Fundamental Malfunction of human Mind
The Problem
What most of experts and philosophers today call "a Challenge" is in fact a fundamental problem, such as:
- Explosion of populations
- Mass industry and hedonism
- Wars and Religion as source of human destruction
- The coming decay of infrastructures and mega-towns
- The total idiocy of most humans in mind
- The belief in the most useless matter - cash in computers
- The coming breakdown of all systems in finance, economics, trade
- The Lies about the functioning of any philosophy or system
- The relationship of power and the coming End of Humanity
And this is only the bulk of what has to be said about the real "Condition humaine" of societies in 200 nations in present times.
The principle here: Keep it short, because any "challenge" to death can be explained in some few sentences, for persons having understood the "World-Theatre".
The mental Enfeeblement of Humans
The major problem of the world today with its terrifying complexity is the fact, that most people do not understand one percent of what is going on in our systems of finance, banks, technology, ending resources, stupidity of politicians, coming catastrophes and collapses in trade, cash, stock exchanges, wars, decay of all infrastructure, end of sand and other material, nature, weather mechanics and climate making fall us towards death. The problem is that all Schools and Universities teach profits and greed and none explains the End of humanity to come. Humans to 99,99 percent of shit in their brains take it for gold or intellect.
The Mass Laws in Decay
What to say about masters of the universe who are not able to get what are: One billion, one trillion or controversies about relationship of big figures leading to a normality of Black Swans, to destroy anything that seemed to function on this globe. It was very easy to understand that a globe of Earth with a population increasing in 150 years from 2 billion on 10 billion of folks is condemned to death, because in very short time, all resources, material, water, geosphere, oceans and worthless cash is going down to hell, basing on mass laws - and we pretended to have "geniuses" getting their Dynamite Prizes for good reasons...
Justice only for the rich Class
Human rights are meant to help the Poor Class of humans to come out of misery. In fact, the aims of UN to help folks come out of dirt did only function because on the basis of destroying all nature, resources and normality of humans, we got for some time some middle class, striving to slavery again today. The reason therefore was, that all Justice and Tax Freedom went in favour of the mighty and rich class only. There is not one fundamental law on Earth, that does not go alone to the interest of the richest and most powerful class. The result will be in about 20 years, that the poor masses will massacre all persons, responsible for this State of Affairs.
Geopolitical Craziness
We believe that some idiots like Hitler, Stalin, Merkel, Mao, Obama, Ronald and Thatcher, Trump, the Bushes and all dictators and democratic Swines would know what they are doing. Fact is that only very stupid power men or women get the power and they must be most stupid and average, to be accepted by folks going to vote. And therefore, never in times the wisest men of the Earth made clear that with such style of living, all highways will lead to hell and this is the way, geopolitics functioned with all our religions, wars, torture and competition between nations to the detriment of nature, animals and the poor class of slavery.
Nationalism, Wars, Crimes
As I said in some of my books, the major problem were frontiers, were nations, were the banking systems of Jews and the acceptance of mass laws and wars and religion and very stupid philosophical principles. Therefore we are today living in an End Stage of humanity with coming misery, wars, crimes to increase all the time, terrorism by religion and States, increasing stupidity of the masses starting with children of 6 being completely nuts, and there are dilemmas in the indebtedness of States, what will lead to hell, whatever the stupid democrazies and governments may decide, basing on the "accounting principles of Delavy".
Tax Freedom for those who have all
It is a funny thing, that any person caught with little tax fraud is punished to the max by authorities. At the same time, legal conditions with tax paradises in Switzerland, Delaware, Singapore, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Guernsey, Monaco etc. make it easy by help of Big 4 and lawyers and tax experts, that in fact since 1960 all billionaires, conglomerates and banks pay on only about 5 to 50 percent of their real income or fortunes regular taxes, and this in line with democratic legality. This prevented trillions of Euro or Dollar in taxes and is the major reason for all Deficit spending in nations, have led to the total bankruptcy to come over USA, China, India, EU, Brazil, Russia and else.
The ecologic conditions in nature destruction
It was meant that innovations, inventions, evolution in technics and money systems could lead to a better world. In fact it led to a situation, where we have nothing left to stay at life, a coming collapse in climate and weather mechanics, the complete breakdown of capitalism under U.S. neoliberalism in China, India, USA, Europe and the rest and the fact, that 99,99 percent of humans have become crazy and possessing a brain full of shit, below the level of dogs or apes. When soon the water gets out in Egypt, India, Bangladesh and first in the Belt of Heat at the Equator, spreading to north and south, followed by any kind of drought, floods, super-storms and monster-waves in oceans, and this happens already within the next 50 years, there is coming the end of life for humans on this bubble.
The Laws of Money in Capitalism
I read recently some 50 books about the decline of USA, the crimes under neoliberalism from the Jews of Chicago School, Shock Doctrine, WEF principles and the crimes of U.S. Dullness in folks and it is just confirmed what I wrote since 1975: Capitalism will fall into pieces now and all currencies will become worthless, all nations fall in bankruptcy and the normal trade is coming to a standstill at once and there is not one simple Brain to tell us, how to come out of this merde. And be sure, whatever I had written in 15 books has become true so far and will end up with the ultimate catastrophe in wiping out Humanity for all times to come.
The ultimate conditions of Humanity
We have no conditions left to survive the deathly systems in odd finance schemes of criminal banksters, the trade in masses is our grave, the "success" of China, Brazil, Russia, India and else was a bubble and Africa or Japan or the South of Europe are dead since a long time. Between the real bankruptcy of Systems and the recognition of this true State, there might be passing some years, like seen with Enron, Swissair, UBS and the Wall Street Crash in 2007. There is zero chance to come out of the tunnel, in what our TGV of stupid functioning of universities and governments led us. There never turned a train around a tunnel, that had a bend down to hell. Many of big Empire went to hell. This time the Empire is called "Humanity".
Why there are no ways out of danger
The getting into dangers and risks at the start was never a problem. Hitler just felt it would be a good idea to shot against Poland and at the end we had over 50 million of killed folks. When the USA under idiots wanted to fight socialism in Vietnam and by torturing to death the youth of Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay and 50 other nations, nobody would have guessed that this was the start to destroy western capitalism. When the Mont Pelerin Society wanted free markets by the rich class under neoliberalism, there was not one professor, except me, to warn about the destruction of our finance and economic systems worldwide. Therefore, the power of self-destruction in finances, economics, trade, using up all resources, destroying our geosphere and of the human mind of the 99,99 percent, was a fine achievement to be very proud about.
Do you still need a conclusion? It was given above.
But let's summarize:
The way our societies developed under the lead of Jews, Americans, the privileged rich Class, a university system for fools, a profit thinking of vain and eternal growth and masses, destroying now all towns, infrastructures, nations, banks, currencies, resources, nature, animals and finally our humans and most badly our planet Earth to some extent - this is a FACT and 99,99 percent of Shit-in-Brains cannot read these lines here, because SHIT never could read - dear Friends.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on March 10, 2016