What kind of intelligence for our children?
6600'000'000 human brains, all believing in the same capitalistic ideology since 1989, having same Darwinist emotions, all with a terra-incognita consciousness of the highest developed animal, all having the same philosophical background since 2000 years. And as a result, in this money casino, the cumulative power of thoughts of the world's population results in totalizing the not yet analyzed downfall of a specimen, of Homo sapiens, on a planet called Earth.
How important is it to know in what area in our brains are those functions, without ever being able to make a distinction between the thinking of an unknowing and still normal child, of skunks of power with lowest possible instincts and ethics and those of universal geniuses wanting to stop our chaos?
This is the crown of humanity by the end: We know about a totally new and useless scientology: Brains-Science. But these "Scientists" of a new and costly sector in reasoning can never ever make the analytical difference between their own "hybrid-brains" and those of high-minded geniuses. Why? Let's explain the matter in further detail:
Brains science is the art, in fact the vanity, of wanting to know how the human brain functions. Where are the feelings, the exact place in the brains, where pain is expressed, also figures, languages, fear, the human wish and will to survive – just any kind of logics, inside and on the surface of our diverse brains? Where can the difference be found between human female and male brains on one side and animal brains on the other - and what are their distinct priorities?
But think: What do, in fact, those people in their experiments in order trying to find out how our brains function, with billions of cash given to superficial "scientists" by us, the taxpayers, being the so-called "normal" folks? Do they really find out about the endless complexity of reasoning processes, do they find out why some know almost nothing and others, very few, can explain almost everything about the final chaos we are living in today? Do they see the difference between GW Bush and René Delavy?
Forget it! They will come for both to the exactly same conclusions. Therefore we have here a dead-born science, of no interest for saving us from falling into the traps, opened by all scientists over the past 2000 years - with scientologies, techniques, economics, senseless growth, human masses by seven billion and their unified desires - and creating simultaneously a disaster with ecology and environment, by using up at the same time all relevant resources of our planet. If we want to save our platform of living, our Earth, including our species, we must learn why scientific lessons and analyses about the functioning of humans brains are absolutely illusive and of no further value or interest for the future of Homo sapiens. We have to learn some lessons from those who have the unique capacity of building up, with the help of their brains, very complex chains of causes and effects (Ursachen-Wirkungs-Ketten) - instead of simplified alternatives about all the same functioning devices. I admit that this matter seems difficult to be understood, but it isn't when we start to translate those theorems into daily practice.
Intelligence in Politics
When solely reasoning in alternatives such as US-Democrats or Republicans, neo-capitalistic Putinism or a Marxist government, Brazil's Lula da Silva loved by USA or Cuba's Fidel Castro put on an deadly embargo by USA, capitalism or communism, socialist regimes or fascist dictatorships, Pinochet or Bachelet - you may discover: IT IS ALL THE SAME. Why? Well, everything is a question of what we are measuring. If we think of marginal differences about daily politics, it does perhaps matter what party or person or regime governs a nation, because all have the same deficits, national quasi-bankruptcy, armies, casino-world, egoistic national ethics, false morals about their preferred Gods, policy of using up increasingly poisoned air and water, taken away from all coming generations. However, from the point of view of growth, casino-money-theorems, destruction of environment, ecological blindness, using up all energies and resources of the world within ten generations, all these fundamental questions for our survival are absolutely of no interest for persons who represent our "Skunks of power" in any sorts of governments or regimes (see my Editors Letter "Skunks of Power" govern our World). In fact, we could extend the stupidity of politicians by the one of CEO, philosophers, theorists in economics, bankers, heads of NGOs, attac, WWF, Greenpeace, the UNO and any other organisations or persons, having some destructing power on Earth. One of the greatest mistakes in the heads of the world-population is the belief that anything can change by changing regimes or persons. Now, read the following sentence one 1000 times: You may take a Conference like WEF in Davos or G-8 of the most powerful skunks on Earth stealing cunningly away from the others whatever you wish, take also those funny World Social Forums of any kind - if all participants have about the same degree of intelligence, you cannot accumulated the issues to get better knowledge about our downfall on a emptied planet, you will only get an average of overall stupidity of participants in conferences. But take one universal genius, not being "philosophers" in the common sense of that term, as were individuals like Plato, Galileo, Rousseau, da Vinci, Keppler, Blaise Pascal, René Descartes or Delavy, and you will have resolutions that exceed in its consequences the one of any World-Forum by the factor of 1000. Not the number of people decide, alone the power of reasoning in complex areas will decide on the future of human mankind. Dear Reader, try to make the distinction by thinking about the following paragraphs.
