The End of the Great human CHAOS
There is no need for me to write about the attached German book (only in my E-Mail sent today), but since it is urgent and I have time, we can give humanity a second chance.
This book is the most important book on this planet, about the Status Quo of humanity for the period from 2000 to 2099.
It explains the real situation of human kind in matters of coming finance CRASH, the end of capitalism, the crimes of Jews under Neo-Liberalism, the religious and false philosophical effects on the masses of exploding folks, and naturally the exhaustion of a planet by pure stupidity and paranoia of the 99,999 percent, leading to a final collapse of climate and weather-machine.
Together with my books, such as:
- 10 Maxims for continuation of Life
- Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction and
- those books not only describe the long chain of origins and effects of HUMAN CRAZE, but also what should have been done, to prevent the complete downfall of humans in the TRAP of Self-Destruction from 2000 to 2099, with the end where a continuation of human life has become utterly impossible.
I know that Media and idiotic thinkers and philosophers like to laugh about these books, since their intellect got rotten by the PRAGMATISM of present times and the becoming foolish, not only of the 99 Percent, but even more for the Elite of idiots, trying to govern nations, conglomerates, banks, science scrap, there is no way out for a planet in free fall to hell. But at least, Delavy has done what had to be done.
When Middle Class and Poor become aware of the true situation, produced by politicians, Jews, bankers and other idiots, the massacre can start in any land on the Globe.
But before we are there, let's explain the present "small" situation on the example of fine human happenings in the year 2013.
First the OVERALL-SITUATION of the world as per 2013
- The Jews continue letting crash the finance and bank system of the globe
- Cash, profit, growth and total exhaustion are still the GOD of all Religions
- Japan before final death takes help with atomic finance weapons
- USA is made quiet by lies about the situation of complete hopelessness
- In Europe the State Deficits explode and the banks are in free fall
- In China the idiocy of neoliberalism led to the edge of darkness and implosion
- Africa can be forgotten for all times - the tunnel down to misery is final
- The ecologic collapse of the Globe prepares the final strokes to kill humanity
- All crazy-gone children have to be set quiet by medicine and psychology
- All Scientists and Experts are at a loss, have no IQ and never had any PLAN B
And this is only the Peak of the Iceberg of the real global situation in 2013 - and now lets go to some interesting detail matters of present times.
The Year 2013 is still young, but it makes part of the downfall from 2000 to 2099.
In addition, the year 2013 is according to another letter of mine the first year, humanity will see by the end the FACT of hopelessness in world finances, economy, science, ecology and the real States Quo in which we are.
To explain the FACT, let's see into some fine matters:
Our fine Pope Ratzinger gone now, was just one idiot in religion. This cripple in mind made us believe, we have some sort of a GOD in heaven, preventing wars, torture, poverty, Jews at Wall Street, burning witches and Vietnamese and Amis being too stupid, not to lead the whole world into a finance Crash without any end. Old Ratzinger is the synonym of all religious leaders of the globe, soon followed by another FAKE of inexistent Son of a God, bluffing the masses about times to come, when blowing nothing but shit in the religious brains of those believers, giving all rights to the richest cracks and none to the exploding folks of coming poverty. And so - religions only brought death, hopelessness and torture and stupidity over humanity from the start, and the million folks of nature wiped out by all of the Ratzingers of 2000 years, can sing their songs about reality in matters of ESOTERICS.
Obama may kill his nice brother Osama bin Laden and keep a State of Union Speech of highest stupidity, when being himself just as stupid as any Swine. Here the proof: USA is in fact bankrupt since 2000, as is too Japan, Greece, England, Spain, Italy, Argentina and in fact almost all lands having created the Crash on Wall Street and in addition some huge State Deficits since 1960.
Obama said that under these conditions, there is no harm to increase deficits and State indebtedness, without explaining how the coming generation will prevent State Crash at all. But more he wants repair rotten infrastructure, find new Jobs of destruction of a planet, maintain supremacy of an army paid on deficits, bring new jobs by banks with trillions of Dollars of Shit in their balance sheets and letting have the Jews all power at Wall Street and Israel, to let explode finance crash worldwide and terrorism in Islam and other places.
Xi Jingping
China will see coming the implosion of exports when USA and Europe are now going into an economic Crisis or real Crash, the bubble in real estate alone can do it, the situation with ecology, water, air, resources to be bought from the world with a rotten currency come to a still-stand and anyway, China has - like India, based on Mass-Laws not the slightest chance to come out of the tunnel.
Mao was an idiot with communism, Deng an idiot with introducing capitalism, Hu and Wen had the chance of copying all mistakes in economics from Japan and USA and can now copy the downfall of USA and Japan, but in very short time, even before 2025, China will be crashed, like India, more than any nation, since resources have come to an end and seldom earths alone and zero water under mega-cities, will not help XI and other yellow skunks, to prevent the implosion of China (and India and Africa).
