to secure the future generations, that all these over 95 percent of folks wake up and send all parliaments and governments, based on a worldwide Shock Super-Capitalism, in the desert.

We have now a downfall of all stock exchanges, banks, financial devices, established during decenniums by Abzockers in all those companies and institutions, and now they cry, after taken all the profit for years from the ordinary folks, for FED and national banks to cover the losses, the richest chaps have taken away, tax-free for most part of these unjustified profits.

And again the Middle class and Poor don't understand that they are financing with their savings and old age money the tricky mafia billions deals of the richest Junk-VIP of this world who have been covered by most Chiefs of State, ministers, officials in their NGOs with well-known names like Worldbank, IMF, FED, WEF of Davos, 7 Dwarfs in Berne, all right-wing parliaments and governments, worshiping the principles of Milton Friedman, Friedrich von Hayek, Joseph Schumpeter, Karl Popper, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, GW Bush and all other arse-creepers.

They never took care for the savings and interests of their folks, otherwise we would today not be sitting on a time-bomb and be in a position to see going down the drain all Stock Exchanges, Banks and later on Insurances, Old age funds and finally bankrupt nations, one by one, of which USA and China will be ones of the first to tumble in the Orcus.

Still questions, dear friends? You do not deserve my comments. Since 30 years I write in my scripts that this would be the end of super cynical capitalism, and it needed the downfall of socialism in Russia, China, India and other places, the drying out of Africa and South and Central America and most of poor lands, before the rotted fruits came to light.

And now it is too late for corrections, unless the folks' fortune of Middle class and Poor is thrown in the wind for ever and ever….


Pushing Foreign Tax Fraud - by Swiss Tax Authorities


published in World News 2010

Not many people know that the Money on banks in Switzerland consists to wide over 80 percent out of tax-freed BLACK money from all Nations.

And this went from 1960 to this very day in 2010.

Not many people know that for tax planning, which is tax fraud in favour of foreign private persons and foreign companies, there are not only lawyers, accounting firms and tax consultants - but also all the official tax authorities in Switzerland:

- for Federal Tax - the main office is in Berne, Federal capital of Switzerland

- for Cantonal Tax - the 26 offices in the capital towns of Cantons

- for Communal Taxes - almost all about 1000 communes in Switzerland

And they do a good job. They consult the above lawyers and accounting firms, local and international, in all details how to prevent taxes in foreign countries.

The highest Crooks of Authorities are in Berne, Zurich, Geneva, Lugano, Zug and Vaduz in Liechtenstein.

The following instructions are given without any hesitation:

1. Private foreign Persons

How to get tax-free status on a so-called Pauschalabkommen (tax on household charges instead of income) in any place in Switzerland - where a Villa can be built near to Lake of Zurich, Lac Leman, Ticino Lake or Zuger Lake. They give the names of famous brokers in Real Estate.

For rich junk not living in Switzerland, it is said how to invest money in tax-free securities and other speculative matter, to maximize the profits of Swiss banks - and minimize at the same time the tax charges in Germany, France, Italy, England, USA etc.

The Swiss want to push the Source Tax construction (Abgeltungs-Steuer). This is a dirty trick, because Swiss authorities give hints to foreigners, how to go in outer source tax constructions, also with help of outside Swiss tax paradises - and this consulting is also done by banks, lawyers and accounting firms.

2. Conglomerates, Companies and Banks

Here, the Swiss tax fraud schemes exceed the volume of real Tax Fraud the amount for private advice by the factor of 10 - 10 times more.

Huge companies, Banks, Insurance, service companies etc. are advised how they can establish a Holding, a mixed-company, a domicile company, a finance company or management fee company.

For complex matters, Swiss authorities tell some hints on Anstalten or Stiftungen in Liechtenstein, Funds in Cayman Island and all other of the Caribbean, Jersey etc.

3. Other Items of Interest

Artificial banks and finance vehicles were created, plus artificial services and fees and other types, with aid or Hong Kong, Singapore or any other of the 100 tax paradises in the world.

The Swiss authorities could at any time correspond with U.S. authorities, or French or German or English or Chinese etc., to get sure the clients of Swiss banks are save not to pay taxes at home on REAL profits.

No questions being asked by IRS or any Tax Office in Berlin, Paris, London, Madrid, Rome or else - all was made on a incognito basis and the play was played by all offices, governments and parliaments of the world, until about 2007.

All this is true?

You don't to have to ask ME. I possess thousands of files confirming this State of Affairs - on clients, on lawyers and on tax authorities.

But before any Michael Schumacher or Jonny Hallyday comes to Switzerland, they have cleared all the details with Tax Authorities.

More: You could read in all Swiss Newspapers, whenever any Conglomerate or Bank decided to be established in Zurich, Zug, Geneva, Lugano or else - that they had carefully made agreements with tax authorities of Switzerland and towns. Read Swiss Newspapers!

