Crash 2007 - 20 times worse than 1929

Crash 2007 will be 20 times worse than 1929

(Globalisation, Currencies, Junk Papers, Lehman, Pops, Mega-Towns, USA/Europe/China, WEF, rotten climate, ecologic collapse, resources and energy, stupidity of folks, natural situation of the globe - end of the Game)

I had to write rapidly some words for remembrance and the line mentions not at all the complete set of expressions to be named, to clarity the difference of the total COLLAPSE OF FINANCE SYSTEMS 2007 as compared to New York 1929.

It was in the year 2007, when World News published an article of mine, telling folks the origins of the Crash 2007 from 1990 to 2015. And at the same time I stipulated that this present Crash would exceed the effects of 1929 by the factor 10. Today, I say that the factor would be 20 to 100, so clear are the deadly effects not yet foreseeable, in view of the funny and useless actions of a rotten Elite of politics and science on this Globe.

Further the start of the CRASH of stock exchanges and debts on a worldwide scale was not 2008 with Lehman Brothers, but in fact 2006. But the evidence of the Crash being only known in the year 2007 for little brains, we should speak in history books of the

CRASH 2007  -   as compared to the CRASH 1929.

Why 20 times worse than 1929?

Let's go into the details:


Contrary to 1929, when the Crash was an affair of USA, the Crash 2007 is globalised due to the rotten system of Popper / Friedman, called neo-conservative Liberalism. And the volume is not 10, but 100 times higher than 1929. All nations of the Globe are concerned in 2007. The tumbling down will be GLOBAL, like the WEF in Davos 2012.


Contrary to 1929, when currencies were not really the problem, we have today some Dollars, Euros, Yen, SFR, Pound etc. in highest difficulties and risking going down the drain. And contrary to 1929, we have RATING OFFICES of Jews that can push the interest rates for nations bonds up to 10 and more percent. This means, that even without the Crash on Wall Street, all nations would go into bankruptcy NOW.


Contrary to 1929, all nations were already bankrupt in 2006 BEFORE the Crash of stock exchanges: USA, Japan, England, Italy, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Spain and some other rotten States. In fact "Each American owes to the world one MILLION Dollars" (another Letter published in World News in 2007) and the same is true for Japan and in fact for most of lands in the world. Under these conditions, the collapse of finances did not really need some other fine 1929.

Junk Papers

Contrary to 1929 when only normal Shares existed, we have in 2007 in many trillions of Dollars some Junk Papers worldwide, like ABS, CDO and CDS and State bonds. The volume is 100 times higher than in 1929 and it's still evaluated to wrong values in all balance sheets of banks and hedge funds and insurances etc. of the world.

Lehman Brothers

Contrary to 1929 with some little Lehman Brothers, we have today some 1000 Lehman Brothers, the collapse of just ONE was sufficient to talk of a "Lehman catastrophe". The world has nothing seen yet. When this fact becomes evident for the blind idiots, the shouting in press will be very, very funny.


Contrary to 1929, when the World POPS had 2 billion of half stupid folks, we have today 7 billion of full stupid folks. In view of the points to come, the impact of the overall disaster is today 100 times higher than it could have been in 1929.


Contrary to 1929 we have not only London, New York, Los Angeles or Paris as Mega-Towns on this globe that can implode any moment, but about 200 Mega-Towns of which we do not even know the names and we have not 10 million of folks per town, but 25 million of folks - and in future much more.


Contrary to 1929, we have lands short before implosion like USA and Europe and Japan. And what is not seen is the gigantic BLOW we have when China and India and other overpops nations shall implode - even before 2020.

WEF in Davos

Contrary to 1929 we have today very stupid NGOs like WEF in Davos, having pushed under Jew Klaus Schwab and Joe Ackerman, a crazy Capitalism of Growth and Greed since existence. But the dullness is increased by idiots like Tea Party, G-20, attac, Greenpeace, Amnesty International, WWF, IPCC and Occupy as alibi excuse for criminal Nations. Considering the rotten NET of Google, Facebook and Twitter, we can forget to count still on the Elite and their masses - all are crazy today.

Rotten Climate - Ecologic Collapse

Contrary to 1929 we have today achieved a rotten climate, a weather machine gone out of order producing immense droughts, floods, super-storms and monster-waves. We have Oceans full of poison and fished empty. Same goes for ground water. Same goes for original forests. Same goes for the rest of lands and nourishment situation. Considering the true conditions, even without a Finance Crash, this world would stand at the End of the Game.

Resources and Energy

Contrary to 1929, today the oil and gas is going out. Idiots have to look out for sandy oil and some rests deep in the oceans. Same goes for all resources and energy stuffs, including Seldom Earths and clean water. Going towards 10 billion in POPS, we can forget about any survival of humanity. Never ever any Species in all Stars of our Universe could have been so dull to believe, that the paradise of billions of years on preparation should be destroyed in only 100 years of time.

Stupidity of folks

Contrary to 1929 not only the Internet, Hollywood, rotten literature and false philosophies are making Cretins out of all folks on Earth, but the schooling under the impression of rotten forerunner USA - in all universities - and this makes out of each child a complete idiot in the sense of highest philosophy. And not one person understands just one little bit, except me, what the real effects of "Highest Accounting" would be in view of the greatest Economic Crash in History of human mankind. But all shit-in-brains of the 99,999 percent understand almost everything about cars, planes, atom works, leaning cruiser ships, sex, making children, being dull like hell in a world of "Sun, fun and nothing to do". Never ever in history, the globe had so many zero-brains on its surface as in 2012 - friends.

Natural situation on the Globe

Contrary to 1929, the nature of the Globe had still a chance in 1929, even with some Hitler, Stalin, JFK and World War I and II and Vietnam and Rwanda and China of cheap products, killing the industry of the rest of world. Having today some billion of CARS running around, and some ten thousands of PLANES in the air each new day, only as the most visible cretinism of humans, the self-killing of the masses is only a question of a few years to come. Considering the dullness of Obama, GW Bush, Blair, Merkel, Narkozy, Berlusconi, Murdoch and the rest of Junk, not even understanding the little problem of criminal Jew-Banks on Wall Street, we can forget about a future for any human history to come.

The End of the Game

As written since 1990 in all my books, in fact already 1975 in "Orakel 2099", followed by "CHAOS" / "10 Maxims" / "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" / "John Demaster" / "PLADESNIEKANT" etc. - the End of the Game of the most rotten Species in the whole Universe of some idiots has come. And all was pushed by cretins of religion, names like Ratzinger or Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, God or Allah - even further pushed on higher degree by the rotten brains of some 1000 philosophers and some 20 theorists in economics. Note, those POPS and VIPs of 2012 shall never again get the slightest chance for survival.

By 2099, the whole Game of Cretins shall be over - and it was about highest time.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 25, 2012