Medienwahn GREXIT

Wahnsinn GREXIT

Als ich vor 5 Jahren hörte, dass Griechenland aus eigener Schuld wegen Milliarden an beschissenen Kreditaufnahmen verrecken wird, meinte ich zu wissen, dass innert 3 Monaten folgendes geschehen würde:

1. Alle Reichsten dieses failed Dreckslandes werden sofort mit Steuern belegt und daran gehindert, ihre Milliarden in die Schweiz zu bringen.

2. Alle Liegenschaften werden sofort erfasst und korrekt besteuert.

3. Alle Korruption würde aus dem Gesellschaftsleben in diesem Drittweltstaat verbannt.

4. Alle Gesetze werden den Erkenntnissen der Schweiz zur Gründung von Gesellschaften, Lehrlinge in der Industrie, Reduktion aller Zinsen auf Schulden, eine Schuldenreduktion zu Lasten der Juden-Hedge funds und Drecksbanken und Spekulanten und anderer Idioten als Kreditgeber.

Ansonsten würden die Griechen ganz Europa in den Abgrund reissen.

Die Tatsache im GREXIT nach Constantin Seibt, diesem Idioten ist:

Nach 5 Jahren sind alle Verhältnisse noch so wie gehabt:

Die anderen Länder und deren Steuerzahler des Mittelstandes sollen die Zeche bezahlen, ein Schuldenschnitt wird verweigert, obschon dies die einzige Lösung neben der Drachme ist und der Idiot von Steuerbetrüger Schäuble-Hitler, der die Schweiz aufforderte, weiterhin in Billionenbeträgen die reichsten VIPs und Konzerne zu entlasten, entblödete sich nicht, einen Vertrag durchzusetzen, der die ganze Misere nochmals verdreifachen wird.

Man staunt über die Blödheit der Europäer, der Juden der Wall Street und der dreckigen Krugman, WEF Schwab, Draghi, Lagarde und anderer Dreck und wundert sich, warum Japan, USA, China und die EU noch nicht verreckt sind.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 14, 2015


Greece - and the modern Antiquity

Greece as modern land seems to be in trouble. I have read thousands of articles about the coming total Crash of a nation in the south of Europe, about the crimes of a folks in matters of nation building, finance disaster, national deficit spending and victims of stupid bankers and of IMF, EU commission and ECB and Merkel - plus the whole power of destruction that comes from a little land, famous for his antique past.

And not one article ever read and written, shows the real truth.

Not one article explains the true reasons, the true state of affairs, the origins and effects of the happening and what this means for the rest of the world, for lost philosophies in the past, for the idiocy of all theories in economics and in what state are the rest of countries like USA, China, Japan, Spain, Italy and other 190 nations.

All what the articles show at last:

- How are the individual brain contents of the little and very stupid writers, their knowledge of fools respectively their ignorance, what are the characters of the idiots understanding NOTHING of the problem and who are just arguing along THEIR rotten kind of "TRUTH"

- when all writers so far in New York Times, CNN, FOX TV, ARTE, SPIEGEL, Le Monde, Zeit, NZZ and other WEF-Shit or neoliberal idiocy interpret a lost matter and do understand about zero percent of the real problem.

We have to understand what wrote Delavy about the FACTS:

- Greece is nothing but the mirror of the true State in finances in ALL countries on this globe, which is in fact the greatest disaster ever seen. It represents the coming end of neoliberal shit and of AIPAC-Capitalism, proving the crimes committed by the Jews of Wall Street under direction of Karl Popper, Milton Friedman, JM Keynes, Jew Schwab, Greenspan, Ronald, Thatcher, Pinochet, Obama, Berlusconi, Merkel and other shit in politics, economics and wrong thinking in theories of past philosophy.

Well, what we see now since 2008 is the end of the finance industry, what for 30 years created unsurmountable debt heaps in trillions of Dollars, Euro, Yen and Yuan, plus derivatives with zero value, some shit like ABS, CDO and CDS and empty State Bonds and other Scrap handled by criminal hedge funds of Jews, and the politicians just administrate NOW the final downfall of Greece.

And be sure, the model of Greece in modern Antiquity is the one reason for the coming CRASH, of our beloved USA, when at the same time Japan and China and India and Africa are recognized as DEAD for long time ago. What we see and perceive are 200 nations, comparable to Swissair, being dead and out around 1995, but only accepting its Grounding in the year 2001.

And be sure, if the writers about Greece had a brain instead of an asshole, we could even read better the assured coming future:

- Since what is coming is not only the complete downfall of all finance industry on our Globe, but the bankruptcy of all nations, followed by the end of capitalism followed by the Clash of world economics, followed by the recognition of the complete craziness and paranoia of 99,99 percent of folks on Earth missing resources, water, sand, seldom earths and the rest - and naturally followed by an exponential curve in matters of death by ecologic disasters in our crimes done on our climate, destroying for all times our fine weather mechanics and having produced the ultimate End of Humanity in the 21st century.

And the politicians, "experts", professors, editors and writers will continue to write shit about stupid matters on the extremely low level of their knowledge and intellect, about the finance mechanics on this globe, during such time will tumble our civilization into its grave - and God and Allah will be very happy and they told me, it was very good so.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 10, 2015