James Fowler

Critic on James W. Fowler (born 1940 - dead tomorrow)

An American friend of mine, perhaps one of the most intelligent persons on Earth, asked me about my understanding of the Theories of a given

James W. Fowler

Having never heard that name over here in Europa, I googled him on Wikipedia and found out about what this American Theologist is writing about, the critics against him and what I wrote about the subject of religion, belief and faith.

And now let's go:

Religion, Belief and Faith

James Fowler makes a clear distinction between these three areas.

RELIGION is given by areas of the globe, Christianity, Catholic and Evangelican Faith, Islam, Judentum, Buddhismus, Hinduismus, Hitlertum and Reagonomics and Bushism and other Shit in which normal folks like to believe.

The FAITH is the structure within the believing in a God, in Maria, in Francis I or in Hitler or Margaret Thatcher or the Cash of the Jews of Wall Street.

And BELIEF is the content within a given faith and can be put in

6 Steps of orderly believing in any God, Allah or Obama.

Now, let's look into the 6 STEPS:

1. Step of faith:

Intuitive projective Faith - a child of 2 to 7 years gets the first idea of an existence of super-natural matters - in other words, he already has some sort of a belief in GOD.

2. Step of faith:

Mythic belief to be expressed in language - the little children grow up, learn languages and can express what they "see" in words and sentences. They get the first picture of a God and most of the time, it's anthropmorphic Methaphore - a "God" looking like a wise old man.

3. Step of faith:

Synthetic conventional faith - the normal picture of God of 12 years old boys. Most of folks never exceed this State of understanding of faith. People compare God with their social surroundings, look into daily life, have very conventional ideas about what God may be, understanding nothing of reality, all being synthetic - a world out of paper or shit.

4. Step of faith:

Individual reflective faith - Such seldom humans try to get over Step 3 and develop an own individual sight on God and what it could be. They have a personal view of the world on higher degree in which God can also grow a little bit.

5. Step of faith:

Set up and firmly reflected faith - Such persons compare their religion and faith with other beliefs of Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, Aristotle, Hitler, Reagan, Greenspan, Maria and Francis I etc. and try to get some sort of "higher recognition", what God and Religion could mean. Only elder and very intelligent idiots would go up on this level - to judge the world by the eyes of other geniuses, knowing nothing of God and our reality.

6. Step of faith:

Universal faith - There are no folks reaching such high position of intellect. Examples are Delavy, Gandhi, Jesus, Mother fucker Theresa, Mandela, Popper, Milton Friedman and the Jews in Israel and Martin Luther inclusive King and other idiots, understanding nothing of the world of finances, but all about God. Those people live on Earth in the given and promised paradise of God and are killed by faith, to say by the technologic world, before the year 2099 would have come.

We can easily see that I got fed up of such highly intellectual stuff. When you read about the critics and my own views, you may see what I mean. Fowler is certainly a nice person, but if I were God, I would be very much annoyed.

Critics against Fowler

The critics of Fowler are not better than Fowler himself. They pretend that the study was not broad enough, which is really a joke. Then the first steps would be quite good, but from Step 4 to 6, the things are not complete (!!) and not even logical. The terminologies would be the ones given in religion itself, although Fowler pretended to explain religion from ideologies coming "outside" belief and faith.

To explain God not at all, but pretend that idiots like the legend Christ, Mandela, Gandhi, King or Obama would know, goes on the level of René Delavy, sorry, René Descartes:

This philosophical idiot explained half-way his world around 1600 on rather superficial grounds "I think - and so I exist".... - but when it went above rational thoughts, Descartes simply wrote: Since we know that God must exist, all is given by explanation given by God, what humans never can know. Not bad, but Delavy must extend him, to make sense - see below.

Delavy Theories on religion, philosophy and Descartes

I wrote in my books about 500 pages alone around religion, philosophy and theories in economics.

The rest was explaining the origins and effects of capitalism, neo-liberalism, the climate-collapse to come, the end of resources and feasibilities of humans and the dullness of majorities, electing some politic shit, who manoeuvre our world down the drain, be they left-wing, socialistic, liberal, conservative, Jewish, green, Islamistic, or living under stress of Tea Party invented by James Fowler.

Now, what is GOD?

Very easy - God is the unknown and never a person shall know, what, why and how a God could be. And the imagination of the 99,999 percent is so low in intellect, that any God would send an atom bomb on the planet, if he would exist. Some given idiot having created a universe of unlimited time in eternity and endlessness in space, cannot be "thought" by normal humans, not even by a universal genius like Delavy.

Religion is pure ESOTERICS in order to kill those who do not believe, or believe the wrong faith, or are against "God" or do not follow Obama or the Tea Party to Guantanamera county - if you get what I mean.

Nothing killed more and made more folks stupid than religion and faith and other Esoterics.

Take Einstein: He believed as JEW not in the Wall Street jungle, but with some other Jews into the atom bomb. When we had it, instead of shooting in his head, he wrote to all Presidents of the Globe: "Please, please, don't use my bomb".

Ronald Reagan was not listening, made some Polish NATO games and we know today, that the Russian generals had the finger on the touch to launch the Third World War - idiots.

Take Jesus plus Gandhi, preaching passivity and letting kill all socialists by U.S. congress in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Costa Rica and today in Congo, Pakistan, Iraq, Wall Street and Afghanistan near Israel. Same shit being mother Theresa having sold South Africa to London Finance Jews, sorry, this was Mandela - Step 6 of Fowler faith.

Delavy can explain since 1975 the reasons of the coming collapses in finances, economics, culture, resources, oceans, bankruptcies of lands and banks and the final countdown of humanity under stress of an Ecology Bomb - but the other 99,999 percent do today not even understand the reasons for these catastrophes, predicted at the "point of no return" around 1975.

Take the idiots of Fowler, Greenspan, Popper, Friedman, Obama, Habermas, Fukushima, Machiavelli, Descartes, Nietzsche, Keynes, Marx, Foucault and other shit in brains, wanting to explain how our world would be functioning.

In fact they only made on "behaviourism", did foresee nothing, helped the rich and powerful class or - like idiot Habermas - said: "Have nice ethics, human rights and democrazy and all will be good and fine" - when the automatisms of our rotten SYSTEMS would continue to drive all nations into the final autodafee of minor intellect, not understood by one simple scientist on Earth, be he or she a number of natural science or of arts of nothing.

Look, dear Fowler, you may write whatever on a given GOD not in existence, during the time our humanity goes down the drain, but better would be, folks would wake up and read my books, before they will be burnt, because I do not want to see any continuation of Killing by religion, economics, tax-freedom of the rich class and the idiocy of shit-in-brains like Obama, Putin, Merkel, Hollande, Berlusconi, Cameron, Xi, Singh, Lula, Lagarde, Strauss-Draghi and other Jews of the WEF in Davos.

Well, it's around 2 o'clock at night, I am dead-sleepy and go now to bed.

First I put this text in the NET and on E-Mail, correct it tomorrow and send it a second time to all people, understanding nothing of facts and God.

And now let's learn, that my friends are no idiots: They compare today happenings in a historical frame and analyse this on highest scale of intellect - my friend, you know, are all Darlings.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 27, 2013