Future of President TRUMP

President Trump - His Future

Let's make a first analysis about the future effects of Trump as U.S. President.

I was right with my predictions about GW Bush and Obama at the start of their presidencies-  and this can be read in my Blogs and some reports issued by WorldNews 2007 and 2008.

But now - let's go first to Obama:

The crimes of OBAMA

Obama missed to correct the crimes of GW Bush. He took over the trillions in Dollars of the idiocies on Wall Street and bank industry. He increased the debts of USA towards bankruptcy by at least 10 trillions - open and hidden.

Obama did not correct the deathly results of globalisation, deregulation, neoliberalism, privatisation - what will bring the total breakdown of the World Finances and Economics - worldwide.

Obamacare is a mess, increasing the charges to folks and increased the deficits of State - so not even this "achievement" was of future value.

Obama was some of the worst presidents ever, just behind JFK, Bush and Ronald.

But now, let's get to TRUMP:

The Future of Donald Trump

Private affairs

In fact, Trump is bankrupt since a long time. But considering his new situation as President, it will not be possible to declare his breakdown in finances and we shall experience his bluff about his worthless assets and all hidden debts, a man with a past, living through 4 bankruptcies and having stolen billions of Dollars from Americans.


It is true that most probably Trump will have fine conversations with Putin and Chinese leaders. But in fact, whatever he will decide in future in geopolitics will increase the total collapse of systems in the world. He will increase terror, he will risk wars, he will help dictators with neoliberal agendas, as did JFK, Kissinger, Nixon, Bush and Obama. For sure, the confrontation with Europe, China and Russia will be great, even if the contrary seems to happen in front of blind media.


Decreasing taxes for his rich class and enterprises will make explode the State deficits of USA. He will increase some national charges, like army and programs of growth and this will bring the complete financial disaster over USA. He cannot help the poor class with bluff, fighting against China, Mexico and Europe, all such matters will bring a huge catastrophe over our globe.

In matters of finance industry, he will continue to allow bluff values at Wall Street and City of London, accept tax freedom for the rich class worldwide and so in a few years, the collapse of finance industry cannot be prevented - nevermore.

Ecologic views

Like all Republicans, Trump is not intellectual enough to get under control the coming breakdown of environment, mega-towns and infrastructure falling in rotten condition, the climate not only getting warmer but in fact the collapse of our weather mechanics will increase under Trump and finalise humanity for the rest in the 21st century.

Inside USA

The Lies and Bluff of his life and career will be poured like shit over all Americans and make them more dull than they were ever before. He will continue to make promises of nuts, not to be fulfilled. His show will be the end of the Republican party and even of the political and social system in the USA.

In short, Trump is what I wished to see to make an end to the supremacy of a "Schurkenstaat", the greatest and worst ever seen in human  history.

Thanks Donald - well done.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 9, 2016