Intelligence in Philosophy
The great philosophers were never those who we believed they are. They have produced, with very few exceptions like Plato, Rousseau or Russell, pure rules of human behaviourism. It was always a question of how should we handle as humans to be successful, to be loved, to be superior to other animals, to govern the world as such, to become some sort of Gods. Never ever, with very little exceptions, the Globe as platform of living, was of importance and therefore, the philosophers pushed forward the idea, Homo sapiens can become a mass-product with 6 billion heads, using up resources, oil, gas, energy and all the rest, can transform it into deadly poison, thus destructing air, water, grounds - and the resources themselves. The reason for this craziness lies not only with the religious leaders of all faiths in the World, it lies with philosophers, technocrats, scientists, theorists of technology, economics, logics and all the rest, solely here to fulfil American dreams. And this was so already in the Middle-Ages, in times of Enlightenment and became its Peak from 1900 onwards to "Modern Times" as we have now in the year 2007. We all have become blind, crazy, money-oriented, believing in shares and bonds, in scrap of any sorts - and at the same time are destroying our reality in a speed largely over the one of Einstein's light; he also pushed this development of "Greatness and Vanity", when he tried to stop early Hitler by giving the atom bomb to some other Hitlers and Stalins. And today? We have only "Hybrid-Brains" of Pragmatics all over the Globe: Huntington , Fukuyama , Sloterdijk, Habermas, Agamben, Levy, Finkielkraut, Chomsky, Al Gore, Diamond, Bush, Putin - it's all the same. No universal geniuses in sight - only local viewers of apparent realities behind daily news. They will never find ways to resolve the problem how humans have to find solutions to get out of all impasses. Never! They still think in terms of adaptation, of "The little steps" of Susan George, creeping in the asses of the "Skunks of Power", hoping to get fame with some Prize of Dynamite - and understanding absolutely nothing about laws of big figures, of economics of nations and companies, or of accounting, they do not know what are: Banks, insurance companies, how function big entities in industry, energy, consulting etc. These "Hybrid-Brains" in their ivory-towers have not the slightest idea of reality in the Chaos we all are living in, at the "End of Humanity" - when driving with light-speed into the wall at the end of the valley called "End of all human Vanities". Pragmatism, sophism, esoteric enlightenment, post-modern beliefs - all the same useless shit. They make us believe that we have alternatives of living with wrong maxims and principles whereas we had always, since 2000 years, only one chance: Taking Homo sapiens out of the idea being the only important matter on Earth, and replacing him by the idea that we must help the platform of living, the planet Earth, to survive and to guarantee a style of life that would in the long run accept a crazy-gone species, restricted to a few hundred millions, instead of over six billion believers in the impossible.
Intelligence in Culture
There is not much to be said on this topic: The Western ideologies mentioned above have marginalized all other cultures, colonialists have destroyed one by one. Instead of leaving any new-born Jesus in the European churches, they grinned about cultures believing in the value of nature, plants, animals, water - all of which today are going to leave us, by pure idiocy to those representatives of Western philosophers and popes that meant to know, how the Universe functions. And today, far too late, we all are shedding tears of crocodile about a lost paradise, that would have been possible, had we learnt some lessons from Red Indians, Incas or other believers in the power of nature, the importance of taking care of resources, plants, air, water and all the globe as such, since we have only one planet. The ones who would have taught us how to survive with much less people than 6 billion were taken for little numbers, for stupids - and they were decimated by force, by a hegemony of power that we can today still experience with the USA, dictating US-capitalistic neo-liberalism as a basic principle of the world that is on the way of making some individuals or nations very rich and over 90 percent very poor, just before even the richest will also have lost everything. And China, India and Russia just now copy a model that in the long run will prove to have been one thing only: deadly. And the mentioned dull people, so almost everybody, are tuned to live in a Hollywood-world, where even the outside USA folks only can consume films, theatre, operas, musicals etc. or read literature of pure human and superficial behaviourism. No idea, what the planet's mechanics of our present are and the way reality developed, to have us there where we blindly stand and begin to starve now, in the year 2007. And so the masses glorify, with their scientists and other Nobel-"geniuses" the past, have zero understanding of the self-destructing chaos of the present – and ignore to the maximum the terrible disasters and the collapses of a hopeless future for their own children. What further signs of a complete intellectual downfall in culture can there be?
