Dullness governs the World
What is dullness?
It is NOT what you think:
In my "8 Steps of Thoughts" I invented 8 Degrees from highest intellect to stupidity. It tells a lot about the capacities of the humans to read our "World-Theatre".
And the result is:
Step 3 to 8 cannot read the Reality - which are 99,999 per cent of humans.
Dullness is not like Intellect or knowing by heart all Lexicons of the Globe or being good at Chess or Tennis or Shitting in the grass. Any insular knowledge is NUTS and without any value - and therefore - Humanity is DULL.
Who are dull?
Well dull are Obama, Putin, Xi, Singh, Lula, Mandela, Merkel, Greenspan, GW Bush, Margaret, Clinton, Bernanke and Yellen, WEF Schwab and all media on the globe, all politicians and all scientologists, to say all scientists.
It is difficult to explain why all those folks are dead-stupid and I needed 10 books to explain the case.
Stupidity is: - Not to read reality, not to get the mistakes of human Thinking and of the error, to say: "Humans are great and the planet Earth the last Shit" - when it is the other way round.
Are Philosophers dull?
All Philosophers since Plato to Habermas were very dull. They knew nothing about finances, economics, accounting, figures, geopolitics, ecology and literature. They meant to know, but any dog or cat has more of intellect than the idiots not belonging to Step 1 and 2 of my "8 Steps of Thoughts".
What does Dullness?
Take Murdoch or Schwab or Joe Ackerman or Berlusconi as examples.
They are not dull in a technical way of thinking. They have shit in their brains, because they take ever the effects for the origins - and vice versa. God created a master-piece without any brains and sent instead some Jesus or Mohammed.
Dullness does not mean "Low IQ" but IQ being used to destroy humanity, resources, the oceans, the geosphere and living an eternal Holocaust and not understanding that by 2099, the coming 25 billion of idiots with 1000 Trillion Dollars worldwide in rottening Infrastructures will be dead as dead can be.
Well, read my books and learn, why YOU are duller than any other animal.
What is the intellect of Animals?
Animals don't do Holocausts, wars, torture, having Popes burning alive some witches and Allah shit stoning women, being more shit than any masculine child of one year of Age.
And those who for no reasons at all made explode the mass of idiots from 2 billion on 8 billion in less than 100 years, out-powering our globe and destroying the future of 10000 generations, cannot be meant to be intelligent - they ALL are dull like idiots to the max - a very normal appearance in our Universe within the Sun-System.
Animals are no idiots, they have instinct, they are nice, they kill only for eating and they are the best friends of dead-stupid humans.
Dynamite Prizing
Never such Prizes were given to an intelligent person. The ones getting the Prize are so much of WEF Auschwitz Frankfort Cathedral for Peace of a Chinese War, that I must go and vomit now a bucket full, when the rest of Step 2 to 8 is kicking the bucket NOW for all times to come - their future existence - and God and Allah came and applauded, finally the worst Ape of all Times is leaving the Universe for good -
- basing on his high capacities in overall DULLNESS.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on October 28, 2013