Finance Jews
The Finance Jews got on the basis of rotten philosophies from Popper and Friedman and politics of Ronald and Thatcher and GW Bush the liberty to create huge failing investment banks, hedge funds and ABS, CDO and CDS, the finance atom bombs still not yet exploded - and the idiots of Obama and European Freaks in politics are fully dependent of these Jewish Criminals, dictating who becomes President or Prime Minister in USA, Israel, France, England, Germany or Switzerland. You may laugh when reading these lines - when it is the proof of your very low intellect.
In fact, the Finance-Jews in New York, City of London, Paris, Beijing, Tokyo, Berlin, Frankfort, Zurich and Geneva and other finance towns around the globe, have taken over full power over 7 billions of Shit-in-brains and their rotten Elite, and not one person has got the real situation of a Crash of 2008, having not yet completed the downfall and being 10 times higher than 1929, only having started by now. The real thing will happen from 2014 to 2018, when all banks and nations will find themselves in complete bankruptcy of the system, known as CAPITALISM - followed naturally by the complete ECONOMIC COLLAPSE in 200 nations.
European Freaks
We can see today in February 2013, how all politicians and bankers and Jews (all important VIPs in Finance are in fact real Jews - count them) - to say how Merkel, Barroso, Draghi, Lagarde, Joe Ackerman, WEF Schwab, Berlusconi, Cameron and other Spanish and Swiss freaks try to prevent the complete LOSS of CONTROLS on the Euro, the South of Europe in free fall, the fact that banks have again become too big to fail, and USA and Japan still being bankrupt and tearing the rest down to hell.
But what do they do, the stupid heads at their next meeting? They will fuck, they will eat a lot of caviar and drink champagne and decide on the Cash savings of Middle Class and Poor, since the rich class has stopped to pay taxes since 1990 all together with help of Switzerland and other tax paradise Crooks of finance and Tax Fraud.
But worse is, that not ONE person in Europe knows about a PLAN B, except the concept of GROWTH, having destroyed the future of all coming generations in 200 lands on Earth in our PAST - and still - the idiots of congresses are not killed by blinded masses, believing in any shit, media and VIPs would tell them, when any child of 3 years would easily get, that nothing but LIES are being put on the table by an Elite, having come to their - not virtual - but real End of intellect and no solution out of a final impasse.
Philosophy came to an End
Some folks believe that the past philosophies since the OLD GREEK were really good stuff. I had studied about those principles and have written CRITICS in my books and see: All was human behaviourism, favouring a science of mass, cash, feasibility and exhaustion of a planet, killing of animals, the humans being their own GODS and no limits in CRAZE, before natural limits by the year 2000 would have proven, to what extent all philosophies and theories in economics were pure Shit of mind.
Give me one PRINCIPLE in economics or philosophy which I would not destroy as human HYBRIS, within 3 minutes in writing, and I pay you one million Dollars cash in your hand.
Sure, the scientists and politicians and literary cracks and some computer and internet world also attributed to the overall PARANOIA of the 99,999 percent, but the basis of general stupidity was laid by philosophies and religions.
The Ecologic Self-destruction
The congresses taking place also in 2013, will again plan to stop the warming up of world climate, to be limited on 2 Degrees. What a craze!
In all my books I proved that the letting out of trillions of tons of poison, junk, scrap, plastic and transforming resources and energy in poisoning the very small film of air and water around our globe (air of planet - bubble over Middle Europe / water of planet - bubble over Spain) - the final effect based on one billion of cars, 10000 airplanes, ships, heating, cooling, industry, etc. will be not the warming up of oceans and air, but the final breakdown in accelerated manner of the global weather-machine, with EFFECTS of whatsoever.
And so it was proven by me already in 1975 (ORAKEL 2099), that humans will be facing gigantic weather catastrophes from 2000 to 2099, with always accelerating strength of terrible super-droughts, super-floods, super-storms and super monster-waves in Oceans - and not with quadrillions of rotten Dollars, humans could escape the self-destruction, accompanied by a funny finance crime and world economics falling into pieces - but the finest thing will prove to be our ecologic collapse worldwide - killing humanity by itself ALONE.
The Crash in finance and economics and science just is here, to give some pre-warning of the real thing, the collapse of the world's resources in water, nourishments, grounds and all the rest.
And now go and pray to your personal God - being inexistent.
With Shit in the brains of Humanity, more in the heads of Elite than the mass of the 99 Percent, this Species did never have any chance to survive.
There was the BLUFF of 2000 years since Jesus that the planet would excuse any stupidity of those having no idea what they are doing. But since 1960 at least, I know about the final STAGE of humans on this globe, what sort of normal CRAZE would go on in religions, philosophy, economics, finance of Jews and the shit in the brains of scientists and politicians.
And now, the year 2013 has come and we find ourselves at a loss and no PLAN B to come out of the TUNNEL - not the tunnel of love - but the one of Self-destruction - idiots.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on February 15, 2013