Footprint Murdering of World-Media


Have to be murdered all Media of the world, but first some Weltwoche of Zurich, Roger Koppel and Alex Reichmuth.

They pretend, fully justified, that the expression of "Footprint of the World", born in the mind of Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees should be abolished.

Reason: There are zero problems with the environment, with climate, with weather and with humanity. We are living in the best of all realities we ever had on Earth.

This is craze and here all explanations:

Murdering World-Media

Since the opinion of Weltwoche is about the same for all media of the Globe with their "What-is?" idiocy of telling FACTS, in some years the masses of folks of about 8 billion of idiots must massacre all editors, Jews, bankers, politicians, scientists and other WEF or IPCC idiots - and this is what is going to happen - soon.

Foot-Print (Fussabdruck der Erde)

It is said that if all folks would live on the footprint of Switzerland, we would require about 3 Earths like the one we have.

WWF made the stupid remark, that the Earth needs 1,5 Footprints taken as a whole for regeneration of the ecology of our globe to make humanity survive.

This is pure idiocy and leaves out the following factors:

Idiotic Factors:

To limit the question of a FOOTPRINT on regeneration of plants alone, is so stupid as to believe OBAMA the dirty Nigger and Jew would not be a Skunk.

The following factors are left out:

- Renewal of all resources, energy, water, air, climate collapse made by humans

- The dead oceans and grounds, earth and mega-towns

- The Mass-laws given by the POPS explosion from 2 to 10 billion in 150 years

- The death in finances, economics, implosion of China, USA, India etc.

- The never renewable 1000 trillion Dollars of world infrastructures on Earth

- The explosion of Paranoia and Stupidity of the VIPs and their 99 per cent


The is no point of taking Switzerland, or USA and Russia or China as footprint-examples. We have one Earth and when one big country dies from the collapse in finances, economics, general stupidity or ecology going to tumble to hell, the whole of humanity will be dead and out.


The Footprint is basing on Time. But they take about 20 or 100 years, what is complete NUTS.

We have to consider that in only 100 years all resources, energy stuffs, metal, sand etc. were used up on Earth and nothing can replace this shit. And so with help of such forced destruction of resources, humans destroyed the Earth, the future, our climate, our weather-machine for all times to come and the question if we have still ONE Earth, became PEANUTS.

We have to take as Time our ETERNITY - and the given life of technological Vanity and so we need at length not 3 or 10 Earths, but due to

- considering the mass-laws of mass people

- the restricted reserves of resources and energy stuffs

- the globalised collapses to come in Ecology

- the idiocy in the minds of 99,99 per cent of folks in 200 nations etc. etc.

some 1000 Earths would be needed to survive, at least. And be sure: Before all humans and animals are dead, this society will not learn that already today we ALL are dead as dead can be.

Renewal or Regeneration

The Footprint concept comes from the idea of Regeneration. But note that since 1990, the oceans and the geosphere and the climate and the weather-machine are completely out of order and there is zero chance that the complete ecologic collapse of all systems would not happen from now to 2050.


By 2018 we have the finance collapse of worthless Dollars, Yen, Yuan, SFR, Euro and all Stock exchanges of the world. Following is the economic world crash by 2025 and the total stupidity of the 99 per cent already a FACT today.

- One reason are the State Deficits in all nations of the globe. When seeing at light, all nations of our globe are bankrupt since 2000.

- The second are the unknown losses of the Crash 2007.

- The next are the acceleration computerized idiocies of handling values, shares, currencies etc. without any control.

- The next breakdown of money or share or house markets will never more be corrected world-wide, because already today all "values" are basing on dreams, religious belief in money and the idea, humanity still has any chances to survive.

Dead Planet and dead Humanity

As predicted in my "ORAKEL 2099" our planet is going to be dead basing on the above named factors. Who gets to other conclusions should write me, give his insane arguments and ask for one million of Cash.

The Planet is dead from Footprint, from Cash, from rotten theories in economics, from neoliberalism, from missing resources and energy, rotten oceans, lands, water gone out of the grounds and the explosion of POPS having shit in all brains of the 99 per cents and more.

I have written 10 books and 1800 Editors Letters proving all facts, including that there is no God, no Allah, no Jesus and only rotten Popes, U.S. Presidents, Jews of AIPAC and WEF and a dead-idiotic mass of today over 7 billion of idiots with shit in all brains you may find this day.

Have still some questions - Friends? Just go to HELL....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 4, 2014