My Blog gives all sophisticated details:

If you wish to know all details, go into my Blog and you will get all information on the proceedings of Swiss banks, lawyers, international accounting firms - and Swiss official Tax Authorities by reading the appropriate reports and letters.

One who should know: Roman Polanski - Gstaad ---- and all Shahs of Persia in St. Moritz and Vaud


Wirtschaftsverbrecher TAMEDIA - NZZ - WELTWOCHE - DRS - TV IDEE SHIT
(geschrieben an die Medien um das Jahr 2009)

Aufgrund meiner Kenntnisse der Abzockereien, Steuerbetrügereien aller Inland- und Auslandbanken in Zürich, Genf, Lugano und den Konzernen in Zug und Ausserschwyz habe ich die Medien der Schweiz über die gigantischen Steuerbetrügereien der Schweiz informiert bis in alle Details..

Nie haben diese Drecks-Redaktionen der Wirtschaft angemessen reagiert in ihren verlogenen Berichten von "Experten", sondern fahren fort mit ihren Lügen - es handle sich nicht um ein Billionen-System der Steuerbetruges am Ausland, sondern um Ausnahmen.

Dies die Fakten, die die Medien seit Jahren allesamt kennen:

1. Sämtliche Reichen der Welt müssen nicht angeworben werden in den USA, Frankreich, Deutschland etc. Es genügt sie kommen an die Bahnhofstrasse und können jeden Betrag überweisen, über Firmen, Banken, Steuerparadies-Konstruktionen, in die Schweiz zum Steuerbetrug von Schwarzen Vermögen und Einkommen.

2. Diese Reichen aus der Welt haben nicht ein Konto bei UBS oder CS, sondern gleich etwa 10 bis 20 Konten in Zürich, Vaduz, Genf, Delaware, Cayman Island, Singapore etc.

3. Die Betrügereien in Zug und anderen Steuerparadiesen in der Schweiz für Konzerne übertreffen die Betrügereien der Privaten um das Zehnfache bei den Konzernen aller Länder der Welt.

Es geht nicht an, dass ich hier alles wiederhole. Deshalb einer von etwa 20 Rapporten, die sowohl die Medien der Schweiz, wie auch Deutschland, Le Monde, NYT sowie die entsprechenden Stellen in IRS und EU erhalten haben.

So - und jetzt kann ja die Wirtschaftsabteilung von NZZ, Tages-Anzeiger, Weltwoche, Le Matin und anderer Dreck weiterhin so tun - als ob sie total unwissend und harmlos wären.

Unique Lesson in Accounting and Tax Swindles


published in World News

In the latest period, I have written about highest accepted crimes in our world, the accounting and tax fraud. Only little number of persons get advantages, but those count into trillions and will cause the financial breakdown of our capitalistic world, due to generalized economic swindles.

It is true that these crimes cost nations and tax-payers more than terrorism, war, drugs, commerce with women, prostitution, arms, dopes etc. together. Only very few experts on this globe know the extent of this worldwide crime, the famous disaster and plague in accounting and taxation, produced by greed of the richest, with help of their consultants, the world's best accountants, auditors, lawyers, bankers, trustees and tax experts in governments, offices, parliaments and private firms.

There are political and intellectual reasons for this shameful state of affairs.

A. "The Expert" as such, does not exist for these matters

It's easy: Either clever people know all about international laws, treaties, taxes, accounting, economics of nations, of companies and other small areas, but only in its narrow theoretical frames of Universities. Or they know in practice all about local laws, accounting of firms in one country, about local banking or insurances, local taxes, habits in the nearer area. Well, I don't think we should call such people "Experts".

There are no practitioners or experienced persons that know almost everything, worldwide, in theory and on the field. In fact, there is only one person who has these capacities: the writer of these lines. And even if another expert of practice would come near to my knowledge, he would never dare writing what he knows. For me, it was sheer coincidence to know all about all companies in the world - and to get overall sight by life-long learning, especially about theoretical knowledge in economics and other skills and capacities.

Further must be known: I can only write in very abbreviated manner, since such a topic would fill pages, even if writing about one swindle of accounting or taxation alone.

B. Tax and accounting Swindles, for example in Switzerland

To the detriment of EU and other countries, Switzerland uses the following tricks:

- In Accounting, costs may include kick backs, bribes, tips, "commissions", managing fees of what ever you may name. Until short, the Swiss tax laws explicitly mentioned those expenses as rightful cost of a company or bank. Those costs went in billions. In fact, not one big commercial affair was feasible with China, India, Russia and many countries in Asia, Africa and South America without such payments to ministers, chiefs of states, normal officers and all the rest. And this is not valid for Switzerland alone. It's a practice valid for all companies in the world.

- When kick backs and swindle money were no longer allowed by law, companies searched and found other expressions and ways to continue the practice. It is just the same as with doping in Sports. You will just change the tracks and the methods. Today the bribes have other names, go over financing companies under any topic you may name. But the system as such is not dead at all.

