John Higgs

John Higgs - "Stranger than we can imagine"

His book "Making sense of the Twentieth Century" and in German:

"Alles ist relativ und anything goes"

may be the best summary about the effects, idiocy, politics, economics and what human culture had in the 20th Century.

But in the last chapter about the Outlook in the coming 21st Century, John Higgs destroyed anything he did before, in explaining, how we had the intellectual downfall under Postmodern Idiocy, New Age fantasies, crimes of Ronald and Thatcher, wars under Hitler and Stalin and the economic crisis done by idiotic bankers and economic skunks.

However, John Higgs never understood the crimes of the Jews in all finance systems, how Israel destabilized the Middle East, how the Americans destroyed the world and created the terror in Islam and how the Dynamite idiots of MIT, Stanford, Boston, Manchester, Oxford had led to a Silicon Valley destruction of minds - and all other effects that will in the 21st Century lead to:

1. The complete bankruptcy of all nations, currencies, stock exchanges and finance industry by neoliberal idiocy.

2. The complete downfall of world economics, out-powering the world, missing resources and complete decay of all infrastructures and mega-towns.

3 The complete enfeeblement and stupidity of 99,99 percent of folks, mainly of the blind and new YOUTH of idiots in western world in 2016.

4. The complete climate-collapse of the globe in the time from today to 2050.

5. The end-program of humanity for all times to come, when all our systems will fall down the drain for all times to come.

But worst is his idea, that a dreadful individualism of the west has been overcome by the idiots of the internet, of stupid of Silicon Valley, by the skunks around the dirty Nigger of Obama having led on the dirty politics of neoliberalism of Ronald, Greenspan and Bush and that Chinese and Japanese would not be on the edge of complete breakdown in the next future, inclusive the finance collapse of USA, China, India, Greece, Italy, England, France, USA and Japan and the rest.

It is clear that never any humanity was more stupid and feeble in mind than our today's youth, believing in shit like Facebook, Google, Internet, the spirit of the mass in full decay of intellect and in rotten finances and in crazy ORG having all power, the rich Jews and rich conglomerates making mega-rich until the collapse of finance industry.

To believe, the feeble-minded Chiefs of States would allow the middle class and poor class not to fall in total misery within the next 20 years to come, is such an intellectual crime, that I vomit now on the spot.

Never there was a generation more stupid, blind, the mind full of shit than the one we have today.

To see some truths about the past 20th Century and nothing about the crimes coming in the 21st Century, is a proof that again, writers like John Higgs have nothing but SHIT in their brains and like Derrida or Sartre or Camus or Bertrand Russell, Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Habermas or Trump or Obama will never know in what state of misery is our today's


René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 18, 2016