"ABZOCKER" = The merit of our almighty CEO
(How world's economic skunks earn their salaries)
Dick CHENEY is an "Abzocker", with Halliburton. George W. BUSH is an Abzocker, also with Halliburton, assisted by the High Court of USA when becoming President the first time. OSPEL of UBS, GRUEBEL of Credit Suisse, BRABECK of Nestlé and VASELLA of Novartis are all well-known Swiss Abzockers, in times of Annual Meetings of Shareholders.
For an Englishmen speaking nice language, "Abzocker" can be translated into "Someone who gets money for working hard 15 hours a day". For the average stupids in the USA , we may shorten and show the real meaning of "Abzocker": It is something like "PINCHERS OFF" or "Criminals steeling the money from their own shareholders and clients."
It is as simple: When a Top-CEO of General Motors, General Electric, McDonalds, Pfizer, Boeing, Exxon, Microsoft, Citigroup, Dow Jones, Mercedes-BMW, Deutsche Bank, Sony Liston, BP-Alcoa, Gaz et Telecom et Eaux minérales de France, United Delavy and some other companies - that got rich due to your pure stupidity, when all these guys (and some cowboy-girls) get their monthly salaries and yearly options and bonuses they can open their own bank. The last mentioned could do so, only if his books would sell…
What happens in fact? It's very simple indeed: Such amounts can be paid because profits of these firms are shortened, the employees of the sly foxes get less salary, clients of those stormy black-boxes pay too much for services or for the goods produced by these "Abzocker"-firms. It is that simple. Therefore, when ACKERMANN of Deutsche Bank gets over 20 million Euro and Ospel of UBS over 20 million Swiss francs, this can be regarded as "the perfect crime" (see "Criminal acts of Swiss Banks"). They get as much money a day as normal workers or employees earn in a year and an American REAGAN-poor in his whole lifetime. However, the greedy CEOs mentioned still get only a few percents of the oligarchs, not put in jail by PUTIN - but that's a completely different story - since those guys have stolen the whole wealth of the Ex-Soviet Union to the disadvantage of its poor folks.
Now, let's mention some other Abzockers: First there is lovely PINOCHET: The sons, fathers and mothers and sisters of the youth, his torturers have killed very slowly, pay taxes for the luxury life of this monster. Same goes for the ARGENTINE Generals and Employees at the Marine School in Buenos Aires for some 30000 youth tortured to death and thrown in the Atlantic and some other dictators in South and Central America and elsewhere, supported by some "efficient" intelligence-companies like CIA or FBI - at the charge of middle-class tax payers of the United States (see "Criminal acts in politics").
But there are also some other "Abzockers", such as Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, Taylor, Mladic, Karadzic and other Georges and Silvios brought before CARLA DEL PONTE - Tribunals for searching proofs for crimes, everybody could witness every day on television during a period of several years. They are also paid by you, dear Reader, with your taxes, instead of bringing those Monsters to the next Wall or Marine School or Guantanamo … (see "Open letter to Carla Del Ponte").
Another Abzocker is Bill GATES since he got more than 50 billion dollars for a few hours of work in a Garage, taking over the sole rights on the funny program I am working on at this very second - and later responsible for the loss of money of all shareholders, once the privilege is stopped by anti-George-Cheney or some other WTO or IWF - when these Abzockers would become reasonable.
Other Abzockers are NGOs pretending saving the world by "little steps" but in fact being involved in playing the alibi-organisations of the Big-Ones mentioned above. These CEO can speak: "Look, we are all Abzockers and skunks, but we leave the NGOs the liberty to ask for money for advancing the illusion that globalisation, neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism can be outweighed by some nice "Gutmenschen" whose effect is less than one percent of the destructive developments we create each new day in this funny Orwell-World (see "Open letter to NGOs")
The worst Abzocker of all are in fact such criminals of economy as, for example, chaps like Bernie CORNFELD of IOS and all followers to his crazy model, such as BZ-Visionen-chap Martin EBNER, fugitive Werner K. REY, former CEOs of WORLDCOM or ENRON or SWISSAIR, who brought thousands of US workers and/or Swiss farmers to bankruptcy whereas the right-wing boulevard - such as "liberal" SUN, WELT or NZZ, demanded for a new chance for these criminals in their Silvio-papers - and this was done so by editors, AFTER the collapses of the above mentioned criminals in economy took place! In this sense, the worst "Abzockers" under our blue heaven are Rupert MURDOCH and Silvio BERLUSDOGGI (see "Fairy-tale of a singer and his mafia-state") and some other nice EDITORS, because they earn heaps of money for bringing great number of people off their common sense, with any boulevard scrap thinkable. And in addition they have much political influence with some other guys mentioned before and brought in power by democracy = dictatorship of dull majorities (see "Cascade of slaps in the Face").
You may wonder why all this could happen? I tell you: Some of the most important politicians, scientists, media power-men and CEO of Scrap-Companies have sent so many Abzockers in this unpleasant and nasty world with the beautiful result that average people's judgement and common sense have gone beneath a limit of zero.
That's all folks, for today. Just continue to pay for the greedy "Abzockers" in this world and your children will have no hope or fun anymore, whatever future you would decide to offer them.