- In Taxation, Switzerland has many methods to steal the money from other EU countries: Very low taxes for holdings or mixed companies (outside Swiss income not taxed or only very low), agreements with VIP-crooks (like Schumacher or Hallyday) by cantons of Switzerland per thousands, degressive tariffs for the richest with local tax laws. These tax incomes go, in spite of the very low taxes, into billions.

- One of the Federal Councils of Switzerland mentioned recently that the percentage for the total of such crook-taxes is very high and that the Swiss finance system would collapse when no longer cheating the rest of Europe. So he and the other 6 Dwarfs in Berne alarmed population, not to accept such political initiatives for justice in this land.

- In Banking, Switzerland is even a higher Crook. When preventing other European nations being allowed to look into the bank accounts of their own nationals in Switzerland, the Swiss agreed to have some sort of overall source tax on income for such foreign fortunes. But immediately after signing the agreement, Swiss bankers and their consultants found hundreds of tricks in outsourcing such fortunes in other tax-free areas in our bloody World in favour of the richest bunch of worldwide crooks.

C. The Swiss tricks for rich crooks are just the same as applied by all other countries as well

Well, Switzerland may be very tricky, somehow like Nixon, in doing what they do. It is just the same with Politics of GW Bush: He and his governments take the whole world for stupid with every word they say - and the whole world will publish that shit without understanding that they are constantly done in. And so, the most stupid frogs of the world, the U.S. folks, elect twice the greatest political idiot of our universe, worse than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Putin.

Well I know that you, dear reader, will misinterpret what I just have written, since it is too high for your brains, but coming back to economics, I can say, having seen all companies of the world in all countries as an expert, that these Swiss practices are the ones of almost any nation in the world and any big entity on Earth.

The crucial question is, how "normal" such procedures are: They are very normal in India, China, Russia, many lands in Africa and South America, a little bit less in the USA, France, Germany, England and other "civilized" countries. Error! It's only a question of sophistication! The Crooks in America are of the highest economic intelligence what make matter worse. They need legal agreements of 1200 pages to make the same as a negro in Africa with a hand-shake.

Now, dear Reader: Are you puzzled to an extent, not to believe what GAZETTE just wrote? It's easy: Intellectuals that do never understand what I write in my German books about matters that are high above such little and shitty topics as mentioned, will never grasp even the low food given here to eat. Intelligence is not buyable. You must earn and learn it. And it is one of the greatest fakes in our world - according to political correctness - that any person must be taken for serious. A person that cannot count, like the famous 99 percent "one plus one gives two", should not think about tax and accounting swindles. She or he should just be quiet - and go to dinner.

D. Why do Politicians and Theoreticians know nothing about anything?

Politicians want to know how to be re-elected next time. In fact, they are surrounded by "experts" that know absolutely nothing - like Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Rumsfeld, Rice, CIA, the Russian and Chinese Intelligence Services (CIA just gave a documentary in BBC and admitted that they knew absolutely nothing about the political crimes of USA of the last 50 years….). Other experts in Institutions, Universities, Think Tanks and other scrap, be it in Economics or Culture or Science, know just tiny little bits of a tiny little matter of the whole, and mostly, these ignorants get for such shit the Dynamite Prize sooner or later.

How, dear Reader, would you expect that such blind mice would save our Globe from tumbling down the orcus soon, in economics, ecology, politics, military, culture and all the rest? Forget it! The most stupid individuals on Earth govern our reality - and are shreddered through in the daily news, 24 hours a day, and you eat that shit without asking crucial questions, not once in your life.

Still having a question? I hope not. If you wish, I would, in one of my next letters, give more details about economic tricks in the accounting of the 100 biggest Companies in our world, banks, oil and gas, military commerce, cars, leasing, insurance, services, consulting, local and international organisations or NGOs. Wish to know everything on WEF, attac, WWF, Greenpeace, United Nations, World Bandits, IMFuck? You name it - and I will write a report of 10 pages on each of them.

Learn this: The people with lowest IQ and absolutely no morals and ethics are in governments, parliaments, big entities, international organisations. We are surrounded by big heads with an empty shell of brain. And you believe all what these crooks say, just because your shell is just as empty. Or not? The Echo on this report will show.

E. Why are these Swindles, when compared to true crimes, of absolutely no Importance?

Well, this title is somewhat misleading: Naturally this IS the greatest crime, in a capitalistic world of Friedman shock and awe, and it will lead to the downfall of civilisation. But I have to do as this would not be the case, otherwise "normal" folks in NGOs do not understand one sentence of this article.

