Hitparade of the world best Universities
In different articles, I had pointed out that a person like Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht and any person wanting to make RANKINGS of the best Universities are Jewish fools, idiots, have no brains and are LIARS.
The best Universities in all Rankings, according to the stupid text of Gumbrecht "Wo die besten Unis sind - und warum" are:
- MIT - Caltech - Cambridge - Harvard - Oxford und Stanford
In a 2nd Row can be mentioned:
- University of California - Berkeley - Chicago School - Columbia - ETH Zurich und WEF Davos
It is clear that most of these Universities are PRIVATE and Anglosaxon Shit of Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Chicago School, American and Jewish and full of Shit in Mind.
Let's clear what these rotten Universities are in FACT:
1. All are pro-American and pro-Neoliberalism, they creep in the Assholes of the Jews of AIPAC, WEF, Chicago School, Shock doctrine and worse.
2. All of these universities push the world POPS EXPLOSION; Destruction of the planet by technology and cash idiocy, they are blind in view of the richest paying no taxes and they want GROWTH and deathly DEFICIT SPENDING in USA, Greece, England, Japan, China, India, Italy, Portugal and the rest.
3. These idiots believe in PROGRESS, the one that brought our planet at the end of resources, no future for the coming generations, an ecologic Collapse to come with our ECOLOGIC CATASTROPHE and counting on Allah, God and the Junk Jews of Auschwitz, sorry, of the above shit of Universities, to bring by the brightness of idiotic children the one solution, that led to the total collapse of all Systems in Finances, Economics, Culture, Religion, Philosophies and death of our Earth in matters of Climate and out of order weather mechanics.
It is typical that the Americans alone decide about the nature of rotten Schools for Fools, that have no other program, than to accelerate the given downfall of USA, China, India and Europa, when the rest is dead and out since a long time.
We need an atom bomb of the Russians on USA and Europe, before Ukraine and Greece become the new USA of Anglo-saxon Criminals in AIPAC, WEF, Switzerland Tax Fraud Schemes, all rotten 50 Tax paradises alone in favour of the greatest conglomerates, banks, VIPs and other shit, when banks and nations tumble now in bankruptcy and the rest of the Poor Masses can pay for the trillions of lost DEBTS, studied in all those idiotic and Jewish Universities, of which the Swiss ETH is the worst. Better to take WEF of Klaus Schwab as good example against MIT, Cambridge, Berkeley, Chicago and the rest of BIG SHIT.
You have another opinion? Great and ask the Tea Party of USA and the stupid Nigger in den White House, to explain you better the Crimes of that rotten U.S. failed State and our fine JEWS, escaping Auschwitz - empty brains of American and English shit of Universities.
USA are dead and out: They have uncovered debts, overall in the U.S. nation, plus in 50 States, towns, Chapter 11, rent systems and private debts of 200 trillions of Dollars and therefore can never pay back its idiocy of MIT, Chicago, Stanford etc. - and so, China, India, Europe and the rest are now torn to hell as well.
And the way USA did invest our cash and savings in a rottening System of Casino banks and U.S. Army and spread hate in all lands of the whole globe against the American Way of life, the destruction of Nature and Animals and Putin, and the idiocy to believe that Growth in Cash and Technology would not end up in a total gigantic Disaster, was the greatest CRIME and ERROR ever seen in history, coming now to its end for all times to go.
Ciao, USA and your stupid Universities, full of children with American Shit in their brains - there is no hope not to see you dying very fast - NOW!
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on March 2015