Middle East Disorder - made by USA

Criminal Disorder in Middle East - made by USA and Israel

The greatest "failed State" of the globe is the nation of USA.

But first, let's look into the two Parties of idiots, judging on matters and politics that happened in the Middle East from 2000 to today:

One Party says: We should have intervened in the Middle East

Many "experts" have judged after the Springtime in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Iran, that the Jews of Israel and the AIPAC Army of Obama and Bush should immediately make order in those lands - and they did in their rotten way...

In my opinion, it was highest time to get rid of terrible dictators in Iraq and Libya, but never in the rest, where it could have foreseen that the Muslims brothers, some fanatic religious Jews Group, would come with Terror and Sharia in the governments or bring to birth some armies against the WEST for making good for some past crimes and stupidity of USA, Israel and Germany.

But any such foolish intervention should never have been made by the FOOLS without intellect, the U.S. idiots around Ronald, Bush or the Nigger, but by some wise men from Europe, to dictate the Amis, what they have to do to get decent order in Libya and Iraq - but leave the rest with nice Assad, Mubarak etc. alone to keep the fanaticism of Islam out of the Middle East in free fall.

Americans and Jews of Israel are the source of terror in Arab Lands, of 9-11, of the today crimes and IS and for the rest of what goes to hell now, due to the idiocy of the JEWS of AIPAC and Wall Street bankers, full of shit in their brains, around the dirty Niggers Bush and Obama.

Second Party says: We should have left the Dictators

Some idiots in German, Swiss and NYT newspapers pretend, that we should have left the criminal and killing dictators, wherever they are in the world, as long as they deal and kill and torture like Pinochet and Videla in the interest of Western World, USA and Europe.

This is biggest intellectual shit ever heard:

It is true that they helped, Gaddafi and Saddam, to keep the terrorists a little while from Europe, but for what price!

The problem was, that the neoliberalism Jewish Shit of USA came over the world, instead of wise politics and economics as best example for the world's order, basing on intellect of Delavy.

In addition, any intervention by US. and Israel army forces should have been accompanied by very intellectual people to understand, how after those acts the lands would become nice democracies with some real justice in there, but since USA are really the biggest shit ever seen, with rich VIPs stealing all Cash from the Poor and destroying the Middle Class, how the hell can we expect from such failed idiotic STATE with his criminal Fed, U.S. Tea Party Congress, and a dirty Nigger like Bush with name Obama in the White House, to bring order in the world, or at least to the Middle East?

Forget it, USA should be atom bombed by Putin, who is no longer willing to accept the arrogance of the Amis and EU and NATO - near their frontiers.

The cripple States USA and Israel

It is clear that the most hated cripple states of the World are USA and Auschwitz Israel.

USA has brought the final collapse of world finances by Jewish neoliberalism.

Israel has brought Auschwitz and Hitler and Settlements over the Middle East and are soon thrown in the Mediterranean Sea for all times to come.

It is funny how USA and Israel point on the ones, that are much nicer and more intellectual and logical as they themselves, such as Iran, Russia, Greece, Italy and certainly not the EU killing Germany and the Tax Fraud Master Switzerland.

We can wipe out USA and Israel - NOW - but the world-collapse in finances and economics and ecologic time bomb can never more be corrected or stopped.

The future of the Middle East and Islam Terror

It is clear that the example of IS in Iraq and Syria will spread over the whole Middle East and Africa and there is no point, trying to stop the ghost sent by Amis und Israel over those areas in any given way, by army forces and even more stupidity in politics, coming from USA and the Jews.

Let's be clear: We are standing at the edge of U.S. Terror, Islam Terror, Jewish finance Terror and not one Media on this rotten globe can see the given situation as true and inevitable.


Whatever Europeans may believe about USA, the Finance Jews, Israel, Putin and China:

Those idiots are dead and out, because the finance collapse is a fact and can no longer be prevented. The economic disaster of neoliberalism is certain and no "expert" of force on this globe can evade the deathly matter. The ecologic time bomb ending in a total collapse of climate and weather machine is a bank, and can never more be stopped, it has become irrevocable.

It was the shit in the Brains of U.S. Congress, their rotten Presidents, the idiocy of NYT and Fox TV and the Jewish neoliberalism of Chicago shit that brought us the end of existence of humans in a world without resources, energy stuffs, but some stupid Japan and China and India before its collapse--  and USA and Europe being DEAD since quite a while of time.

And now go to hell and starve, the coming idiots of 10 billion of folks with shit in the brains are already condemned - NOW.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 10, 2015