Zero Value - pretended "Shareholder Value"

Crash of the Principle "Shareholder Value"

From the start, the principles of neoliberalism and of the "Shareholder Value" had the intention to destroy all banks, all conglomerates and all nations.

The effect of maximising the profits of world companies and seek growth in a world exhausted by mass-consumerism, had as deathly result of killing the substance of all companies by trillions of Dollars, the same effect was achieved by mega-mergers.

The banks too big to fail issued non-valeurs and derivatives of no sense from the start.

The Central Banks of all nations like Fed, ECB, Bank of Japan and China etc. started to postpone the collapse of all shares, derivatives, State bonds and take it, by issuing trillions of currencies in order of selling back such worthless scrap and giving the illusion, the world would become safer.

In fact, the complete collapse of State bonds, Shares, worthless papers were only postponed into the future. Once the program goes to an imminent end, all such "values" in Bad Banks and normal banks and rental systems etc. will fall into pieces and go down to zero.

At the same time, inflation shall explode, "values" implode and nation tumble to hell, since whatever trillions in Dollars, Euro, Yen etc. were issued by Fed, ECB and other banks served to let maintain a CRAZE, building up huge debts not to be paid back ever of all sorts. When the programs stop, all JUNK will fall to zero - all investments in real estate, infrastructures, shares, State bonds, derivatives, ABS, CDO and CDS - and the whole idiotic system would force the world finance industry and nations to be broke for all times.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in October 2016