Quintessenz aus Craig Unger "TRUMP in Putins Hand" - Die wahre
Geschichte von Donald Trump und der russischen Mafia
Man kann entweder das Buch von Unger lesen und nur einen Teil der
Wahrheit über die Katastrophe USA gegen China und gegen Russland kapieren -
oder die Literatur von Delavy - und dann begreift man die reale Welt.
Hong Kong and Washington werden verrecken, vielleicht
wegen eines Zyklons, Hurrikans oder Taifuns, nicht unbedingt heute, aber ganz
sicher morgen - wegen eines exponentiell wachsenden Idiotenwindes einer Umwelt-
und Klimakatastrophe der Zukunft.
Aber diese Städte und alle irren und toten Mega-Cities
von China, Japan, Asien, Afrika und USA werden verrecken wegen fehlendem
Meeressand für BETON und dann zerfallen alle Infrastrukturen und Bauten von Donald
TRUMP aufgrund seiner Verbrechen mittels der russischen MAFIA und unserem
braven PUTIN, der in die Wahlmaschinen dringen liess und in den Swing States
alles zu Gunsten von Trump drehte..
Aber auch der Mangel an Seltenen Erden für idiotische
TESLA-Elektro-SHIT wird es tun und die noch existierenden AKW, Billigflieger
und Kreuzfahrtschiffe.
Alle "Democrazy" der Welt sind
FOX.Drecksjuden-Gesellschaften, die ganz legal keine Steuern einziehen bei der
"Rich Class", Konzernen und Banken und dafür zuschlagen wie irre bei
der Mittelklasse und den Armen, die alle Verluste der kriminellen Eliten zu
decken haben und trotzdem schlittern alle Staaten in ihren unvermeidlichen
Konkurs um 2020. Dann folgt das Massaker der Masse an den Juden und ihren
Die paranoiden Methoden des Neoliberalismus der
dreckigen und gierigen Juden von Milton Friedman, Klaus WEF Schwab, Karl Popper
und JM Keynes werden die gesamte Finanzindustrie von Hong Kong und Washington
zum Verrecken bringen und dann hilft keine blöde "Währungsreform"
gegen die Vernichtung des Gottes "GELD ohne Wert" auf alle Zeiten.
Wer alle diese humanen Kriege, Religionen, Götter,
Systeme, Technik, Wissenschaft, Industrien und Geldbetrugshäuser akzeptiert,
ist nicht nur ein debiler Ignorant, sondern ein hirnloser und geiler Verbrecher
des Geistes und der Fakten. Dies wäre endlich als Realität zu begreifen.
Wenn dies alles nicht hilft, braucht es nur noch einen
Weltkrieg per ATOM und die vollendete Verblödung der bereits erfolgten
Vernichtung des Planeten durch 99,99 Prozent an total verblödeten und
geisteskranken Idioten der Menschheit und dann ist Schluss noch vor 2099.
Aber jetzt lest - Ihr Arschlöcher - mein "END OF
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on September 16, 2018
NB. Es ist nicht so, dass
diese kotzdebile Judengesellschaft von Niggern und Chinesen und Amis und
Taxfraud-Schweizern des Globus einfach so an einer Umwelt- oder
Klimakatastrophe verrecken wird noch vor 2050.
Sondern es ist gegeben,
dass diese Mafiabande der Blödheit an mindestens 10 Ursachen und Wirkungen des
Neoliberalismus von Drecksmenschen als Idiotenheit im 21. JH verreckt - und
zwar nicht infolge falschen Verhaltens sondern allein an idiotischen SYSTEMEN
des Humanen - blinde Arschlöcher.
Wer mit höchster
Intelligenz gesegnet ist und diese Raserei von heute von weit oben sieht, auf
die Städte, Fabriken, Autobahnen, AKW, Flughäfen, Ozeane, Felder, der weiss
dass bald ALLES stillstehen wird und dieser Stillstand heisst TOD.
Als die erste Milliarde überschritten
wurde, konnte jedes Kind wissen, dass irgendwann in der Zukunft der Mensch
verrecken wird. Ob dies geschieht um 2025, 2050, 2075 oder 2099 ist eigentlich
egal, nur DASS es auf 10 verschiedene Arten geschehen WIRD, ist aufgrund meiner
Literatur absolut klar und ultimativ.
