It is quite funny that after 10 books and some 900 other texts written for journals and internet, I never thought of writing a PLAY.
There must be a good reason for that.
And since I never could create a text, without writing the whole TRUTH of facts, let's start with the following PLAY - called:
"End of the World-Theatre"
1. Scene
An idiot appears on stage and says: "All Bankers are dead, all Finance Lobbies, all Politicians, all scientists and philosophers, all rich idiots, all skunks with power are gone, massacred by those made poor and lost. All Systems in Socialism and Capitalism have collapsed - including the Climate, weather and water and air. The finances have collapsed, the nations, the banks, all of world fortune. We all have come to the End of our World theatre…."
There are some rumours around and now appear some idiots of poverty, slaughtering on Scene a rich banker and shout: "This was the last one of them, those god-damned Crooks and VIPs. We have decimated Humanity down to 5 billion of Shit-in-Brains - but how to get on? Our Paradise is rotten, oceans emptied from fish, forests gone, all rivers and lakes some sewage, China and India eliminated itself on basis of overpops and Africa and Australia were at ecologic End already 2010. What the hell shall we do to stop the CRAZE?"
Some cretins they still call "philosophers" not yet killed by the poor masses - after the bankruptcy of neo-liberalism and capitalism - come on scene and shout: "What can we do to survive? All dogs and cats are killed, since we need the nourishment ourselves. Mass traffics and tourism is zero. All governments and members of Parliaments killed or gone themselves out of the picture. There is no HOPE anymore…."
Comes another crazy woman on scene with some books of René Delavy and shouts: "Here, it was written - that by 1995 at the earliest and by 2099 at the latest, humanity will have collapsed due to "Time stands still and the curve of catastrophes mount to heaven" - or "10 Maxims for continuation of life on Earth" - or "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction" - or "PLADESNIEKANT". We simply have to find this Chap."
2. Scene
People drag a type on Stage and a rotten intellectual sounds: "This is Delavy. We must make him "Dictator of the World". He is the only who predicted this downfall of systems and humanity - and he had the right solutions. HE is our last hope."
The type called Delavy tries to flee, but the idiots drag him back on Stage. And so this guy starts to speak:
"Listen Shit-in-Brains. I wrote how around the year 1975 the Point of No Return would have come, to say, at this time all my proposals and solutions should have been implemented on a worldwide scale. This was not done. All books rejected by 100 Editors and finally the books, financed by me personally, were sent in the basket by all the Media idiots, VIPs and other Scrap, your masses have killed recently, after the collapse of all Systems on Earth.
It's a little bit funny to get me now - after the predicted collapses - and wanting to make a "Dictator of the Globe" out of me, when all is finished. It's like giggling like idiots on Olympics in Beijing and then get me to make you laugh, in a tent of beggars behind the Olympic Stadium. The trillions of Dollars, Euros and other shit has gone, no banks anymore, China dead, India dead, USA dead, Europe dead - same goes for the rest of World - and now you come and want "Solutions"? I guess you all are crazy - let me go - I have no interests anymore and am too sick and old for governing even a Dog."
The crowd having become in between a mass, shouts: "We have no solutions, the killing and riots and civil wars shall go on. We have left 5 billion of idiots and soon shall be less than one billion. Something must be done."
Delavy. "Okay - you have killed all media folks and technicians, but perhaps we can assure a worldwide TV Lesson, all folks on Earth are forced to see that last SHOW - that's the only Proposal that passes as reasonable through my mind just NOW."
3. Scene
On scene some huge TV-Screen and masses of folks sitting around and staring on the picture and waiting for the first and last words of Delavy - the last TV-Show ever seen on the Globe.
Appears an Idiot with name Delavy and starts to speak up:
"Friends - Stop the killing immediately. And do it by free will, since armies are gone, police massacred, security forces inclusive all rich and tax-free Sacks murdered and politicians no longer tolerated.
You know by heart, that according to my books, the point of no return was around 1975. At that time, nations should have been abolished, inclusive capitalism, Marxism and any other systems. The Lies of a God or Allah or Buddha were always a rotten instrument of Power and the Theories in Philosophy, Economics and Behaviourism should have been replaced by commonsense and understanding of fundamental rules on this Planet Earth.
And this was as major fact, in all Times "The Planet dictates the rules and the POPS of Idiots should keep quiet." In no times, stupid techniques, masses-destruction of animals, plants, oceans, water, air, resources and energy should have been started. Never the Cash alone should have produced the Profit of the Humans. Never the Jews and other Bankers should have convinced the Idiots, that we need Shareholder GREED and eternal deadly GROWTH and masses of consumers - going up to 10 billion of Shit-in-Brains.
In Fact, I wrote in all my reports that 10 billion will never be reached because of "Time stands still and the lines for catastrophes mount up to Heaven." I was right.
Now the solution of 1975, to be applied today in September 2025 - is illusive:
- All power to the Planet. No nations, no banks, no cash, no masses and no idiocy anymore. The world is organised in little communes of about 1000 people, looking for themselves. All what is required in a paradise where all is free:
- Sun / Water / Air / Plants / Nourishment / Shelter / Cloths and Landscapes -
- this is exactly what has to be maintained. Each person gets water, nourishment, cloths, shelter and some education. No war anymore, no torture, no rich sacks, who folks can get massacred and no government with incredibly dull idiots of VIPs - to tell us a stupid theory and practice about their empty brains - over all Murdoch Media of their rotten Shit-World.
The World-Theatre must be: Not more than 500 Million of POPS worldwide. Understanding all rules of survival, of commonsense, of intellect and of priorities. We can maintain some of the former techniques on a sound basis, even planes and cars, but it must be done according to the rules written in my books.
You have to organize yourselves. There is no "Dictator of the Globe" anymore. There is just commonsense, my books, education of the finest and the trial, to come down from 5 billion of shit-in-brains down to 500 million of normal folks with brains. This will take some 100 years - but this is ALL what I can offer to idiots who in Democrazy or Dictatorships of dull Majorities of average shit can grasp today, always having been on their knees as poor idiots in front of any Obama, GW Bush, Ronald, Thatcher, Greenspan, Putin, Berlusconi or Merkel including the criminals of Religion like Ratzinger and the Mullahs and dull philosophers - and anyhow - either you get the SENSE of my philosophy at the End of Humanity - or you all without exception are dead by 2099.
And now I am fed up of human idiots. Try to make survive some of the dogs or cats, because they are the better humans. And now, leave me alone in the landside far away from any Human SCRAP and go either to Hell or to a possible Paradise - it's alone your Choice."
And since Hollywood Shit is still in all heads, the folks applaud like hell, shout "This is our new God!" - and all let their pants down and shit on scenery to show, that they had understood any word of this Speech.
Well - not bad such a PLAY - Shakespeare turns in his grave - because as written in my literature, all authors without exception, have written mental SHIT from 5000 before Christ until 2000 after Christ. Who cannot read the World-Theatre, should have kept quiet in all times of the existence of our Planet.
But THIS is now definitely too high for so-called "Normal Brains" of the Masses - and this exactly is the reason, why I never wrote a PLAY.
written on October 1, 2011