Irrtümer über PUTIN
Die NZZ gibt über Putin eine Beurteilung ab, die zum Kotzen ist und
völlig falsch.
Hier die Wahrheit über PUTIN:
1. Die grauenvollsten Nationen sind die USA und Israel - nicht Russland.
2. Der Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion war nicht ein Triumph des Westens,
sondern der Anfang der BRICS und vom Elend des Westens.
3. Nur Putin war fähig, Russland zu retten aus der Misere um 2000, auch
den Reichtum im Lande zu bewahren, die Oligarchen zu disziplinieren, die
Atommacht wieder herstellen und Europa in den Ruin treiben.
4. Putin erkannte die Spielchen der USA und NATO und reagierte völlig
richtig und notwendig gegen die Schweinereien des Westens.
5. Putin wurde zum reichsten Mann der Welt, ohne zu bescheissen und zu
verblöden wie Elon Musk.
6. Der Ukrainekrieg war ein Irrtum, so wie er sich entwickeln wollte.
Der Verschleiss an Menschen ist ein Skandal - auch für den dummen Putin.
7. Putin schaffte es vom armen Gesellen zum einzigen reellen Machthaber
eines Staates mit unermesslichem Reichtum und grössten Reserven der Welt.
8. Putin kann auch Russland nicht retten.
Es fragt sich, was zuerst einbricht:
- China - Afrika - Indien - die USA - Südamerika - England - Japan - die
EU ---- oder Russland.
In Anbetracht des Faktes, dass alle einbrechen werden, ist diese Frage
eigentlich irrelevant.
René Delavy - Côte d'Azur
written on January 1, 2025
US FAKE - Russland - Ukraine
Geopolitische Lage – USA – Ukraine – Russland
Die verlogene westliche Presse von FAKE und Bullshit stellt die Sache mit den drei Staaten völlig falsch dar:
Nach Hitler-Deutschland sind die USA der korrupteste und dreckigste Judenstaat der Welt.
Judenstaat, weil die Juden der Wall Street und des Silicon Valley diese Nation als «Deep State» völlig diktieren können.
Seit den ersten Evangelikalen bis heute hat dieser Judenstaat an die 100 Millionen Menschen ermordet (Indianer / Nigger / Juden / Vietnamesen/ Iraker/ und 50 andere Nationen). Keine ORG oder UNO hat die USA für die Verbrechen bisher belangt.
Dieser blöde Staat gehörte zur Sowjetunion, als ein blöder Chruschtschow, der Ukrainer, die Krim an dieses Gebilde verschenkte, was Putin dann Gott-sei-gedankt korrigieren konnte.
Die Ukraine hat 20 Jahre lang von Sonderregelungen mit Russland nach 1989 profitiert. Trotzdem haben die Nazi der Ukraine (Maidanplatz) eine Revolte gezündet und die Ostukraine mit den Russen in die Misere geschickt, was Putin nicht akzeptieren mochte, eben so wenig wie die Drecksraketen an der Grenze und den gewollten NATO Zutritt dieses billigen Idiotenstaates.
Die Ukraine hat kein Recht auf die Ostprovinzen mit den realen Russen darin wohnend, die sowieso lieber zu diesem Putin-Staat gehören möchten.
Die Sowjetunion wurde 60 Jahre lang von USA vor sich hergetrieben und zu einem Wettlauf in der atomaren Aufrüstung getrieben, was beide Staaten eigentlich in den Ruin gebracht hat, was heute noch nicht durchschaut wird von dieser bankrotten USA.
Putin ist der verdienstvolle Retter von Russland, denn ohne ihn hätten die Drecksjuden die gesamten Schätze von Russland gratis an die Rohstoffkonzerne des Westens verhökert und die Russen wären leer ausgegangen.
Der Nawalny ist ein Arschloch, der per Demos nur will, dass die Russen eine «Demokratie» schaffen, die den Ausverkauf des Landes betreiben könnten zum Profit dieses neoliberalen Schweines.
Alles was die Medien der USA, England, SS Deitscher Judenstaat und die Schweiz in dieser Sache bringen, ist so etwas von unsinnig und FAKE, dass dagegen der gute TRUMP der Heiland der Sozialen Medien und ein blindes Schaf ist, der allen Weibern in den Schritt greifen darf.
Man sollte alle Affen der Journaille an die Wand stellen und mit dem Feuerstrahl drüber, aber dies bringt leider oh-nix.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on May 6, 2021
If I were PUTIN....
As I wrote several times in the past, Russia has the biggest chances in the world of the Future.
Therefore, PUTIN as one of the most clever politicians of the world must do the right thing:
1. Declare that all treasuries of Russia belong entirely to Russian Folks and give as much as possible of it to the poor.
2. Declare that China, depending on imports and exports, having no own resources and an ecologic catastrophe, comes near to the end of times.
3. Declare that USA has no chances with Fracking and soon will be dependent on other countries, further USA is bankrupt with 250 trillions of dollars of uncovered debts.
4. Convince the Russians that they have the most resources in the soil out of all nations. Water and nature and woods must be protected to the maximum.
5. No Democrazy - because the majority of the masses is foolish and dull and cannot do the correct things for the future.