I composed many letters about the forthcoming collapses in ecology, economics, politics and culture. Not one of them had any effect. Why? Because folks, inclusive the publishers, do not understand its contents. They believe to get a funny philosophy whereas they turn the page and say: "Well, just another opinion on how the mechanics on Earth and of Humanity are. But we want to get real food: Every day's scrap. We couldn't care less if humanity goes down the drain right now. But texts about swindles in economics are really interesting, since it is true: The damage is higher than all other damages in our world - in CASH!"

Dear Reader, you are living in such a world where the Cash-Casino is your life and all of importance, whereas the real reasons for being worried, having 1000 times more effect on the future of humanity, are regarded as "philosophy" of no interest.

Unless some intellectual crooks like Huntington, Fukuyama, Rorty, Levy, Finkielkraut, Glucksmann, Habermas, Agamben and some other minor small-brainers, mostly in right-wing U.S. Universities, pop up with secondary "sciences", all handling about human behaviourism, you may find the real fundamental stuff in intellect of minor interest and importance.

We will not be killed by accounting or tax swindles. We will be killed by our own blindness in philosophy, not having been able to recognized the laws of nature on this planet - and this is irrevocably the death sentence, within 50 or at highest 100 years from now, for today's "don't worry, be happy" Homo non-sapiens.


Appeared in World News:


The little gambling of Tax Fraud Oasis Systems

All participants in this Game in favour of the richest big Companies and VIPs on this planet took it for granted, as a natural Maxim, that this Crime in Trillions of value in favour of a Cash Elite, with the help of Luxemburg, Liechtenstein, Singapore, Hong Kong, Caribbean Islands, Panama, Jersey, Monaco, City of London, Wall Street and all the dirt of Capitalism, under the cooperation of finance experts, during 50 years, can go on - and the breaking down of the USA and EU would be ignored by ordinary folks, they would forget all about justified ethics when financing with taxes State costs alone, to the benefit of infrastructures of States since 1960 - when governments were leaving by free will the richest Tax Fraud people out of sight.

This was about the tenor of participants in the talks of ARENA, given on Swiss official TV Channel.

Little Games with Swiss Companies owned by foreign Shareholders - ignored by ARENA

The Swiss Experts did not see: The Swiss bank secrecy law is one of the highest crimes ever seen, because it works alone in favour of the richest 10 per mille of VIPs in our world, pretending this system would be in the interest of all common folks, the poorer ones paying all taxes decently with low salaries. In fact, the Swiss Alpine scenery served solely to attract one Third of world-wealth to Zurich and Geneva area - in order to prevent the highest VIP Class paying taxes on income, fortune, profit and capital - and to give the Swiss Elite the unique chance after WW II, of getting at least about 25 percent of the tax substance that was not paid in home-countries, the original lands where these untaxed profits were generated first.
But all this talking was higher Philosophy: It is true that all foreigners only placed untaxed money in Switzerland and other Tax Oasis (white money could stay at home anyway), but these discussed facts only count for a very little part of the great fraud, to the charge of tax substance and to the detriments of all other countries. Now, let's make transparent the facts and come to the major matters:

Look into Tax Paradises, their Holdings, finance and Swiss Mixed Companies

U.S. Senate and OECD and EU - listen: Not individuals count - It was the Holdings, the finance and mixed Companies - and above all, the world's Hedge Funds who since 1960 let flow Billions of Dollars in streams of turnover and profits into Switzerland (and other Tax Havens) - just with the aim to see profits out of normal business, into finance streams as mentioned later, NOT taxed at all. Since 1975 the total damage over the years on these cash streams could easily reach some 60 trillions of Euros, Switzerland did not get but only took care, that those money streams be not caught in Nations, where the profits were generated originally - and a smoke-curtain for evasion of tax charges levied, to the benefit of the 20000 highest fraud crooks on Earth.

Trillions of Dollars or Euros in untaxed finance streams

Trillions in finance streams in favour of Switzerland and other Tax Fraud destinations and in disfavour of all other domiciles abroad of the biggest Companies, Banks, Insurance, Service companies, industries and even Nations - and in particular to the benefit of the few of richest Creme de la creme and their companies on this planet, could be reconstructed by those "who know". Delavy is one of them.

And here are some of the constructions which "Experts" could notice during a professional life:

Huge Sums of money flew into such Tax Oasis Companies, not only in Switzerland. Learn now, if not a Chief Editor of Murdoch, FOX, NYT, Economist, NZZ, Wash Post, Die Zeit, La Stampa, El Pais or any other Junk media, for the first time, the methods of Crooks and the volume:

In tax free paradises went: Very normal Dividends of big companies, officially declared, from daughter companies to Tax Haven Holdings. Further Management Fees, Consulting Fees, Commerce by unbelievingly complex models with highly overdone and reduced prices in purchase and sales, all done within normal entities and "free" markets deals dictated by Western governments. Further: Credit constructions over Shine-Banks and Shine-Financiers, which over Lawyers belonged again to the original company or some rich Shareholders, or some richest Representatives of Oligarchy or Insider Mafia in any country. We further can name Credit constructions basing on adventurous conditions, where the profits flew to Switzerland based on expertise, gained over years by most sophisticated brains, coming from all Universities and ETH of the word----

Further: Mortgage-Refinancing schemes with true banks and fictive finance trusts, to the charge of Real Estate in USA, England, Germany, France, short all nations of the world. Further: Huge finance of business contracts, covering obligations of very astonishing kind. Leasing and lease-back constructions, based on profits formerly abzocked from big companies in favour of the few, by billions, financing then without causing taxes huge fleets of oil tankers, Hollywood films, sports clubs in football, baseball and any other spleens, luxury steamers, Sky Scrapers in any Mega-Towns.

