Since 2000 years, human scientists believe in being entitled to push forward all "theorems of feasibility" - to the detriment of all limits we can think of: Limits of growth, limits of life, limits of behaviourism, limits of human philosophy, limits of techniques, limits of money-casino - all the things we do every day around the year 2000 which are not dictated by natural laws of our globe.
This assumption is very difficult to be proven. The chaos and the circumstances we are living in are not understood, the false principles are so huge in their effects that we must try to go into relevant details in all fundamental areas of existence. And so it may be possible to prove that we are on the way of destructing all our chances of survival as Homo sapiens - out of free will and due to stubborn blindness.
Fairy-tale of feasibility - in all Sciences of nature and spirit
There seems to be a common agreement and approval throughout the world: The humans are entitled to develop whatever they want: They can have planes, cars, atom power, missiles, gene technology, brain-scientology, psychiatry, ever more medical aids, animal holocausts, wars and torture by geo-political interests, violence and power of any sorts - and all this against the life-conditions of humans, animals, plants, water and air, against the whole biosphere of our planet. And nobody, not one scientist, philosopher, "thinker" and whatever would state: Stop, don't go beyond this limit because on the other side we will develop our self-destruction as Homo sapiens. Not one of the "theoreticians in economics" could see why growth with seven billion of blind optimists is nothing but a gigantesk program of elimination of the ones that constructed those plans.
This is logics of the highest level that any child of ten years can understand, would it have been educated like a human being and not like the most stupid ape on Earth, supposed to be the best "developed" animal on Earth.
Feasibility has, at all times, received highest esteem from the "brightest" heads on Earth, and today, this belief has become a Western cult, behind that "supremacy", any respect for other cultures should kindly disappear and other regions should be kept quiet. We use wrong terms for whatever we mean: We talk of terrorism of those who do not want to be anymore weakened, slaughtered, eliminated - and we call terroristic nations like USA , Russia , China , Israel and many other "democracies". Yes, they are "democracies" but only in the sense of my slogan "Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities". Folks that learn wrong terms from the morning to the night through their TV-stations and newspapers can't think in normal terms. They are influenced and bound to become faithful and useful idiots, since the age of ten. They would never have any chance to become intelligent or intellectual in a useful way on higher grounds, since the whole system of education, in the house of the parents, in firms, in religion, in schools and in all universities of the world are of a nature to multiply all heresies about our casino- and money-world where cash is all and natural reality counts absolutely nothing. What counts are all the material junk that is measurable in Dollars, Euros or Swiss Francs. We have become crazy in our technological money-world and no one told us, not one holder of northern Prizes of Dynamite, that we have lost our mind long time ago and have become dreamers of wrong dreams in spirits and intelligence.
We live in a world of fairy-tales about the usefulness of science - and we believe blindly in those who know not one percent of reality and are bound to have less intelligence than we could ever have if only we wanted to know. On the contrary, today it's the normal folks who possess a rest of consciousness. Our "elite" is nothing but a heap of "Skunks of power" - in politics, economics, culture, media and science.
Money-world is one huge casino, preparing our future world-bankruptcy
Look at our world. We could have thousands of economic systems. Most of the reasonable ones would have been in line with the mechanics dictated by nature, because we would have recognized that the planet dictates all laws in which we have to function. We decided otherwise: We found out about a very stupid money world, where everything is measured in cash: Resources, oil, water, traffic, medicine, health, bodies, animals, plants, insurance, security, love, sex, hate, wars, shit, stupidity, also any supposed intellectual stuff like books, films, pictures, art of any kind, media, TV-stations, companies, humans, sex parts. Whatever you may think of, there is only one important matter: The PRICE, nature translated in money items. You can buy everything. The ugliest and most stupid man can buy the best female beauty. Any woman is buyable - the only question is the one of her price. Perhaps a man is not always buyable, like for example René Delavy, since they may have priceless ideals, sometimes even philosophical ones, but also with men about 90 percent of them are influenced over cash and fall on their knees about any dirty trick that pays and brings esteem.
This casino-world will kill us. When? Just now. We have arrived at our own limits of growth, the towers of debts are built since long time, we find ourselves in a situation, where all nations on Earth are in a state of quasi-bankruptcy. Not one Nation can be taken out of this assumption, being in a total misery to the detriment of all future generations, since we haven not only built up huge towers of indebtedness but also a climate in ecology that worsens every day more and more, resources and energy stuff are going to become nearly priceless very soon, stupidity explodes every day a little bit more in a world with boulevard brains, governed by thousands of Murdochs and Berlusconis, all around our planet. There is no way out. The present generation decided to build up crazy money-systems and the future generations will be buried under the results of these theorems of feasibility. It's just as easy: Don't look out for more intellectual stuff about the subject. - Should there have been easy-reachable ways out of danger, we would have found out about them, long time ago (see Part II of this report).
