Now, USA and Switzerland have signed a DBA, a Double Taxation Treaty (Doppel-Besteuerungs-Abkommen). Now, Switzerland is no longer on a "Gray List" which means: Switzerland is no longer allowed to be called a "Tax Paradise".
Bluff in the Private sector
Under this Treaty, U.S. Americans (but also nationals out of Germany, France, England - in fact all nations) - any private and rich person can be sure to 90 percent that he or she will never have to pay taxes on his income and fortune hold in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Caribbean Islands, Singapore or any Tax paradise, because it needs NAMES of individuals and evidence for bank ACCOUNTS to start any investigation. And this investigation can be stopped at any times by a multitude of legal means by lawyers and national control systems.
Not only Switzerland---
It is clear: USA has his own tax paradises inside their frontiers. And England has Jersey and Guernsey . France has Monaco . Germans have Luxembourg . China has Hong Kong . All Asians have Singapore . Europeans have Switzerland , Monaco , Liechtenstein - and the whole world has at least 100 Tax Paradises all around the Planet.
But never there was a nation, who helped more the richest scrap of the world to evade taxes in trillions to the disadvantage of their home countries - and leaving all charges to Middle Class and Poor, than Switzerland .
Private sector - only 10 percent of volume of World Tax Fraud
The real Tax Fraud goes with companies. As Insider, I can tell you that Switzerland prevented tax charges of wide over 100 trillions of Dollars in the world since 1960. How this? By all companies opened in Switzerland (mainly Zug, Fribourg, Zurich , Schwyz) and Liechtenstein , Geneva , Monaco and any other tax paradise, under Bank secrecy laws that continue even AFTER the new Tax Treaty with fraudulent USA .
And how are the functions of such an organisation? I have written very detailed texts about the system:
Rich folks have trusts, finance companies, Stiftungen and lots of other vehicles - which cover the usual 10 percent of world tax fraud.
We come now to 90 percent of World Tax Fraud
As Insider, I can tell you that not ONE big company or bank of any sort would tax honestly their profits. They all are advised by their lawyers, bankers, consultants in big Accounting firms, to open complex constructions by means of: Holdings, Management companies, Licence and Leasing vehicles, special constructions with banks, with interest charges, with diminishment of profits by having them transferred into societies in Switzerland (called mixed companies) or any other Cayman Island, Bahamas, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Delaware, Jersey, Monaco, Macao, Singapore, Hong Kong or any other Tax Paradise worldwide.
USA-Deals of the richest VIP and companies are covered by Obama and his Congress
It is very clear: There is no will or plan, to stop this craziness, to let pay all charges of States, infrastructures, armies, huge interests on gigantic national debt towers, education, health care etc. - by middle class and poor only. Any billionaire paying taxes freely on his income and fortune to 100 percent, is an idiot - and such an idiot does not exist worldwide----
Let the U.S. Wall Street Bluffers around Geithner and IRS sign any contract of the world.
Unless honest folks, forced to pay taxes in place of crooks, will wake up, nothing will happen - not on Wall Street, not in the City of London , not at Zurich Bahnhofstrasse or Joe's Banks in Frankfurt .
The honest persons stay stupid - and the rich tax cheaters stay tax-free.
All politicians will bluff us and tell lies, any day anew, and a deadly system of U.S. neo-conservative liberalism of Friedman can go on and on and on and on------