Doch die grassierende
Blödheit der Menschheit mit ihren kaputten Gehirnen verhindert jedes klare und
logische DENKEN auf alle Zeiten.
totale Blödheit der Medien wird repräsentiert durch FOX TV and CNN. Die
gestylten und dummen Blondinen und die Macho-Idioten der "Expertise"
erzählen mit jedem Satz einen ungeheuren STUNK.
Sie haben
keine Ahnung vom Zustand der Welt und von Lösungen und glauben, der TRUMP sei
das Problem - wo es doch das internationale Judentum der Gier ist - unter
anderem - und der CRASH aller Banken und Staaten.
Wer von
REALITÄT nichts kapiert und meint, etwas Ordnung im TRADE sei genug, bringt nichts
wie FAKE und erkennt die katastrophale Lage der Finanzindustrie, Economics,
Politics, Culture and Ecology niemals.
Nachricht ohne Wissen ist nichts wie MENTAL SHIT.
Aber man
müsste den IQ und das Wissen von Delavy haben um zu bemerken, dass wir heute
schon TOT sind und dies seit dem "Point of no Return" und meinem "ORAKEL 2099" um 1975. Wo die
Gehirne der Medien kaputt sind, hilft nicht einmal mehr beten zu
"Gott", dem weltweiten Wahnsinn des Geldes....
René Delavy
This is the State of Humanity in the year
A proof about the future in the 21st
considering Every day's World - Systems -
the Unknown
This world could be conceived as
consisting of:
1. Chapter - Every Day's World of Humans
2. Chapter - SYSTEMS
3. Chapter - The Unknown
1st Chapter
This is the planet Earth as we know it in
It consists of all activities and news and
history of all Times. All professions, all what normal people know about
politics, culture, economy, ecology, progress and technology of Today.
This world is a complete CHAOS and all
activities are made to destroy slowly our planet and the future of humanity -
although all books and news pretend the contrary.
This FACT is proven by the comments under
What we conceive as happening in reality
is a bluff, given by politicians and experts, who do only overlook about 10
percent of what in reality is destroyed every day, more and more at present
Water and Food
Humanity will die from lack of Water.
There is no groundwater under Mega-Cities. By the next huge drought, they die
per millions. In fact, by 2099 will billions be dead because of missing Water
and Food and no God or Allah will prevent the disaster. These inexistent idiots
will grin their heads off.
Sea sand
Towns and infrastructure are made of
concrete (Beton). Lack of sea sand will let go rotten all buildings and
infrastructure in the next 20 to 50 years.
US Fracking is slow suicide of USA and
water reserves. Each drop of oil spread worldwide in billions of tons - driven
by an explosion heap of pops - will destroy our climate and lead to terrible
weather catastrophes in the next future.
Seldom Earths
Alternative energy depends on such
material, becoming priceless very soon. Technology (also based on Seldom
Earths) is the reason for our downfall to hell. Electro- and TESLA Cars are the
greatest SHIT of progress, worse as Petrol- or Diesel Cars.
Atom works of nations will not be
"built back" by trillions of Dollars. This would ruin all States. AKW
will remain for eternity where they are today, as SIGN of a deathly neoliberal
shit-world - not recognized by the Apes of masses.
Cash has no value. It is a belief like
religions for a God. It will soon decay when banks tumble to hell like Domino
stones. When the global and Jewish Crash of world finance industry, banks and
States under neoliberal capitalism occurs, we shall learn that currencies were
pure intellectual shit to destroy our planet and humanity in the 21st Century.
Rich VIP and Enterprises do not pay their
true taxes on worldwide income and live on cost of middle class and poor, being
forced to pay taxes on any dime of income. This is the greatest injustice in
the present reality of stupid neoliberal fake-capitalism.
Cars are cheap, airlines are cheap, computers
are cheap, Cruise ships are cheap in 2018 - and they destroyed the planet and
used up all resources. Weak intellect of folks is grounded and intelligence
became cheap and already today, cheapness killed our future.
Computers and Digitalisation
A minor problem wanted by 90 percent of
humans. Total control on individuals and consumption. Late change not feasible.
Great number of professions will get down the drain without any other and new
The explosion of populations going on and
on, it is the major reason for the death of humanity during the 21st Century.