Other constructions in favour of companies abroad, for industries in low income lands, better known as "Outsourcing production to the charge of workers at home". Anyway, Crook-Lands like New Europe, China, Russia, India, Korea etc. played a major part in these tax evasion models, by business in low salary destinations and nations, profits going to tax free zones. Service contributions of non-existing fantasies, imaginary "Costs and Fees" of any kind to the charge of normal Annual Statements in high tax rate lands, in ALL big Companies, banks, insurances, re-insurances, Hedge Funds and other finance Junk you could ever imagine----

All assisted by best Accounting firms, lawyers offices in all towns, best of experts in financing and banking, officials in all States, Dynamite Prize Crooks, FED and IMF Officers, those who before shattered the poor countries in Africa and South America----

Finance scrap for 'anonymisation' of richest Persons - in all Lands of World

Now we come back on more secure grounds: Normal people like Steinbrueck, Sarkozy, Obama, Merkel and EU commissions may be blind enough and think more of secondary matters, like the richest Individuals of their nations, having all wealth placed and invested in Securities in Tax Fraud Banks, in securities that would by will of all governments of the world, not levy source taxes or any other charges on dividends or interests, by free will of an unqualified Mafia of Money, assisted by all local governments and parliaments - so to say: All richest Junk, governing this goddamn Globe.

Let's name it: Depots in huge masses of wealth, under the Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich, safes in Geneva, in Lugano, in Berne, in Zug - but most of it placed in Tokyo, New York, City of London, Vatican, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Luxemburg, all islands in the sun of Caribbean, Panama, Macao, Singapore, Hong Kong, Andorra, Bahamas, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Grenada, Isle of Blair Man, Mauritius, Seychelles, VAE, Vanuatu, Nevis, U.S. tax haven States of Paulson, Halliburton, Berlusconi City, Oligarchic Bank of Moscow, Mechanic School, Israel hidden camps, and 50 other Tax Oasis of highest criminal Fraud, in favour ALONE of the richest Individuals in this World, the one top 20 per mille of World Population owing in truth about one third of total wealth, if declared and taken out of Mafia constructions, whereas 50 percent and soon 90 percent of workers and peasants will have nothing left at all, when old age will be gone out of Gas.

Waking up, little Susie - when recognizing the volume and extent of the real crime covered by Dictatorships of Dull Majorities?

Criminal Consulting by Lawyers and Tax Consultants

There were until today not one single Billions Companies, great banks, the richest VIP on the Globe, who would NOT take profit of the knowledge of heavily paid peasants of Cash, famous lawyers, Tax Experts, Accounting Firms, and be sure, all of them, all the Prize, Waterhouse, Arthur Andersen, Coopers, KPMG, Deloitte, Touche, Ernst, Young etc. - but also all local trustees firms in all Tax Oasis, in addition the Investment Bankers, UBS, CS and all banks in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, USA, England, France, Asia etc., all the junk that was occupied in this business of fraud, plus all Hedge and Investment Funds administrators, also old age funds laymen - and NGOs, at least those who were established for this cause, by their big entities with world-wide activity, private banks - and most naturally, the lawyers and other servants of the Big Capital of the few, letting pay infrastructure and State Costs by Middle Class and the Poor.

Simple rules and principles of the Tax Optimating Cracks

Don't be mistaken: the Crooks are not Swiss, the crooks are all the rich and powerful Elite of all nations, that now at G-20 try to let normal folks forget, that they were producing and accepting all tax Fraud schemes of all times in their proper favour---- They knew and know how to throw sand in the eyes of their stupid electors, our illusive Masters of the Universe, Brown, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Merkel, Obama, Geithner, Trichet, Bernanke, Greenspan, GW Bush and Pinochet-Thatcher, those disastrous idiots of crime, governing our dull democrazies:

Learn the simple rules: Most of the money treated along the shortly designed finance constructions - of investors in Switzerland, USA, Russia, China, Japan, Italy etc., were basing on officially granted Black Money Schemes, not only of Mafia and Blood Dictators, but ALL ordinary people with highest wealth, producing all the not-taxed income streams, further: Heritage funds and otherwise dirty sources - and if the Cash was generated in "white", the aim was: Not to pay taxes ever after, on such fortunes and the income emanating from such sources, over periods of decenniums, to the charge of normal tax payers in their home nations.

