Judis - Populism

Judis - The populist explosion

No doubt, never any person has summarized better as John B. Judis the history and the nature of left-wing and right-wing populism in the USA and in Europe.

He gives a clear opinion on how Trump and the European Populists in all lands will influence the present and the future, should those parties as Donald will fail, govern the Western world.

However, the optic of what are populists, in view of a quite stupid person like Judis, is very restricted:

It gives a wrong view on the crimes of the established parties, on the crooks of economics and finance, on the idiots having led to the present situation.

Further, the question of Parties does mean nothing, since the power is in the hand of Jews, of banks, of conglomerates and of crooks like dictators in all lands.

We have to start anew about the question of populism like follows:

1. The Nature of populist parties

The definition of Judis is wrong. It is not enough saying that populist parties are against establishment (wrong), only for stupid folks not getting what goes on, trying to explain complex matters by simplicity, being against all folks not belonging to some race or nationalism etc.

Far more important:

- Left-wing populism is on the side of intellectuals like Sartre or Karl Marx and tries to give rights to workers and middle class. Being taken as stupid socialism, there is no chance of those parties to really get power and change the mechanics of the globe.

- Right-wing populism is always governed by very stupid folks like Trump, Greenspan, Friedman, the AIPAC Jews, Ronald, Thatcher, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin or Putin. They really simplify all mechanics of the globe, introduce minor rights for those not being in the parties, be they foreign or national folks and all ends up in wars, torture, neoliberalism and WEF Davos.

THIS makes the difference and the danger in the USA and Europe. But more read downwards.

2. The effect of the established parties until 2017

All parliaments, all governments, all media looked away when the established parties of Republicans, Democrats, CDU, Social and Green parties, liberal parties, conservative parties and other scrap did as follows:

- let all freedom to criminal Jews of Wall Street, City of London, IMF, Worldbank, Fed, ECB and other criminal idiots, developing their banks too big to fail with the most terrible acts ever seen in finance and economics.

- let free hand to all Swiss and Caribbean, Singapore, Hong Kong and Delaware tax fraud models, seeing for the richest class and all banks and conglomerates not to pay any taxes.

- let free hand to the normal parties in letting explode the debts and deficits of nations and the crimes of central banks, leading to the coming disaster of crashing nations, banks and systems inclusive currencies.

- let have China and other cheap production States to wipe out the workers of USA and Europe, those being forced to pay the taxes of the rich folks and save the criminal banks from bankruptcy.

- let the planet lose all resources, exploding folks masses, destroying the geosphere and the oceans, poisoning all lands and creating a holocaust of animals.

- let have wars initiated by the Jews of Israel in the Middle East, the USA in Vietnam, the torture regimes in Chile, Argentina and 50 other states and let IMF and all banks destroy the markets in Africa and Asia, for the benefit of USA industry and European criminal companies.

- let China all richness to oligarchs of the congress of Beijing, and Putin to steal all resources of Russia in favour of Oligarchs, putting their fortunes in Banks of London and Switzerland, inclusive the billionaire Putin with his foundations and finance companies, belonging to him.

The whole misery of these days, the source of populist parties of the future, are the deal of established parties for criminals, and therefore don't cry a river about the disaster you produced yourself.

3. The effect of stupid media in western countries

The Shit of West with name of New York Times, the Murdoch Papers, Fox TV, Zeit, NZZ, FAZ, Le Monde and 1000 other stupid idiots like Pravda or WorldNews just missed the chance, of not hiding the crimes noted to the national folks all over the globe, those who had to get alone the breakdown of all systems and the no-future scheme of our finance crimes and economics catastrophes to come, the media simply wanted to see and to happen.

4. The effect of future populism

It is clear that Donald Trump will most probably produce the Third World War, make deals with idiots in Russia and China, get USA deeper in misery of finance than ever, break down the workers and idiots who elected him and will be impeached and chased to hell, once his private bankruptcy and his past crimes are discovered in the net, since the media are too stupid to get the points.

In Europe, the populists will take over, get out of EU, let trop the Euro, become nationalistic like hell, close for good reasons all frontiers and arrange a mess, higher than anything we could ever assume to see.

The left-wing parties will not really get power, because their intellectual and correct views can no longer be implemented, since all nations are broke.

The right-wing parties will bluff with some brilliant shit-brains and when all gets down the drain, the idiots of former establishment will take over again.

But for sure, China, Japan, USA, India, Europe, Africa and the rest will fall into pieces from 2017 to 2025 and there is no way out of an endless disaster in geopolitics, finances, economics, culture and ecologic catastrophes without any end.

5. Extinction of the blue- and white-collar class

By neoliberalism, cheap idiot humans, automatism, robots, computers and internet, the workers and employees will become extinct in the near future.

The result will be a revolution from the bottom and the abolition of the rich and powerful class, worldwide, and for ever by massacres and civil wars.

There is no alternative to such a development and the death of upper class idiots, under any economic system you may assume. When the finance crash comes, at the latest, the establishment will be swiped away from the surface of our Earth.

This the result of idiocy thrown in the world by Silicon Valley.

6. The craze of the globe, outside politics

When we talk of populism and the craze of masses under Ronald, Obama, Mussolini, Blair, Thatcher, Hitler, Berlusconi, JFK and other cripples, we don't really think of those things, at the source of our final human disaster:

The finance industry, the currencies without any value, the bubbles in overstated values of State bonds, derivatives, ABS, CDO, CDS, Shares and real estate will bring our whole world into misery.

The world economics are bound to fall into emptiness of space very soon.

The coming climate collapses with gigantic droughts, floods, superstorms and worse, will in fact start a situation, where life on this planet will become unbearable.

And there is no plan B, not from established forces nor from populist parties.

Therefore, go and die fast - there is no chance for you anymore.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 6, 2017