Exploded Crash since 2007

Why did all Governments let explode CRASH since 2007?

This is the question of all questions - why did the governments of USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Spain, Switzerland etc. let explode the Finance Crash since 2007, instead of immediately correct the craziness of a stupid capitalistic system?


Since 1975, in all of my books and editors letters I predicted the crash in the finance and economy business for nations, banks and conglomerates. Already in "ORAKEL 2099" written in 1975 and later in CHAOS, Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung oder PLADESNIEKANT.

All the reasons for the coming collapses in finances, economics, culture, politics and ecology were explained in detail and written, what solutions would be given, to stop and reverse the given and inevitable CRAZE.

But when 2007 the total Crimes of bankers, Jews and nations came to light as predicted, I was sure that within one month, all governments of the globe would decide to stop the idiocy of our capitalistic and neo-liberals JUNK at once.

But what happened was the contrary, it was to do all what was possible on Earth, to increase the debacle by the factor of 10 and today, the next Crash lets tumble the whole planet in misery - in matters of finances, economics, revolutions, poverty all over and the ecologic collapse of the Earth can start - as predicted in my Oeuvre.

Let's see the reasons for this State of affairs:

Yesterday I sent the Status Quo of 2014 to all Media

With German title "Finanzdebakel der Welt per 2014 drastisch verschlimmert seit 2007", all media of the Globe were informed per mails, why in 2014 the situation will have gone out of any control - plus the processes going on in the finance business since 2007 until this very day.

This document will prove to have been the "Paper of the year 2013", because more cannot be said about the effects and on all wrong decisions of governments had taken since 2007 in view to make explode the Bubble in Finance Crash by the Factor 10.

But now - in English - let's look out for the reasons for the given catastrophe:

Reason for Crash-Explosion:

1. Dullness of the Governments

The major reason and my top assumption is it that the U.S. government of Obama and all governments of Europe and Asia did simply not understand the financial mechanics of "highest Accounting", plus the mass-figures in existence plus the fact about trillions in non-valeurs and the real extent of debts not counted.

And so all governments wanted not "disturb" the circles of the Wall Street and City of London Jews in their business in order to "save the world" - and transferred - on wrong theories in economics - the bankruptcy of banks to the nations by rescuing the banks with trillions of dollars or Euros or Yuan - with one exception by letting fall our dear Lehman Brothers.

This little bank alone, one out of about 200 world-wide, showed the possible effects of a complete melting down of capitalism and therefore, by instinct rather than by knowledge, all governments changed nothing to the Craze of hedge funds, derivatives, ABS, CDO and CDS - because in addition they were not aware that many trillions of Dollars of such zero Junk were still in all Balance Sheets of Banks, funds, insurance portfolios, pensions etc.

The governments simply seemed to have no choice.

2. Governments had no Choice

How can a normal father of family, a CEO of a Conglomerate, a Jew of a Bank or a Bush or Obama as Chief of State believe, that eternal deficits, losses and other craze would not end up in the bankruptcy of State, of finance industry or of the market or of the fine family?

Because all experts, professors, philosophers and members of parliaments of the globe have shit in the brains, as proved Point 1 above already.

However, another PROOF and possibility was it - in this is NOT my assumption - that the governments of the Globe realized that they had no other choice than to ignore the trillion crimes of Jews and bankers and finance ministers and to try to "administrate" the future bubble and hope, all would go away by miracle and do all the time, as THIS would be the case. And no doubt, all media of the globe will fall in this miserable TRAP and write shit about the real situation on Earth.

The contrary of hopes of Governments however happened: The deficits exploded and the Jews of banks increased the doses of self-destruction and did not correct one little matter in existence around 2007. And FED, ECB and WEF did all to produce a future bubble, 10 times worse as would have been in 2007, had the real situation been recognized.

The future effect will be the greatest CRASH in finances and economics in history of human mankind. The explosion will be such, that not one person on the globe, not even Rene Delavy, could give any advice, how to stop the complete melting down of all nations around 2018 to zero values in currencies, shares, bonds and all the rest. And the tax-free Rich Class will stay tax-free - all fortunes gone to hell.

3. The Masses and the VIPs are paranoid to the max

A third assumption was in my scripts since 1975, that the masses of Democrazy, to say the "Dictatorships of dull Majorities" were directed by a very dull and eager class of the Rich, by the VIPs of power and Cash, exactly in the situation we found around 2007 - and afterwards, to defend their power and maintain the tax-freedom status with help of Switzerland and other paradises to increase the richness in the hands of less than one per cent of the masses.

All was done to produce the greatest explosion of the most gigantic Finance bubble ever seen.

It is very funny  that equally the coming implosion of Japan, China,  India and other BRIC was not seen, but on the contrary, the crime of GROWTH and GREED on an exhausted Planet with rotten Oceans, Mega-Towns, climate and weather-machine went on and on and all of intellect and crazy ideas the idiots of experts had in hand, was the  


- opt for: some BIP destructing AUSTERITY (accounting according to Merkel) 

- or: CONTINUATION OF GROWTH to kill Humanity (according to Obama and Putin)

Both idiocies were applied with the same result:

Both stupidities of the lowest brains on Earth led the world down to hell - and there, it will remain for the rest of the disaster, ended by 2099 with the real eclipse of humanity.


I can now conclude that I was to 100 per cent correct in all of my books regarding my predictions and knowledge that never the rotten governments and experts and Jews and bankers of the globe would ever accept my solution out of CRAZE as being useful - and therefore, from now on to the year 2099, some 25 trillion of idiots will kick the bucket in the most crazy manner ever seen on any planet in our great Universe - and there are zero chances and ways out of danger.

Who cannot find solutions to a finance crime around 2007, cannot find ways to stop the collapses in ecology, climate, growth of deadly systems in economics and least to stop the Jews with their finance industry.

And if you have further questions, come over to me - I will shoot a hole in your dull brains full of shit - Friends.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on September 17, 2013