That's the reason for the existence of Investment and Private Banks: The untaxed income streams go in hundreds of Trillions of Dollars and Euros and former Mark, Franc, Lire, Pound and any other past and present currency - solely in the favour of those who "have it" - based on national systems of letting all advantages to the Elite - in all nations. To be rich is good - to be poor an idiocy - and so, all media were teaching us: VIP Humans if rich are God - and the rest of the Planet Earth is Junk. Got it finally?

Error: Switzerland has best controls on Money-Washing on the Globe?

Big laugh! It's like the Water-Boarding with GW Bush and some nice white-washing of facts by Obama Barack. Switzerland has the best control system, apparently on Mafia and Blood-Money of the world - and this writes a top expert in the matter. But the facts are complex: Most huge money items coming from drugs, mafia, human traffic, any criminal affairs with States, weapon deals etc. - any sort of dirty Cash: If it goes over several stations in other Banks and Tax Havens, it is viewed my Bankers as "clean".

Swiss Banks and Trustees having, like Singapore, London, Wall Street, with their trusts in the world, created a parallel-world, can now pretend not to know where the billions came from and don't control and do not declare those billions to Swiss State Controls in Berne and not to any other Authorities world-wide. As with the richest Junk of billionaires: Here too, the controls are for apes believing in Fairy-Tales of Bankers, be they in Beijing, Tokyo, Paris, London or Chicago - in fact any finance guy on this rotten Globe, knows how to help rich folks, big companies, dictators, Mafia bosses - important alone is the profit taken from finance institutions, in favour of those VIP, companies or nations that would alone take all the profit out of criminal acts in politics and finance.

And you know what: The Swiss, abzocking the whole world and lowering taxes therefore, laughed their heads off, about nations being forced to levy high Popper-Taxes, due to neo-conservative idiocies of greed, growth and destruction of the planet Earth.

Almost all responsible managers, the whole "Elite", knew about the Crimes

About all the richest and most powerful persons on this Globe knew it - the richest and hugest Entities and their VIP. Don't believe one word, if ever you hear the contrary----

After all, THEY were the ones who did not pay taxes. And THEIR Governments created the basics and THEIR World Media possessed by them, all the Murdoch and Berlusconis of this planet, commented the state of affairs in a way to hide it would be to your charge - as if it would be the highest Dynamite Prize achievement, purest gold of human intelligence, when Elite would be living on the account of those who earn a living on lowest non-bonus grounds - and paying taxes in pure honesty in place of Tax fraud experts.

But Middle Class and the Poor had to make good for the cheated differences of stolen taxes, since 1960 to this very day, since YOU were the ones who paid the charges of all nations, in order to let go in peace the richest Scrap of own folks, visiting their 5 stars hotels, possessing huge yachts in all tax havens you could guess, leaving you back in a rotten world. The global volume reached hundreds of Trillions of Dollars and Euros in criminal flows, out of State charge prevention devices, you, normal tax payers, were forced to finance. And now, they can dismiss you, when their fantasy constructions fall down like a House of Cards.

Governments and Parliaments of all States of the world did not react - because:

This House of Cards was possible, not alone based on greed and short-sightedness - no, the ones governing you are guilty:

a. due to average dullness of parliament members, they knew nothing of complex models, and

b. most of them belonged to the profiteers and did themselves Tax Fraud in masses, and

c. governments, Chiefs of State, Presidents, Prime and other Ministers and Crooks covered by them, believed, that such State Tax incomes were not necessary, as long as the difference for State infrastructure, social charges, debt interests, wars and Armies, education, hospitals etc. would be financed in "good times", in favour of the richest Junk, getting the State favours for free, whereas the poorest families were driven to hell already in "good times" - and now come the bad----

The World-Fraud is now hitting some innocent victims

Being fed up of the topic, this question will be treated in some other Letter "World Elites and their innocent victims" - soon to come.





2. Beilage:

World's TAX Paradises -  (ZUG and 50 other tax crook possibilities)

Swiss Tax Fraud - World's tax fraud paradises must be smashed

We experience an attack of USA, right down on the Swiss bank secrecy laws, but restricted on the Bank of UBS. Justice shall be done on the head of only ONE Swiss bank, representative for the crime that went out from Wall Street and GW Bush Cabinet, directing towards almost all rich and mighty VIP and Firms. 

But those VIP were the ones who would undertake, in the effort not to pay their taxes, any dirty action in own favour, whereas - not only in the USA but in all countries - Middle Class and the Poor had to come up for all costs of infrastructure, social charges, education, military and interest charges on huge State debts.

The rich VIP had their systems of tax fraud - and all governments and parliaments of the whole world plaid the game of their rich Elites, and only today, when Finance places and the whole real economy tumbles to hell, these crooks wake up and want some sort of "Justice", not too much, just for the Theatre ranges of people that are mad about evidently rotten systems.


