Americans must refinance 4 (FOUR!!!!) times their Debts
Highest Accounting of Delavy
There are already about 10 Maxims of Highest Accounting from Delavy.
I add one more:
The idiotic Americans of USA must recover 4 times by Middle Class and Poor (since rich folks don't pay taxes) the whole of USA indebtedness, to prevent their total collapse of the finance system. And there I go:
1st coverage of U.S. debts:
Fed and other idiots have issued cash against State bonds. The State bonds are not covered and it is, as if USA had sent the whole CASH into the fire.
2nd coverage of U.S. debts:
In order to pay back and cover the U.S. debts, the taxpayers have to refinance the amounts a 2nd time, but this cash goes into the coverage of the foregoing Deficits of State, 50 States, Towns etc.
3rd coverage of U.S. debts:
To cover the indebtedness of USA to come to zero and have cash to pay all banks, insurance, pension funds etc., a 3rd time the U.S. idiots of Middle Class and Poor must bring up the amount of the debts.
4th coverage of U.S. debts:
In order to live on as State, this money has gone already and in fact, USA must by payments of tax charges bring the Cash in true amount over Zero by real SURPLUS over many, many years. With this money for the first time, the father of family or in other words, USA as State, can pay all the State bonds of USA and has afterwards zero Cash - but no debts anymore. USA is at Zero, the bonds are covered and U.S. folks get for the first time their true coverage of bonds without future generations to pay for the debts.
And now, OBAMA, YELLEN and the JUNK-JEWS of finance of USA don't get the point but the Dynamite Prize of European Idiots for skunks, telling how to make profits with shares, get it, when all banks are today in bankruptcy and USA even 4 times lost in refinancing the CRAZE of the past.
And now go to hell - Friends.
Same principle goes for Japan, China, Italy, Spain, England and the rest of crooks, including the Oslo types with shit in the Nobel Brains.
If under such conditions, the whole capitalism is not DEAD today, some fine Jews must bring high mathematics over to Delavy.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on October 14, 2013