Chain of Pearls

The Chain of Pearls

The paranoid 99 per cent

One of my major arguments in my literature is the bolt pretention that these days, about wide over 99 per cent of folks are paranoid and schizophrenic and don't know about this State of affairs.

The general opinion of all folks, of VIPs and normal mass people, is the contrary:

- They pretend that very few outstanding persons are clinically speaking paranoid and schizophrenic and need some help of society or are dangerous to everyone, mainly for the VIPs and perpetrators being very normal, having power and all influence on the cash of the world.

Now, this is a terrible error and I need therefore to clarify the situation on this globe once for all. Let's see how this is done:

The Principle of the Chain of Pearls

When I said to my women, how I feel like to be the only normal person on this planet, whereas most other folks are in fact blind, stupid, paranoid and without any knowledge or intellect, I was searching for a SYMBOL to express this truth and came to the following picture:

"Assume that the experience and knowledge of any person in this world would be some CHAIN OF PEARLS. Now, for wide over 99 per cent of folks, they may possess pearls in matters of knowledge, science, remembrances, intellect, philosophy. And since they know much about a given one pearl, they forget and ignore, that they are paranoid and blind and stupid to the max, if they do not dispose about ALL pearls of a lifetime, at any moment of the day. If they forget the facts and stations of their own long life, they know nothing at all.

Now very few persons, universal geniuses or philosophers had the luck of maintaining some sort, not of isolated pearls for isolated geniuses, but the whole chain of pearls in any matter you may name, what is and was given on this Planet. And exactly here lies the difference for perhaps ONE PERSON OUT OF A BILLION: He disposes in IQ and knowledge of a chain of pears - and this makes the difference between the 99 per cent of idiots and paranoid folks and the one universal genius."

My girl laughed a lot about this picture and meant that it would be a pity, the important persons of influence on this planet would not understand the contents of my 10 books and some 1800 editors letters, to become aware, what the situation of the globe in 2013 could well be in reality.

How the world functions today

The world today functions in a way that all politicians and experts and scientists dispose of one or two PEARLS and know nothing about the real State of affairs on this world - to say:

- Obama, GW Bush, Yellen, Draghi, Lagarde, Hollande, Fouchault, Habermas, Merkel, Xi, Singh, Mandela, Lula, Berlusconi, Murdoch, Soros, Goldman Sachs, the Rating Offices, all folks at the WEF, with Fed, ECB, all universities, all conferences, any bank or conglomerate or take whatever is given on the globe in matters of politics, economics, science, philosophy, religion or ecology.

The "normal" folks know absolutely nothing and believe to know ALL.

This is schizophrenia and paranoia of the finest.

And since the 99,999 per cent of folks in all 200 States on Earth, have about the same problem, not one person of influence would know just 10 per cent of the real matters, going on these days in any bank, company, conference, nation or take whatever passes your mind.

The effects of world-paranoia

As predicted in my texts, in principle since 1975, the world will develop with the mass of folks explosion, advancement in Technology, the might of banks and the finance business, the deficit spending of nations, the using up of all resources and energy stuffs of the planet in only 100 years, the wanted pollution of all water and oceans and the poisoning of the air in the geosphere by billions of tons of gas - this world will develop in a one-way situation where we shall see after the year 2000:

1. Collapses of States for many reasons in matters of finances, economics, culture, religion, wars and high stupidity of the VIPs of influence.

2. Any Congress will only waste one's words and bring zero solutions or shall even increase the future craze of the paranoid folks.

3. Not only banks and nations shall go in total bankruptcy, before 2020, but all currencies lose all value and become pure shit of mind of zero value. In addition we are by 2025 in a world collapse in economics. Further, by help of internet, Facebook and false education, the mass shall become dull and duller from year to year and the paranoia will increase to highest peaks.

4. But the worst shall be the answer of nature, water, the climax in destroyed weather-machine producing in future gigantic storms, droughts, floods and other matters, destroying any normal life on Earth for all times to come - and not stopped by crazy politicians, scientists, Dynamite Prize idiots, professors and false philosophers without brains and the big numbers and black swans, looking out for heroes and finding only some stupid VIPs, blowing shit in the brains of the 99 per cent in order to maintain the Cash in hands of the rich and tax-free Class.

The End

And naturally, this will end in a terrible revolution in 200 nations, even before the year 2030 will have come and no force on Earth will be able, to prevent:

- the reaction of the 99 per cent on their perpetrators, the downfall of all functions on Earth in matters of finances, economics, religion craze and final collapses of all systems, of climate, of water reserves and rest-resources for an exploding mass of a paranoid and schizophrenic Species, called Homo non-sapiens.

This was now the Story of the Chain of Pearls, being broken for about 99,999 per cent of people on a lost planet, arriving at the virtual and real end by about 2099.

If you have further questions, please go to Obama, WEF Schwab or Yellen, they know just as much as the Chinese and Indian geniuses - before their imminent implosion.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 27, 2013