Hudson - USA are dead in Finances

Michael Hudson - 

"Killing the Host" - How Financial Parasites and Debt Destroy the Global Economy"

For Americans who still believe in Donald Trump, one of the profiteers of the deathly 2nd Economy according to Hudson, I add to my German critics the following:

On Page 548 in the Book "Der Sektor", your dear Michael Hudson makes 10 Proposals, how to overcome the present situation of Death in World economy, especially with regard to global finances.

Here my comments:

1. There is no chance to prevent the complete breakdown of the global system of finances, the collapse of finance industry and the breakdown of nations and currencies, since the proposals of Hudson come too late by 30 years.

2. The amount of debts and crazy shit at stock exchanges, derivatives, worthless State bonds, bubble in real estate, China before crash, idiotic shit like ABS, CDO and CDS are so gigantic, that the proposals of Hudson would immediately create a disaster, 1000 times greater than Lehman Brothers did.

3. Even if all would be implemented immediately (by Trump!!), the complete collapse of USA, China, Japan and other bankrupt nations could not be avoided. In my article "Highest Accounting Rules by Delavy" I proved, that change of behaviour would not work, change of systems show how corrupt all is, virtually dead nations, currencies and conglomerates would break in pieces on the spot.

4. The sector of FRI, to say Finances, Real Estate, Insurance, but added Raw Material Market and Derivatives and other being the "2nd Economy" of worthless profits generated in favour of the ONE "Rich Class" Percent, killed a long time ago the real "1st Economy" of the workers, the employees and of the 99 Percent of idiots.

Whatever does Hillary as President of Shit-USA, sorry, Trump of Jewish Crash USA, will prove to have been without any value and sense.

USA are dead - and there is no solution left.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in November 2016