World being paranoid

Paranoia and Benefits

There are two fundamental principles of Delavy, going in this true form throughout his books and scripts, in many kinds, when talking of finances, economics, geopolitics, philosophy or ecology - and they read:

1. All Folks of the Globe are paranoid and schizophrenic to 100 percent. There are no normal humans on Earth and there never were any normal folks on this planet.

And there is the other principle, equally important, saying:

2. There have never been any Benefits given in human activities, since Adam and Eve. And today we have less benefits on Earth than ever before.

And these two FACTS kill humanity and the planet Earth by the year 2099.

So except for the time of 2099, which could be an attempt to judge right, the facts can be proven here and now. But be careful, YOU may risk to get paranoid and schizophrenic by reading the following philosophy:

A. All folks on Earth live to 100 percent in full PARANOIA

Interviewer: Mr. Delavy, you pretend that all folks on Earth have been in all times crazy, got nuts, have no brains, being full stupid. But worst is that you pretend that all, Elite, the 99 Percent, the geniuses and literary writers would be paranoid and schizophrenic. You must excuse yourself in public for this boldness, this lie, this provocation - or you have to prove to be right and tell the truth. Start telling us, what you mean.


I understand that folks being nuts and crazy, but living in all normality in a false reality in their little microcosm of pragmatism, cannot accept to be called "paranoid".

It is a term for sick people, having lost any sense for reality and going against the consensus, what is true and what is false on Earth. And the real paranoid persons must be separated in some homes to be taken care of.

And so to say that ALL folks are crazy, can be just stupidity, a lie, a provocation or the simple truth, ignored by those being paranoid. Let's check the situation.

A stupidity would it be, if any person could easily understand that they themselves are normal and the one idiot pretending the contrary, would be sick in his mind.

A lie it could be, if the one pretending the stupidity and paranoia of the Elites and Masses just wants to provoke and make himself look more important than he is in fact.

And so we are left with TRUTH and the PROOF, that all folks on Earth are crazy, paranoid and worse.

Now, how would you describe people and generations, who do the following things:

1. They destroy their own planet within only 200 years.

2. They use up for nothing all treasures of a given planet for killing purposes.

3. They blindly go in collective bankruptcy of all nations and banks.

4. They give full tax-freedom to rich Class and the rest goes into poverty.

5. They admire a technology world, leading to hell and no way given to find out.

6. They admire idiots and give Dynamite Prizes and ignore Geniuses.

7. They creep in any assholes of Hitler, Mao, Stalin, JFK, Putin, Xi, Singh, Obama etc.

8. They allow the Jews to destroy all savings and rents of humanity.

9. They plan and act to destroy the future of all generations to come.

But their fine "normality" tells them that the truth about their lives would be the daily shit coming from Media, politicians, CEOs, NGOs, professors and philosophers with false ideologies and shit in their brains. Not one principle written by philosophers ever, was true and intelligent.

If this would be proven by 10 books and 1600 editors letters and never the predictions would be false, when you can read the "World-Theatre" and see a GAP between the lived "normality" and the true normality and reality given on this Globe.

And this is Paranoia and Schizophreny and you can call it differently, but if you find another and better analysis, I pay you here and now one million of Dollars.

B. There have never been any BENEFITS given on Earth

Interviewer: I do not accept your views on Paranoia, since it is a human right to accept as normality a crazy world of bankruptcy - as it is. The consensus of Democrazy, what you call "Dictatorship of dull Majorities", give to folks in all nations the right, to believe to be living without any paranoia in full normality in professions, in schools, in families and in societies. It is stupid to believe, all folks would be crazy and be living in paranoia. I still wait for your excuses.

But worse is it when you pretend that the beautiful profits of banks and conglomerates are not a great advantage for the PROGRESS of humanity and that GROWTH, the ideology of growth, would be killing not only our nations and banks, but in fact the whole planet and the future of all generations to come and nothing could anymore prevent the final downfall to DEATH.