Military power only protects "People of justice"
What do I mean by this title? First: Is there a matter that deserves the word "justice"? No, there is not such a thing like justice on this planet. We only know about that term when it is question of protecting our wealth, the rich people, the powerful, the politicians, the influent CEO of companies, the Popes and other "important" persons, called VIP. Over 90 percent of folks on Earth have not the slightest chance of seeing justice to be done. And who protects this sort of "justice"? The politicians? The scientists? The CEOs or the NGOs? The Popes and other religious leaders? Forget it! The powerful on lower scale possess the police-forces and, on a higher scale, the powerful armies with their military power. And the greatest skunks on Earth, the US-American, have the greatest part of that atomic military power, followed by Russia , China , India and even Israel . And if some other like Iran or North Korea want do the same, they are blamed by the real skunks to be "terrorists". The truth: All nations with military power are pure national terrorists and they committed and commit today the greatest crimes in the world.
The Romans under Cesar and other dictators, the French under Napoleon, the British, Spanish and Portuguese under their Conquerors, the Germans under Hitler, the Soviets under Stalin, the Chinese at all times, the Japanese under Shrine-Idiotics of national pride, and the US-Americans under all presidents since 1950, having committed the greatest crimes of all times in our world, considering the future consequences. And they assisted always the most stupid nations: Israel killing Palestinians and keep boiling a silent war against Arabs, remember Argentina, Chile and all other right-wing dictatorships in South- and Central-America, Asia, Vietnam, Saddam against Iran, all blood-dictators of Africa. The highest cynics of our present world live in the USA , followed by Israel , Switzerland , Russia , China , India and down through all nations of this lost planet. No animal could be so dull to eliminate it-self with weapons they produced for others turning against themselves by the end. Only Homo sapiens possess such stupid "hybrid-brains" and do not know what they are doing. And God just serves as the hand- and human-made useful idiot, copy of all homos believing having the one and only true God in heaven. They are all lost hypocrites, criminals, cynics and slaughterers. They misuse religion and faith for purposes that are less than intellectual junk. Who says: "Either they are FOR us and my US-God - or AGAINST us and our holy God" is a blasphemous idiot, like for example one of the most little-minded politicians on Earth ever: GW Bush.
"Limits of growth" and other sorts of "Chaos theories"
No theory whatsoever will be able to stop our insane explosion of techniques and principles of resource-destruction, due to the "Law of great figures", being the source of all sorts of collapses to come, produced by an exploding world population. This leads us to the question: How many humans can our planet nourish, deliver clean water and breathable air, all the oil and gas needed, make run all cars and planes for fantastic travels around the world? How much growth is possible with emptied seas, emptied water supplies under the grounds, emptied oil supplies, all transformed into deadly poising stuff, kept up in our air around the globe for the next thousand years? What "genius" wants to explain the chaos in an exploding world population, with its techniques of self-destruction and his resources becoming priceless any moment?
The Club of Rome had fantasies about the "Limits of Growth"? On the contrary, it was far too late for those terms, as I have written long before that Club in "Orakel 1995". Sure, I seemed to be a little bit too early in my predictions. But in historical scales, where lines go vertically to heaven and time stands still, twenty up to fifty years of "error" is nothing at all, of no importance. We should have known the truth when it was question about "Waldsterben", because each person could see that above 1500 meters the woods were dying and only some corrections prevented the final disaster, going on today, that helped for the moment and some years to stop the phenomenon. We are used to grin about the wrong recognitions. Still today, Murdoch's boulevard papers all over the planet have still not grasped that humanity is standing in front of all sorts of collapses. We are just now living in the period of time where the whole planet of the human beings goes down the drain - just now, in front of our blinded eyes. It's as easy. "Don't look twice", don't listen to Bob Dylan, Al Bore, Jared Diamonds or other stupids in IPCC when learning about the real state of affairs on Earth - growing ever faster since the beginning of the 21st Century.
