State of Affairs on Earth

Incredible DULLNESS of Youth and Feuilleton

USA as capitalistic forerunner of idiocy of a western sick-world, that nation goes to hell now. Switzerland got rich on the tax evasion from all lands of the globe. The globe exhausted in 100 years free of charge all resources and energy stuffs in favour of the richest Skunks. Cash and shareholder values cannot be eaten and are nothing but symbolic Shit - when people want eat that shit, in the total bankruptcy of all systems in economy and ecology, the 10 billion will get that they have been done in by optimistic and criminal Junk-Jews of Wall Street.

It is absolutely incredible to what point Youth, Feuilleton, Media and Internet are stupid and blind in view of the FACTS given in our REALITY around the year 2000 - on this globe.

99 percent of Folks on this bubble cannot read the evident SIGNS on the Firewalls in all towns and villages of all globalised countries:


The evidence of the following facts are so great that in future, the Elite and Masses will never understand - around 2025 to 2035 - the dullness and blindness of present generation from 1990 to 2020. Let's go:

1. Capitalism and Neoliberalism led to the complete CRUNCH of all systems on Earth. There is no way out of misery in all thinkable future to come.

2. All nations, banks, the whole finance systems worldwide run into bankruptcy and there is no PLAN B, not given by any Person or Organisation or Government on this globe.

3. USA, Europe, China, India etc. will implode within the next 10 years, whatever politicians, scientists, philosophers and else would decide or do.

4. Resources and energy have come to exhaustion and nothing can replace the stuff transformed in deadly poison - killing from now on our world to 100 percent.

5. We have not a "Climate-Change" but a Collapse of Climate and Weather-Machine that will not have a light effect in the next 100 years, but an always more accelerating destruction of the surface of the Earth - in the next 50 years to come with deadly droughts, waterfloods, super-storms etc.

6. The Explosion of Pops and other Mass-Laws on Earth made it impossible to find nourishment, water, energy and resources for the needs of the 10 billion to come.

7. All Systems of Cash and Technology must have led to the destruction, not only of Mega-Towns, but of all areas on this globe. Agriculture will not save the world due to missing water, climate collapse, gene manipulations and monoculture of the past and the deadly effects into the future.

And there are other points to be named that cannot be changed by any government, WEF, congress, NGO or genius in mind, also because I have written the FACTS in my books since 1975.


The old men and girls of this world are completely blind and idiotic, because THEY have DONE it - the FACTS above.

But the YOUTH of OCCUPY, Pirates and other shit are so dull in mind, words, writing, internet - that for me it is absolutely sure that not one fine solution would come from youth, being the victims of terribly dull schools and universities.

Another PROOF:

When my books were finished and printed on my costs, I brought a lot of examples to ETH and UNI Zurich. I spread the books on tables, Aula, in reading rooms, in libraries and in hands of young people - and NOTHING happened. If ever there would have been intellect and awakening about a need to understand the downfall of intellect of folks on Earth - this was the major and very last TEST.

Had young folks a normal brain, they would have - within minutes - seen the importance of the SCRIPTS, but they have sent in front of my eyes all books into the basket.

And this is one of the reasons why not ONE single Youth of 20 years today, has a slightest chance to find a future in life and to survive the coming catastrophes.


Naturally, my books were sent to all Feuilletons in Germany and Switzerland - and also to some VIPs of higher minds, of which I could expect a higher intelligence.

The effect was that the books came back at my charge and some Idiots wrote: "Leave our Journal or TV Station alone with such shit of yours. We are not interested to read such SCRAP. If you continue sending such idiocies, we shall advice our police about your goddamn literature…."

So much about the great intellectual quality of MRR - and other idiots of the culture as funny Part of zero-minded Newspapers, Radio and TV stations. The so-called "geniuses" known from a multitude of articles and TV presentations of the German part of this World have shit in their brains. But same can be said and goes about English and French part who got about 400 Editors Letters published in English and French - with exactly the same TONES as given in Germany.

Even Susan George of ATTAC has - thank you - given a nice example, wrote a Mail and boasted around, about her trial to give on my book to attac idiots - before sending it into her basket.

All these facts will have terrifying EFFECTS in the future of mankind.


I wrote about the INTERNET as soon as I understood what it is - (even before knowing about Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Wikipedia etc.):

"Internet will have a huge effect on the future of humanity. Considering the present dullness of humanity, especially youth will find it great and have chats of a quality of dogs and snakes. The criminality and the stealing of cash from all folks will exceed the assumed usefulness of the NET by the factor of 10. Humanity will be forced to forbid the INTERNET before all folks are dull and broke. But before, the internet will lose all INFOS given in the net by economy and else, by breakdown of systems and this will be another reason for the complete CLASH of all SYSTEMS on Earth - but even without the NET - this CRASH would be a total NORMALITY in a crazy-gone humanity."