Please excuse yourself for such stupid theories to our Public, and do it in public, because it is a shame that humans had to live for some times with such an idiot, about a funny name of René Delavy.


Well, after having explained a very normal Paranoia of humanity, it is easy to explain the fact that never in history of humanity, we could experience a thing called "Profit, Advantage or Benefit" or even a Win-Win situation - never. All was idiocy and false pretention.

I ask you and all VIPs living today in 2013 on Earth:

"What is a benefit?"

And here are your goddamned answers of the 99,999 percent:

1. A profit of a bank or hedge fund must be a benefit.

2. A surplus of a State must be a benefit.

3. The achievements of USA, China and Germany must be benefits.

4. The richness of the 7 billion of Idiots must be a beneficial matter.

5. The planet as such is full of natural benefits, giving us some profits.

And this listing could get on, without one word being true.

A benefit can only be some advantage given to our Planet Earth, and equally to the humans being in live, when not exceeding about one billion in total by numbers.

In the light of this TRUTH, let's check the above arguments:

1. Banks and hedge funds and even conglomerates never made any profits. They used up all savings and rents and cash of Middle Class and Poor, drove it in the pockets of the rich Class and saw that they pay no taxes to their nations. This has always been the fundamental principle of the rich Class and of VIPs and the stupid masses accepted the deal and went around the year 2000 down to HELL.

2. A surplus of States could have been a beneficial thing if used in the benefit of a planet not killed by technology and stupidity. But in fact we had STATE DEFICITS when the rich Class prevents their TAXES and further on, when being fully in the shit, to say have State indebtedness, to find no ways out of misery, because the heads of politicians, their experts and professors never contained anything else but SHIT.

3. There is no achievement of USA, China and Germany:

USA are responsible of the craziness of capitalism with the dirty JEWS having invented capitalism, neo-liberalism and using up all resources of the globe without having any advantage, except killing humanity with oil, gas, gold, metal and all the rest.

CHINA took over this shitty idea and went towards implosion before the year 2020 would be reached, the cheapness politics killed the rest of resources, climate, weather and the slavery export industry of cheapness is some other craze of States, like India, tax fraud Switzerland and Germany.

GERMANY like the rest of Europe was blind in Philosophies and declared Cash and Economy to be the real treasure of the humans, when the protection of the Earth with water, air and plants, animals, oceans and lands, without explosion of POPS would have alone been the key for survival of idiots. There were never any achievements and benefits under laws of destruction of the life-basis of paranoid folks and their ideology of growth.

4. The richness of the 7 billion of folks is an illusion. For the time of 1950 to 1990, we had in the West some Middle Class with the usual rich idiots, basing on deficits of States, basing on exhaustion of all treasures of the globe and basing on the destruction of the planet by technology. Who wants to see other benefits, must be paranoid to the max. A number of 7 billion and more is today condemned to death - and not one brain, except mine, told the solutions to come out of the TGV thundering at the end of the valley, around 2099, into the ultimate WALL.

5. The Globe was full of benefits, leading to Profits in Cash and making the rich Class rich before being massacred by the vanishing Middle Class and the 99 percent of future Poverty. You cannot destroy the treasures of the Globe in wars, torture, holocaust of animals and plants and looking out for the rest of oil under Greenland, Arctic and Antarctic and then pretend that you brought richness to USA, China and Germany, when you brought misery over a globe and have not one single PLAN B to prevent the total downfall of humanity from 2013 to 2050.

Well, naturally I could go far beyond this text in intellect, but for the time being, just try to read 3 times these lines - and then get NUTS.

I know that God, Allah and Buddha are very happy to see disappear all the idiots on Earth, living in their Microcosm of daily professions, news of shitty media and the lie, Delavy would be an idiot and the rest very normal, when all folks produce zero benefits and live in full paranoia.

But this is none of my business - it's YOUR business....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 25, 2013