Achievements OBAMA 2008 to 2016

Achievements OBAMA 2008 to 2016

TV ARTE brought tonight a Documentary about the achievements in favour of U.S. presidency OBAMA - after GW Bush.

All was wrong about this story:

- There are not so many achievements as proposed

- There was a great misery about OBAMA - but not his fault

- There will be a great breakdown of USA - after Obama

- There were many errors in reasonability in this DOC of fake

And now let's get to the points:

The starting line

Obama and his team had not the slightest idea about the crazy situation of USA, as described in 2007 by Delavy on the pages of WorldNews.

GW Bush left a terrible catastrophe, the breakdown of all banks, the finance system as a whole, the crimes of the Republicans, the Tea Party and the criminal Wall Street bankers.

It was obvious, but Obama and his team understood nothing:

Only by charging USA by trillions of Dollars getting USA itself for the future into bankruptcy, basing on taxes paid by middle class and the poor, the craze could get on and we know NOW, how the disaster had increased in this area since 2008 by the factor of 10.

Obama inherited the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and had no idea how to react or stop the craze. In fact, he increased the catastrophe during his time of presidency.

The Jews of Wall Street

The greatest criminals in the world are the Jews and Bankers of Wall Street, because they provoked the coming CRASH of world industry before 2020.

Obama did not have the slightest idea about the smaller disaster around 2008 and the Jewish advisers only gave him the wise stupidity, to let continue the financial crimes on higher fire after 2010.


It was the US Army dragging the Muslims to Cuba. And Obama promised the closing of this unjustified Cuba Camp. The problem should be item 200 on the list of priorities, because it was never any logical difficulty to stop it.

Think, we have 300'000'000 Americans in the land and over one million Niggers in jail - and they cannot absorb 300 people, of which 90 percent are innocent?

Considering this fact, USA was never on the moon and always much below the intellect of Russian folks.


Again, it is a shame that such a State like USA cannot give health care to the poorest of folks in this rotten country of God.

It is the problem of Catholics and other idiots, if they want children, but they have not to dictate to poor mothers without health care, if abortion would be allowed. And considering the future breakdown of all systems basing on the deadly pops explosion in China, India and 100 other lands, abortion should have been the major program since 1950.

Intervention Iraq and Syria

The crime of GW Bush was not the war against Saddam, but the way they continued rotten politics with Israel and other lands in the Middle East.

As far as Syria is concerned, USA proposed to rebels to push against Assad, well knowing never would USA or France or Germany accept some rebels in their own countries. Why should it be legal in Syria?

But when the fire was on, Obama and his Republicans and shine-democrats did all to let IS develop to a Terror Regime and make Putin look like an idiot, when this man saw that maintaining Syria as it was before, would be the only way to minimize the disaster in the Middle East.

And why protecting Saudi Arabia, standing behind 9-11, creeping in the assholes of rotten Saudis and orthodox Jews and Settlers, those being at the origin of 9-11 and the wars since - all around that area?

Death of USA in finances

I said it: GW Bush and Ronald and Clinton did all to give all Power to Wall Street and Chicago School, Jewish Fed and WEF and AIPAC, with rotten trillion finances of big shit in the way of worthless derivatives, ABS, CDO and CDS and all banks today being bankrupt, not being official yet.

And USA is over-indebted by 200 trillion Dollars if taking the debts of the nation, the 50 States, all towns, rotten infrastructure, rent systems in decay and thousand other debt sources ignored so far.

USA are DEAD - and folks don't know yet.

Death of USA in economics

The way USA had given away all industry to China and lives on rotten banking commerce and stupid digital programs in Silicon Valley and robots all around and young folks of no use anymore, USA have long time ago gone down the drain.

Only the trillions of Yellen try to cover up the real catastrophe, but the bubble will explode any time, at the latest when China collapses soon.

Death of USA with Silicon Valley

You know what Silicon Valley is? Just a FAKE:

Facebook - some social shit. Google - just a searching machine, getting out of order soon. Apple - a bluff without future. Whatever comes from this place, is condemned to die soon and does not generate any working places for labour. If there was ever any shit from God or Allah, seek it in Silicon Valley.

Death of USA with environment and climate politics

What a fuss about the "achievements" about "climate-change"!

Fact: There is no climate change, that is a natural thing getting over millions of years. What we notice is the complete collapse of weather mechanics in increasing ways all around the world, not one possibility to lower the destruction of the Earth by industry, traffic, households and other. The 21st Century will be the last for humanity and Obama did nothing to change anything about this FACT.

Obama is history - and USA are DEAD

Obama goes and some idiotic Trump comes and Hillary is not better.

What we witness is the death of USA within the next years, first the collapse of all finance systems, followed by a global breakdown of economics, then the increase of stupidity of folks in all lands and on top the environment catastrophes to come, eliminating folks and animals, with rotten landscapes and oceans - and read my lips, there will not be found a reasonable PLAN B anymore.

This is the truth about the achievements of OBAMA - don't look out for more.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on October 4, 2016