My literature of 10 books will be bound to stay for years on Number 1 to 10 of all "BEST OF" Listings in all countries of this World. I do not know WHEN this will happen but I DO know that with times this WILL happen.

Now, just for the mechanics of the complete downfall of intellect and facts on the globe, this State of affairs is so very evident since 1990 and so clear today that any higher brain should be vomiting about the dullness of Youth and Feuilleton these days, before my forecasts ALL shall become evident and translated into living reality.

1. Book - ORAKEL 1995 and 2099

The first book was not a book but a PAMPHLET. It showed the situations to come in politics, economy, ecology, religion, military and philosophy in the near future. And in the second part of the pamphlet were presented SOLUTIONS for not getting there. I was sure with the beginning of the very evident "Waldsterben" around me, that the acceleration would come soon and therefore, provocative, I have chosen when writing around 1975, the year 1995 for the outcome. Later on, I concluded the text with little changes, in another book and the chapter was changed in "ORAKEL 2099". Today I know that 1995 was too early and 2099 by far too late. The Crunch of humans shall be ended to 90 percent by 2050.

2. Book - Gedanken in Turin

The book "Thoughts in Torino" is a description of a travel of 3 days through Torino in Italy with girl-friend and my dog. After each adventure in town, I added a philosophical chapter about the real life on Earth of these days. In fact, all what followed in my oeuvre, was on low level already included in this book.

3. Book - Linien zum Himmel ziehen

This book "Lines driven to Heaven" explained in very much detail and 200 pages, how come that TIME shall stand still after 2000 - and in the same Scheme, catastrophes would mount vertically to heaven from the time of the year 2000 onwards. And today this is just the scripts of reality in which I am living today. There is not one error made about what is going on from now to 2099. A book dictates reality of humanity.

4. Book - 10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz

In only 10 days, this book was written on the laptop in my flat near MONACO. Each morning from 4 to 10 o'clock in the morning, I wrote a Maxim and read it to my girl-friend. And each time she said: "They should give you one billion for this text" and then we went in the back-lands of Côte d'Azur for promenades and eating fine in restaurants. The 10 maxims showed how to survive by changing capitalism into a "Ziel-Gesellschaft" - and it was sure that changes must have come around 1975 --- and 2010 would be by far too late - for possible saving corrections in due time.

5. Book - CHAOS

This is the largest books of them all. In chapters heading "What is Being? / Limits of Growth / World of Money / Democracy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities / Human mistakes in minds / Might versus Science / The School of Perception / Sense of Religion / Fundamental Critic on Philosophies" the major mistakes in the thinking of today's Elite was made transparent and further explained whereto the voyage of humans is bound to go after 2000.

6. Book - Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung

The Book "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" shows in the first 18 chapters a new School of Awareness and Economics. And in the second half, the books has critics about the idiocies written by Adam Smith / René Descartes / Niccolo Machiavelli / Karl Marx / Friedrich, August von Hayek / John Maynard Keynes / Milton Friedman / Michel Foucault / Giorgio Agamben". I guess today, this was the last chance of humanity to make a distinction between the "normality" of the masses - and the "geniality" of the few on Earth (title of another chapter in this book).

7. Book - Novel JOHN DEMASTER

This describes a voyage of a GOBLIN coming out of the cold in Alaska, visiting a wise man in the woods, going to New York, Normandy, Monaco, Spain, Egypt, South America in a torture cellar, seeing the attack of USA in Baghdad, being aware of China and the future of  this rotten State and finalizing his days on an island in midst of the Pacific and disappearing in the depth of the Ocean at the end. And he leaves all the evidences about a rotten and dying humanity - throughout his scripts.

8. Book - Reise in die Phantastik der Vergangenheit

Based on the Novel of John Demaster, the idea was that the GOBLIN in human presentation would have the gift to bring back in his hut in the Pacific great number of the VIPs from old Egypt to the present still existent idiots living on the present Earth. He would have discussions with them and show to what extent they were made blind by success and idiocy through their power and success. The effect is NOT to show how stupid all these famous persons were, but about the fact to what extent they were blind about the true state of affairs - in the past, in the present and what shall be in the future.

And there are two other books of rather personal nature - and the book "PLADESNIEKANT" is anyhow in the net and explains as a summary all the facts presented in all other books in very stringent nature, bringing again the very true situation of this human world to the point.

Now, what is funny about this article here, is still the complete idiocy of YOUTH and FEUILLETON on this very day, April 16, 2012, exactly 6 o'clock now, when I write the TRUTH about the stupidity of politicians, scientists, philosophers, CEOs, NGOs, bankers, cash-folks, the elite and their completely dull-gone masses without any open future to come.

Thanks for your attention.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 16, 2012 - 6 o'clock (before corrections and sending by MAILS to some idiotic Newspapers, TV and Radio stations - having an average IQ of slightly over 50)