Intelligence in Economics
You want to know about one of the greatest criminal acts in economics? It's the perversion with Cheap-Airlines. They use up all energies that will become priceless soon, misuse existing infrastructure paid by nations by billions, like airports, streets, trains, transports etc., they make people work like slaves for an apple and an egg and they destruct the ecological basis of our world. And all bankers and other idiots at stock exchanges and chiefs of states applaud like idiots and the clients take risks in scrap-machines, they would never take, if they would be forced by a Nation to take similar risks. And all this is the heritage of crazy theorems, started with Adam Smith, continued over Karl Marx, von Hayek, Keynes, Max Weber and worst of them all - Milton Friedman and Karl Popper, pushing with unbelievingly mad optimism all vane rules of self regulation, producing by nature an increasing chaos, over which not one organisation or person in the whole world could effect proper controls anymore. Everything has gone mad, but we all agree with life-conditions as they are developing, in conformity with major "hybrid-brains" that allege: "Everything goes better from day to day." The pragmatists made believe all managers and CEO, including "normal" politicians and their folks, that we can increase growth, profits and happiness forever, without destroying at the same time our planet of living, our platform, our Earth. This is craziness of the highest category imaginable - and unfortunately never corrected by the reasoning of philosophers. But about those cracks of "intelligence", I will give an opinion further on. We are running in our own self-destruction with open eyes, happily eating caviar and drinking nectar, at least the richest between us, whereas the express train - or better the Cheap-Airlines - is heading into a brick-wall with great letters on it: "Dead-end of feasibilities created by Homo stupidentis". By the way: Did you know that around the year 2000, the greatest philosopher of the world must be, by principle and in union-of-person, the best accountant of the world, because the whole functioning of commerce, like industry, banks, insurances, services etc., is fully dependent upon knowledge and mastering accounting principles on highest level? There would not be such a thing like economy without the measuring of it, worldwide, with means of figures and accounting in annual statements and their analyses.
Intelligence in Techniques
Take the hybrid-motor for cars: Al Gore, Jared Diamond, WEF and WSF, IPCC, attac, Greenpeace and other stupid politicians, scientists or organisations believe that here would be a key for better environment, all newspaper are, after the IPCC-Report, full of that idea. I say: That's bullshit, a dead-born matter (Totgeburt). Why? Because using batteries and electricity for cars will prove to have been the worst possible application of energy on Earth. We have already not enough current for houses, industry, trains, cooling and heating systems, all house and other machineries, computers and play-stations possible - and a crazy man wants to make run as many cars as possible on the planet with that diamonds-stuff? Crazy and dead-born idiocy! It will never function - in great masses, because there is "The law of the great figure" (Gesetz der grossen Zahl). And the maxim of great masses is the major problem with growth, energy, stinking monster-cars being driven by billions assisted by senseless cretins, at the same time having thousands of planes (some huge and dirty A 380 and other are just now constructed by crazy technicians for use in the next 20 years), those scrap-flyers poisoning any minute a day all skies with never seen quantities of fuel, further China and India and other growth-areas in their adventures into future collapses, for example due to the coming dead-end of an overall-bankruptcy in the USA, where each American owes the world one million Dollars. Take whatever you want, you will discover - when not thinking in alternatives - the impasses immediately: Sun-power? You need masses of raw materials if replacing all oil and gas energy providing - and you find that you run out of dozens of raw materials before even started with replacement of techniques. Same goes for any other sort of replacement of our oil-energy-world. You come immediately to new frontiers, but all the technicians and Nobel-prize-holders do as if there would not be any problems. Why? Because they have a "Hybrid-Brain" and can't think in huge figures or totalities. Without this capacity we can throw away all "geniuses" in all Universities of the World. Either they learn to reason on high level, or our growth-oriented civilisation will be collapsed by the year 2025. Because today, all lines drive to heaven and time stands still. We are going down the drain right now, slowly first, so we cannot see our collapse, taking place in front of our eyes, created by hybrid brains in the heads of the 99 percent of "Non-reflectors".
