Dallas and Christos - Our blind World Terrorists
Dallas and Christos are in the news business and don't know anything about our world at all - nothing of nothing, but declaring, they would understand the happenings on the surface of our voyage to hell.
Like about 99,9999 percent of other folks on Earth, professors, experts, chiefs of States, Dynamite Prize holders, common folks, bankers, Jews and other shit, they know nothing of true TERROR in this world.
All governments use some news about possible terror, to terrorize all common folks and make them blind for the true dangers of human systems.
In fact, Dallas and Christos are blind and paranoid in view of what goes on in our technical and capitalistic world, and therefore, the near 100 percent of folks on Earth, today, have too and in most natural ways nothing but shit in their brains.
During the time, all governments, parliaments, newspapers and TV stations and idiotic book writers pretend that there is a danger with some terrorists of Islam to kill possibly some 100 folks in USA, France, Germany, Israel, Iraq, Syria or else, see what goes on all around you - on this Globe on a daily basis:
- Dallas and Christos are seized like other some hundred thousands of men, women, children and violated and tortured to death in most painful and cruel ways over days or hours - and some idiots of Facebook have to look into those real matters and take it away from the internet.
- Dallas and Christos are complaining about not having enough of growth, progress, innovations and fine matters to happen, when such things are reality - including some holocaust of animals and destruction of nature:
- States bonds fill in the portfolio of all rental systems, banks, insurance and re-insurance companies and other shit on the basis of States that have gigantic debts, never to be paid back by future generations, and therefore, all those bonds are of zero value today in reality.
- Shares calculated at Stock Exchange values of all banks or conglomerates in all countries of the world are exceeding the conservative value of a value taken as a whole of companies by the factor of 10 to 100, all basing of idiotic future profits, and all is a game at stock exchanges on laws of demand and offer of idiots, a crazy and total casino of nuts, and Dallas and Christos believe to write truthful matters about economic shit.
- Dallas and Christos believe in the 750 trillion Dollars market of worthless derivatives invented by the Jews of Mont Pelerin Society, Chicago School, AIPAC, WEF Davos and else and don't even get, what was just written here. At the same time, they don't see the time bomb, Israel, basis of terrorism in the Middle East and 9-11.
- Dallas and Christos talk of terror in Syria, but ignore like all press in the west about the crimes of USA in Vietnam, Argentina, Chile, 50 other States and Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, made by Kissinger, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Obama and Trump and US folks.
- All theories in economics are said to be true and useful, but thought to the end, all economics will lead to an emptied world, all resources transformed in deathly destruction of humans, nature, oceans, climate and else, and still believing, mega-towns could survive without cash, sand for concrete and water gone out under the ground, in future.
Dallas and Christos believe to know who were Hitler, Einstein, Gandhi and Draghi and WEF Schwab, when in fact those childish idiots prepared the wars of the future, atom works never be built back by bankrupt nations, getting the poor to give all human rights and tax fraud freedom to the rich and powerful class only, believing in democrazies being in fact "dictatorships of dull majorities" and in systems of rights, finances and economics, that are tumbling to hell since quite a long time, basing on the belief of 99,9999 percent of crazy idiots in Dynamite Prize shit and other geniuses like Hitler, Einstein, Gandhi, Draghi and WEF Schwab.
Dallas and Christos had voted for the most crazy tax fraud specialist and bankrotteur of USA, Donald Trump, having a brain of a schizophrenic child and they believe to know what the IQ of US and other folks on Earth could well be. All politicians and chiefs of States of Russia, China, India, Germany, England and Switzerland have about the intellect of Trump or Hitler or Bush or Obama - and nothing more.
The whole world of present times goes down the drain in matters of finances, economics, literature, culture, religion terrorism, fanaticism of idiots and destruction of nature, climate, animals and all we had in the "paradise", being meant to be the highest and luxurious "best world of all" for 10 billion of death and low grade folks, and Dallas and Christos don't know of what we are talking here.
Under such life conditions, we have to assume that there are no folks on Earth to understand systems, terrorism, religion, the existence of God, the true state of affairs or status quo in our given world - and to believe we could have one single person to get what goes on just now, is to believe that any snake can understand to be trampled to death by Dallas and Christos.
A world where there is not one single person bright enough to understand what goes on in any matter on Earth just now, is intellectually dead, before the real death comes by collapses in finances, economics, geopolitics, culture, religions, philosophy and "climate-change", being in fact an irrevocable collapse of weather conditions, killing some 20 billion of folks in the near future before the year 2099 will have come.
Now, some other proof for general dullness of US folks and those of China, India, England, Australia, Italy and Greenland is the fact that not one person on this globe gets, what was written here - and this is OK, since some Allah, Jesus, or God including Buddha and Confucius had decided in their computers, how humans should leave a given paradise as rapid as ever possible, for easily understandable reasons and origins.
There is no time for changes - what was written here has to do with our past. All is done, there is nothing left to correct and change. The free ride to hell is a fact - friends.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written in March 2017