6. Try with other exporters of oil and gas to maximize the prizes, because you don't have such reserves for a long time.
7. Try to give the right sort of freedom to people and be as truthful as possible.
8. Get in alliance with such lands that are honest and have right views and are not yet bankrupt, such as Iran, most lands of Europe, Canada, Central Asia and Middle America.
9. See what the true force of USA and China and other cripple States is, extend capacities in atomic destruction of enemies - and wait for their economic and financial CRASH, coming soon... - Attack the electronic systems and the whole western world goes down the drain forever.
10. Have the best advisers of the globe.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on September
18, 2019
Comparison Russia to USA - and Putin against Trump
In a Swiss Journal, some Carsten Goehrke, who had written books about the nature of Russian geopolitics, compares in a wise manner the existence and past and building up of a State in the USA and in Russia
Further, he declares the similarities and the differences of Donald Trump as compared to Vladimir Putin.
Comparison Russia against USA
I shall abbreviate the theories of Goehrke and take the most important matters:
Both States are young nations, built by the spreading of Europeans into the lands, in Russia from the west until Vladivostok and in the USA from the East Coast to California and the South.
Both nations killed millions of indigenous folks on the way of spreading, namely the Red Indians in the USA and in Russia, Mongols and other folks in masses.
But when in Russia always some Tsar or Stalin were at power from the head, in the USA some regular democracy with all forces of legislative and executive power, governments, parliament and justice was built up, in order to make sure that some idiotic person like Donald Trump would not decide alone over wars, torture, economics, human rights and so on.
Therefore, Putin may develop some politics of good governance or of mislead power until some wars to explode. In the USA, the balance of power will not allow such power to Trump.
All this is nuts:
Whereas the Russian were always attacked over all times by Napoleon, Japan, from the south, by western armies in the First World War and by Hitler in the Second World War, by USA and NATO until today and by the western capitalism of neoliberal shit after 1989, and got accustomed to danger from outside -
USA never was attacked from anyone, except the small affair with Pearl Harbour and 9-11.
It was the USA who brought the wars over the World in Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, Africa, Chile, Argentina, torture regimes in South, Central America and Africa, attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and bringing a Jewish dirt of killing finance methods over Europe, Russia, China, India and all nations of the globe.
Whereas Russia is living from agrarian production and the export of oil and gas and having little influence on our world -
USA brought weapons in the globe, atomic power, idiotic IT shit like computers, banks too big to fail, killing derivatives, cars and planes to destroy our atmosphere and oceans, using up by masses and luxury life all resources and fracking all what is existent in nature, to transform it into a destructive power against environment and some end of humanity, when the Jewish complex of finance debts in trillions of Dollars and other currencies tumble to hell very soon.
Whereas Russia may not change a lot in the near future, with or without some Vladimir Putin, we will see collapse USA basing on the politics of Trump, Tea Party, rotten Republicans and Democrats having killed the poor masses of USA within the last 30 years and given full freedom to tax fraud idiocy for the rich and powerful class, all over the globe, when Russia only tried to increase some influence around its border.
Comparison Putin against Trump
Whereas it is difficult to compare the nature of Putin with any other politician, it is easy to say that Trump is worse as Ronald Reagan, Thatcher and comes near to the total stupidity of an Adolf Hitler.
Carsten Goehrke on the other side, seems to say that both have about the same character, the same interests, the same past and the same sort of intellect and try only to see their nations "as first in the world" and wanting to exceed military and economic power on other nations as much as ever possible in keeping other States deep and dependant.
This is nuts:
USA dictated since 1945 all economic theories on the rest of the globe. USA wanted that all folks have deficits and debts spending to finance economic growth, progress and other shit, killing poor nations and folks and destroying for all times our globe for future generations. Russia only tried to survive and keep Russian folks happy as good as it gets.
Goehrke is sure that Donald Trump will be kept under control by the other forces in USA and have a very short life of politician in his country, whereas Putin may stay in power for some time.
Might well be, but this is of no importance to the world. Let's see what in fact IS important:
Putin concentrates on a strategy of influence in Asia and Europe to his favour and is very cunning in doing the right things in the interest of Russia.
Trump on the other side made promises to his voters, but will destroy the future of US workers, he will lower the tax charge for rich enterprises and billionaires, he will increase the bankrupt State's debts by trillions, and he will never be able to renew the rotten infrastructures of USA. And if he does, this will break the neck of this land short of bankruptcy and collapse of Jewish finance industry.
Putin will only concentrate on cheap arms such as modern atom rockets to keep China and USA and the rest on distance. USA have now China, Russia, all Arab Lands and soon the rest of the globe against them when it becomes clear, who was responsible for our terrible State of affairs in finance and economics and rotten environment and atmosphere and oceans, all over our still soft killing world.
Further, the very stupid brain of Donald Trump will have no respect of Putin and treat him as an idiot. Nothing would the proud character of Putin bring more in rage and therefore, a fight or even some sort of war can easily be predicted in between USA and Russia in the coming years.
The breakdown of China, India and other overpops lands on the map, will both destroy in future: USA and Russia and even Europe in decline, and not one brain on Earth can foresee this disaster to be happening just NOW.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written in April 2017