All Tax Fraud Places on this Globe must be smashed

Not only UBS and Swiss Tax Fraud have to disappear from this Globe, but all other crooks too:

Singapore, Luxemburg, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Jersey, Guernsey, all Caribbean Islands, Panama, Hong Kong, Macao and all other U.S. and other places in all lands, where the rich people with their lawyers can hide without problems all major fortunes and income of the world, which is one reason, why all nations will go down to hell now, based on huge towers of indebtedness, produced by all governments, in the attempt to protect the major criminals on this globe. 

But now, let's explain what happened - based on ONE example only: Switzerland


Abzockland Switzerland  -  Tax fraud going into trillions of Dollars and Euro

I do not know any other nation, that would have abzocked more money in trillions of Dollars and Euros from other nations and to the charge of the world, and for own benefits, than the Bank secrecy land known as Switzerland.

Let's put all facts on the table, dear U.S. Senat, dear EU Commissioners, dear Obama, dear Steinbrueck, dear Sarkozy, dear Berlusconi, dear Brown, dear 7 Dwarfs of Berne - now the situation gets very serious.


With effect form 1960 to this very day, the following facts could be noticed in Switzerland

Holdings and so-called "Mixed Companies"

In the Cantons of Zug, Schwyz, Zurich, Geneva, Fribourg, Vaud, in fact in all cantons, since 1960, Companies governed by foreign owners were founded and the finance streams construed in a way that major profits of the world would end there. With Holdings, almost no taxes were levied. With "mixed companies", low rates were levied on Swiss income, but only 10 to 20 percent of those rates were levied on all outside Swiss incomes - thus leaving almost no tax charges to those companies and shareholders. This trick resulted in trillions of tax losses for other nations: USA, England, Germany, France, Italy and all the rest, income taxes in trillions of Dollars, Mark, Franc, Lire, Pound, SFR and today Euro were permitted, not to be paid to the detriment of poor folks in their home-countries.


Behaviour of Chiefs of Swiss tax authorities

Many Swiss witnessed how Chiefs of tax authorities in Switzerland bowed their heads in front of all rich VIP, when they threatened me and hit their fists on the table, when we dared to speak of injustice against poor tax payers when, at the same time, the rich scrap had all advantages of the world, given to them in consultation by Swiss top Tax authorities. When they found a Swiss ordinary man or woman cheating the State with lowest figures, they never would give up not to punish those people heavily, when at the same time they never would have pursued a rich person, especially coming from outside Switzerland - on the contrary, they crept in the you-know-what of those tax fraud crooks.

In particular, social and leftist people got no chances, where announced to be inscribed in the "fiches" of the Swiss Secret service, where 900'000 folks, Swiss and foreigners, were kept under control in Berne, without the social and green party of Switzerland ever having made a fuss about these highly State criminal facts.


What happened on the Carpet-Etages of Swiss Great- and Private-Bankers?

It was very curious to be present at meetings with top Swiss Bank managers, how they explained the difference of Swiss Tax prevention (Steuer-Hinterziehung) not being a crime - and tax fraud (Steuer-Betrug) that was even in Switzerland a crime. 

They presented hundreds of tax evasion systems to foreign VIP, how with Stiftungen, trusts, holdings, finance companies of all sorts, with help of other tax paradises like Liechtenstein, Monaco, Jersey, Singapore, Cayman Islands etc. they would never again, covered by Swiss Bank Secrecy, pay any dime on their income of Super-rich excellencies - and all this totally legal and without giving out any documents and duties to announce such transactions in depots and accounts - mostly the famous Number-Accounts - to foreign authorities.

Their reverences and bows were particularly deep, by these wise men around Ospel, Kielholz and the rest-dirt of UBS and CS and hundreds of private banks in Zurich und Geneva and Lugano, with blood-dictators out of Africa, Asia, South America. It was a big laugh, how they placed those torturers in the most expensive hotels around Swiss towns, organizing Edel-Whores if that Junk wanted relax.


Difference of Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion

Any sort of not paying taxes in most countries, is seen as a criminal act. Not so in Switzerland. Tax fraud is only given, when a document comes into play, is not handed out or falsified, and it can be accounting, Annual Statements, and contracts with the aim, not to be forced to pay taxes.

But as victims of Swiss Tax Fraud, never the richest VIP of foreign countries or Switzerland were touched, because these swines always were consulted by the best lawyers of Zurich, Geneva, Lugano, Zug etc., for whom they paid huge fees, for arranging very complex tax evasion constructions, not to be discovered and understood by any other authority in the World.