We have come to a natural end, we have passed by "the point of no return" around the year 1975 - and not one scientist, theoretician of economics, Kraut-und-Rueben philosopher has checked the puck. These intellectual bluffers just want get an odd Prize of Dynamite and nothing else. All look out for esteem from the 99 percent of blinded idiots and not one would hear the real sound of music, perhaps three or four persons on Earth could spell out. The process of dying goes very slowly, but the correction of that process has long ago become irreversible. You believe me? I hope not, otherwise I would be proven wrong with my intellect by the year 2100 - and I want to be right. Got it? Just go to hell, with your immense wisdom, dear scientists of the most famous Universities on this planet. The nature of the only possible platform of living can do without you. Such little sausages can go to any congress, and the multiplication of their intellect will sum up to a zero result. The reality of the chaos is one thing, and the pride of those knowing not one percent of reality, in fact grasping absolutely nothing about reality, a completely other matter. Just go to hell - all of you!
How much can the planet's nature stand?
In fact, I have now and in my scripts said all I had to say. Whatever comes here is a repetition. My style of writing it such, that I get rid of my thoughts - and never correct the contents of my sentences. All I do is trying to see my bad English corrected, but never my letters. It was Friedrich Dürrenmatt who said that he had, during his writing process, most probably corrected to death most of his literature. Yes, once an author knows that a phrase sounds correct, he should leave it. Any correction or "improvement" would in most cases destruct the original sense of what a thinker knew that he has to write it.
And so I just can try to repeat again that we all should know and feel, since 2000 years of history of a wrong philosophical reasoning, about our "condition humaine". We have done everything to "win a war" against our platform of living, our Earth. Nature can stand extremely much. But when seven billion idiots just want to get whatever is impossible, the collapses will come upon us, one by one, in ecology, economics, politics, military, resources, water, air, media and culture. We cannot stop the disasters to come because we planned them far too good for them to be happing like in a not changeable computer program.
I know exactly how it will happen and what degree of danger there is. But I am most probably the only chap on Earth with that capacity. Why? Because I had no education, did learn all by myself, never accepted any opinion of others except born out of my own consciousness, never believed in any shit in newspapers, TV, radio, spoken by political skunks, optimistic scientists. Not even the theorems of Adam Smith, Keynes, Marx, Friedman or lines of philosophical thinking of Plato, going to Kant and Nietzsche, further on to Habermas and Fukuyama . Nothing was accepted as "being true" without my own judgement being first fully activated. Now you know why I know. This must be good enough for you to read my books in German language - if you wish.
2000 Years of false philosophies - Natural intellect should have been basis of reasoning
Bionic is the science that pretends to learn from nature in application of technical devices. And I was told by one of those scientists on radio that nature is in all respects miles above any technical knowledge of human mankind of these days. Thus some other person confirms what I pretend since I can think: Cars and planes and most of other techniques should never have been invented and developed in great masses, because they destructed our present and they used up all our resources, transforming them into deadly poison. Even today, it would be much too early for cars, planes and atom power stations in masses, as can be seen with European plane A 380 or with the principles of our beloved "Cheap-Airlines", both being one of the worst criminal deeds of these times around the year 2007, although they make not one per mille of the total of such present criminal human acts, undertaken against the interest of nature, of humans and of the biosphere of our planet.
What can we learn from this example? You could learn that we all can know everything about our unbearable situation on this planet if only we wished to know. Why don't you start with this capacity? Because we are all conditioned from a basic reasoning in stupid living-systems and we think in erroneous categories based on 2000 years of wrong philosophies?
Without being aware of it to happen, any child could grasp the wrong ideas about growth, maximation of profits, shareholder-theories. Neo-liberalism and US-capitalism are nothing else but pure craziness, the child would learn. That's all. We cannot change the intellectual program, telling us in cynical manner: "We, the human beings, are God-like beings and are therefore allowed to govern all realities on Earth. However, nature, animals, resources, water, air and the true natural mechanics of our platform of living are nothing else but pure shit that we can handle as we like."
This in fact was the major turn of all thinkers and philosophers, basis of our own wrong reasoning, since the old Greeks, over to the period of Enlightenment, then into the ages of technological "mastering" of the impossible, through to modernist money-worlds of purest simplicity in reasoning, performed by human apes, using huge clubs of disaster, being in hands of the most primitive species ever found in our universe, the Homo sapiens. No, forget it, he was never "the knowing human" as this expression could be meant to say and proudly advanced by our "intellectuals".
We all lived over 2000 years in a cloud of self-pride - and by the end we have achieved to see all our wishes become true: The self-elimination of a species that played his own God in all religions, through all times and phases, since the ancient Ice-Ages when he still had a chance for a better "theorem of feasibility". - And don't miss Part II of this writing - coming soon.