Intelligence in Media
Here we come to the worst chapter of all: The media should have had the task of giving us the chance to think in higher degrees. With the help of almost all editing companies of the Word, especially idiots like Rupert Murdoch, Berlusconi, Bertelsmann, Disney, Springer and many other runners for money, we were misused to become dull and duller. Same thing with TV and Radio stations. Not the intelligent people on Earth became the respect they deserve but the always greater part of the dullest part of males and females on Earth, having just the wish of being amused, entertained and "informed" on the lowest possible intellectual level. And there is no distinction between written press or online pages in the net. They all are shreddering useless daily news, 24 hours on 24, nobody wants to know a month later, no distinction between relevant matters of importance and pure political or other gossip. The stupidest president of all times - and similar figures every day anew on top of each media-set. The universal geniuses, still capable of overlooking the given chaos, do not get the slightest chance of being heard, and when they are published, they are shreddered through quicker as Einstein could spell out his most famous formula. The 99 percent of "hybrid brains" shout "Hurrah", when they hear on TV or read in press that shares of a Cheap-and-Scrap-Airline has exploded due to exploding passenger figures - and next infotainment being the IPCC-report complaining about fast deteriorating life-conditions. So "normal" participants in mad-gone life cannot even bring one alternative of self destruction in a proper relativity in his brain, mislead by education and false theorems of thinking. Such a world-society is lost forever. - And to close this chapter, a personal message to all Editors of this media-world. Read the following sentences several times: It is NOT all the same if a human dies by nature, shot quickly to death in war or tortured over hours or days slowly to death. Start finally measuring life and death on its pain and your newspapers will never again be as superficial as they were to this date: "Any life has been worthless and a misery if it is going to be ended alive on a funeral-pile or in a death-camp of Hitler, Stalin, Videla or Pinochet. Therefore, whoever risks the "End of Humanity" of the next 100 years, should finally be tortured to death, having received a life from universal God with the only goal of destructing wilfully the future of the species Homo sapiens – and thus taking over responsibility for greatest possible pain to come for billions."
Final Conclusions
Considering all the arguments above, some of you may realize that 6 billion brains are functioning according to the rules of hybrid-thinking - instead of the art of universal views on the major issues of future humanity, Blaise Pascal around 1600 and René Delavy around 2000 have written about, mentioning thousands of perspectives that show, why we have only one chance of surviving, within the next 50 years: It's to change by 100 percent any kind of superficial reasoning of these days on Earth - in favour of a scheme of survival on our planet, in maintaining the rest of resources that are going to end just now. The world's total volume of air can be placed in a very small bullet, just covering Middle-Europe, and it is already polluted to the max, the mass of all water on Earth can be put in a bullet covering Spain, the natural resources are almost gone, transformed in scrap and poisoning air, the climate change is just now going to produce a huge rocking-chair of increasing dryness, water-floods, storms, monster-waves, snowfall and coldness, never ever experienced in the past. Forget the few degrees of increase in temperature! The major threat is this "Unbalancing of weather" all over the globe, because we shall never be able to leave this planet to find a better world.
It's time to change our philosophical view and our style of life, which in fact has already gone far beyond the "Point of no return". IPCC did not understand that the whole scheme is not a matter to be measured by scientology which is exactly the reason why we are lost. In "Orakel 2099" I have written more about environment, false developments in politics and economics than a million of square-heads, working for IPCC, could be able to bring to paper. Have we lost all chances for the generations to come, for all children, Homo sapiens would have had onwards the year 2000? It's up to you and than think, if under these circumstances a living for future humans would be desirable. Well, I rather think, that we have all done well so far. Much more of an intellectual misery about our future cannot be burdened upon our own children.
And let's the universal reasoning stop here and give the liberty of free-thinking to the human masses of "Hybrid-Brains". Then, the process of unpreventable collapses will not take a long time. Wish you to be better informed about possible "Ways out of danger"? Okay, go into page "Rene Delavy" and read first the Editors Letter "The World will be "done" by the year 2025".