No resources anymore for 10 billion of crazy idiots.
The model democracy is the most
ineffective and stupid system of all sorts of governments. In times of dull
majorities, above all in the USA, it is nothing but a "Dictatorship for
dull majorities", unable to resolve the gigantic world problems of the
Death-Perpetrators for migration from
Africa, Middle East or Mexico were USA, Israel, Switzerland, neoliberalism,
WEF, Worldbank, IMF, AIPAC and worse. Those folks should stay at home and try
the best instead of migrating to Europe or USA and organise an economic chaos.
All religious Jews and Islamists should be exterminated from the face of the Earth.
GROWTH and Progress
The attempt to produce further growth in
China and all nations will lead to killing humanity before the year 2050. It
uses up all rest-resources, accelerates the climate collapse and together with
digitalisation and progress and growth, we have the major reason for the
forthcoming breakdown of our species in the 21st century.
Philosophy and Science
In all times, philosophy based alone on
"Behaviourism" and human stupidity. Science tried to create growth
and speed and founded the base for the final destruction of our planet and
humanity in the 21st Century.
To prove this statement, look at my
comments as to some of the most important Systems of today's humanity:
The present is under dictate of our
idiotic systems, not by human behaviour.
2nd Chapter
1st Catastrophe -
DEBTS in the World
Humanity has immense DEBTS in all Nations
that can never be paid back.
This means: Our nations are in fact in
Take USA:
It is meant that USA have debts of 20
trillions of Dollars. This is wrong:
USA have debts of 250 trillion, taking all
50 States, towns, rotten infrastructure, under-covered rental systems, Chapter
Eleven, all not covered mortgages on all
real estate, the crimes of the banks etc. USA are dead and out, like China,
Japan, England, Italy, Greece and even tax-fraud oasis Switzerland.
The whole world has debts of about 2000
trillion of Dollars,
nevermore to be paid back.
There are only 3 methods to pay back
1st method - Debt-cut
This would destroy several times (highest
accounting rules by Delavy) the assets and fortunes of the globe - method
impossible to be implemented.
2nd method - Inflation
Same as deathly and stupid debt-cut - but
over long period of time.
3rd method - Huge State profits
If tried and done, the neoliberal systems
would implode. Nations can no longer try to produce State profits. The system
would be tumbling to hell.
2nd Catastrophe -
Neoliberal Capitalism
The mainly Jewish economists invented the
system of neoliberalism,
to fight the communist system according to
ideals of Thatcher and Ronald and Donald.
It produced rich VIP and great
conglomerates, paying no taxes with help of the "Big Four", tax
oasis, tricks and capital gains being not taxed.
Middle Class and Poor
financed alone the States and the
infrastructure, used by the rich class for free. Therefore, those rich
criminals have to be eliminated - just as banks, WEF and other destroyers of
our economy.
3rd Catastrophe -
99 percent of folks are dull, paranoid,
ignorant to systems, they are blind.
According to my "8 Steps of
Thoughts" only step 1 and 2 are capable to understand your systems or read
the future - about 10000 persons on our planet Earth. The rest is the mass of
4th Catastrophe -
Explosion of Pops and Climate-collapse
The explosion from 2 to 8 billion of
humans in the 20th century was the major reason for the coming final
climate-collapse (not "Climate-change").
Each year more exponential weather
catastrophes will occur:
- century droughts
- century floods
- super-storms
- and next to come: monster waves in
and this will make life impossible towards
the end of the 21st century.
Increase in world-degrees however is
purely incidental and adds almost nothing to the future catastrophe. Our death
will be our deathly and irrevocable weather collapses - idiots.
These FACTS are irrevocable and
3rd Chapter
The real World was never understood by 100
% of dull Folks on our Planet.
All our wrong-turned brains will never
know what there are:
- The universe, the world, is there a God,
where do we come from, what is life and death, what is infinity and eternity,
what is time and space, what is a brain, an eye or whatever is not made by
humans technology etc. etc.
To live in an unknown world, means to be a
mouse in an AKW and believing to know God personally.
understand right now that we know nothing and will die and starve during the
21st Century and there is no existing hope or any Plan B:
dullness and mistakes killed us - our humanity and our planet. The
death-effects are irrevocable. By 2099 all will be done for all times.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on March 15, 2018