Therefore, real Swiss tax fraud was solely made for Swiss Middle Class and the Poor when they tried to hide private expenses in their bookkeeping of their business, or worked without declaration for salaries or any other minor trick, trying to do the same as the "Big Ones" do. Never any Tax Commissioner would have looked away for poor chaps, never, when they laid at the same moment their red carpets under the feet of the greatest State-Criminals of the World, coming to the Swiss billionaires with their millions or billions of cash stolen from Home Nations.


EU-Treaty about interest on Income from foreigners with Swiss bank contacts

This treaty was still wet, when all bankers worked out schemes to prevent paying source tax on interests, solely levied on bonds and other similar fortune, when dividends on shares and most of other means were exempt from source taxes. Hundreds of models were there, in the hands of UBS, CS, ZKB and other Cantonal Banks, and all private Banks of USA, England, France, Italy et j'en passe. And know, only individuals were forced to pay such taxes, not firms and other kind of trusts or Stiftungen, and so the Ministers and Chiefs of States in Europe, who had their own accounts in Switzerland, made in fact a package between the richest crooks of Switzerland with the richest scrap outside Switzerland - and not one normal taxpayer in the world knew about this criminal fact of a conjunction of rich VIP junk in all nations, covering each other all over our globe----


Ugly Games of World Media

Most naturally, the world media knew all about this state of affairs. All important editors in economy in Switzerland, Germany, England, USA, Russia, Japan and all the rest knew exactly what happens in all Tax Paradises throughout this god-damned Globe. You can read it know in each Journal in all countries, the tricks and the methods and the trillions in values not taxed since 1960 to 2009 by the richest VIP on this Globe. 

Some figures, like the volume of Trash Papers in ABS, CDO and CDS, I took from TIME, Newsweek, NYT, Washington Post, FAZ, Spiegel, Die Zeit, La Stampa. El Pais, The Economist, NZZ, Tages-Anzeiger and all the Rest. I had not to undertake any efforts to know, that around this planet are some 100 to 400 trillions in Dollars of Trash Securities, in all banks, insurance, re-insurance, Hedge and Investment funds, Old age Insurance and State Depots - of all nations on all continents.

And still the bankers get bonuses and other rewards in billions of amounts, to the charge of tax payers, as proven here, by the Middle Class and the Poor alone, and did so in the last 10 Years in the amount of trillions in Dollars and Euros - and still continue to increase the Breakdown of all Finance Places and of World Economy, even today - fully covered by all governments and parliaments of this rotten and lost Planet.

I could easily bring up 10 pages of other facts, all on the line of what is already written here, but I know that common people are not interested in some crimes, they had all the time to finance and to cover, when losing their jobs, houses, their honour and all the rest.


This world has become crazy and cheated by all media and politicians on this lost Bubble.






- Verdingkind Jahre

- Verfolgung meines Vaters

- Tod meines Bruders

- Verhaftung Bern wegen Verteilung ORAKEL

- Eintrag in "Fichen" durch Staat, Geheimpolizei und von BLOCHER

- Hausdurchsuchung, Konfiskation der Computer, Verhöre, riesige Busse

- Ablehnung 20 Bücher durch sämtliche Verlage

- Sperrung aller Bücher vom Buchmarkt Schweiz und Deutschland

- Wäre 2018 beinahe verreckt an einer Operation und schrieb danach:

- Den Text "10 Gebote des Todes" und "End of Humanity"

- Anklage wegen Mails  - was mich Euro 15000 kostete (der Kerl ist quasi TOT)

- Gott- und Allah-verfluchte Frechheiten von VIPs mir gegenüber

- Fehlende Publikation meiner Texte in Medien und blöde Reaktionen

- Abstrafung der Schweiz für WEF, 1 Mio. tote Juden, neoliberale Drecks-Juden-Banken

- Steuerbetrug zugunsten der Rich Class und Konzerne - Schaden 5 Billionen Euro

etc. etc.

 Psychopath Schneider kostet die Schweiz 5000 Milliarden


Dieses Schwein, zusammen mit den Drecksjuden Bundesrat, Bundesgericht Lausanne und WEF Davos (sie alle förderten den Tax Fraud) brachten mir eine Hausdurchsuchung, Beschlagnahmung des Computers, Verhöre, Gerichtsurteil und Bezahlung von SFR 12000 «Strafe» zustande. 

Dies hat Folgen: 

Der Dreckbundesrat, die Richter die nie einen Reichen und Mächtigen für ihre Verbrechen belangten und die Steuerbetrugsfreiheit für alle Konzerne und Milliardäre seit 1960 förderten, diese Schweiz ist nun eingeklagt und die Folgen sind abzusehen: 

Die Welt erwacht und Dutzende von ORG haben die Sache neu entdeckt, den Betrug in unglaublich hohen Summen der 100'000 Drecksfirmen des Auslandes in der Schweiz und die Millionen von Typen, die ihr Vermögen in der Schweiz von Banken und Rechtsanwälten verwalten lassen oder privilegiert gar hier wohnen -diese Judenschweine! 

Noch Fragen – Idioten?