Laws of the TRILLION Big Figure

Debts for 200'000'000'000'000 Dollars
or: Laws of the Big Figure

According to my literature, there are laws of the Big Figure and some "highest accounting rules of Delavy" that make it absolutely impossible, to save humanity in the 21st Century.

Because it is difficult to make understand such problems to the idiocy of humans, I will explain some FACTS:

Debts can never more be paid back

First of all, the figure in the title, to say 200 trillions of Dollars are not the debts of the globe, but approximately the total debts of the folks in the USA for the nation, 50 U.S. States, towns, counties, Chapter 11, not covered rents, insurance, health care and private debts in mortgages, study and stock exchange loans etc.

The figure of debts worldwide are perhaps 2000 trillions of dollars and like with other matters, we got the fine problem (or "challenge") to see an absolute impossibility of a pay-back of such figures.

How debts could be made disappear

There are three possibilities to make debts disappear and avoid the bankruptcy of China, Japan, USA, Europe and else:

1. The Cut of debts or disclaimer of creditors, to say all fortunes and values of folks on Earth are destroyed by getting rid of debts today on a global basis.

2. By Inflation the debts could be lowered with the exactly same problem of self-destruction.

3. It is tried by nations to get instead of Deficits some Surpluses in Cash by highest tax charges ever and lowering all State expenses. This would be suicide for any world trade system ever. Even worse the idea that conglomerates should make huge profits, same for banks and hedge funds, in cash which is not gold, but only shit. Same goes for private persons, but instead of profits, the idiots should make savings instead of consumerism, which is nuts under the WEF scheme of Chicago school of Mont Pelerin free Market of Jews.

You can see that all folks on this globe are BROKE and the problem increases in severity from day to day.

Some other Big Figures

About the same Problem like with the bankruptcy of States, of all banks in our world and all private idiots, we have with some other matters, like climate collapse, resources and water and air gone out, destruction of lands and oceans and woods, the increased craziness in rotten brains of adults and youth and the blindness of politicians in view of the real conditions of life on Earth.

There is no hope for any solutions, we still had about 1975 according to my "ORAKEL 2099" written then - today - but only death and decay.

Forget Trump, Obama, Yellen, WEF Schwab, Putin, Cameron, Draghi, Merkel, Modi or any Yingping of Junwap, there is not one brain on Earth, having the slightest idea for a PLAN B, in view of the following:

Ultimate Death to come on:


The major problem was since 1900 the explosion of pops on Earth from 2 billion on 10 billion of folks, wanting jobs, consumerism, industries, electricity, cars, planes, atom works, wars, torture, something to eat, clean water and air to be breathed.

This was from the start an illusion of mind, but there are some concrete facts to be named:


In finances, when neoliberalism became the only system in cash about growth on Earth, it was only question of time, when idiots like China, India, Russia, or Africa would take over the scheme of Jews in Montreux and Davos.

When they had it, there was a question, when they would reach a complete State of worthless Dollars, Yen, Euro, Yuan, Pounds and SFR and go down the drain with such shit. This is the State of Affairs in the year 2016.

It is impossible to prevent the worldwide Finance CRASH today, it's only a matter of time, like proven in all of my literature.


It is idiotic and paranoid to believe, that by economics of apes with the destruction figures of resources, climate, land and animals given on the basis of World BIP, we could expect another outcome but the total Breakdown of any sort of economy in industry, transports, mobility, tourism and take it. Even without the coming collapse in climate and weather mechanics, no God or Allah or Buddha could find ways, to let us go on with our craziness for the next 50 years.


In ecology, there was the point of no return around the year 1975. Since then, the curve of self-destruction by automatic increase of always more powerful droughts, sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in oceans were to 1000 percent assured, but since science is not anything to be eaten, we were sure that apes having found finances and technologies to kill our future, there was never more a chance, to stop the craze before humanity would be DEAD.

Stupidity of humans

It is said that humans get more intellectual from year to year, based on technology, computers and internet.

The contrary is true: Since about 1850, the true factor of real intellect of VIPs and the masses went down in incredible rapidity.

Today all politicians, philosophers, religious leaders, scientists, writers and artists and the bankers have the brain full of shit and children get schizophrenic before they reach an age of 6.

Under such conditions, whatever I wrote in my books, were understatements about the idiocy of humanity and now we can count the hours, until the whole House of Cards will fall into pieces and the Flush is pulled over such a heap of intellectual SHIT.

Decay of infrastructures and mega-towns

It is clear that only the "profits" in useless CASH of Banks and hedge funds increase in the USA, thanks to Wall Street and City of London.

But in the meantime, all infrastructures of the globe and all towns are condemned to break down in very short time, because we have no cash to maintain, no sand, no materials and no salaries for workers, getting in misery during the time, we get more and more of tax-free trillionaires in this god-damned world.

What is true for towns, power stations, streets, bridges, tunnels, air and sea ports and all ships, cars, planes and the rest, is true for the humans themselves, who have slavery instead of work and not one brain out the today some 7'500'000'000 idiots could imagine, how to get on.

What should have been done?

In my literature, since 1975 I wrote:

1. Minimize humans on Earth on one billion of folks.

2. Get rid of cash, banks, finances and stock exchanges and some idiotic shareholder values and derivative crap.

3. Get rid of frontiers and nations and dictate to humans how to behave according to the "Rules of the Planet" to survive at length with nourishment, clean water and justice for all.

4. No richness or poverty, no wars anymore, no crimes and no Jews or other idiotic religions without any proof of God.

5. Animals and nature are more of value than humans and all is done, to maintain some order in evolution instead of a program to destroy all we got.

6. Have a moral of good understanding of science without any gadgets of technology, that must have ended by killing any place on Earth by cash and stupidity in very short time, most probably around the year 2000 after an idiot with name of "Jesus".

And some other things to be done, when the contrary was done.

What people and nations do today

Well, the above true text may give a hint about our present State of Affairs.

As a matter of truth, our situation is 10 times more dangerous and hopeless as written here. But since humans have become crazy by the power of market idiots from AIPAC, WEF, Chicago School and the intellectual development of idiocy since 1850, our "condition humaine" is a situation where there is no outcome, out of our MERDE.

And what people understand by "PROGRESS" and GROWTH is nothing but a program to increase the process of self-destruction each new day and there is not one brain, except mine, to "read" our World-Theatre on such a level as written here.

The ultimate End before 2099

When I wrote about 1975 the text of "ORAKEL 2099" and later on some books like "CHAOS", "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung", "PLADESNIEKANT" and other 10 books and 3000 editors letters, also published with WorldNews and Pravda, I was very clear about the FACT that the point of no return was around 1975.

Since then the doses of destruction of humanity and our planet went in a final STAGE and there is zero hope, to find any solution or way out of this Tunnel, in which our TGV went with increasing speed and today, we are in a bend down to hell.

How the hell do YOU want to stop and turn around such TGV?

You start to think? Forget it, you have since a long time started to DIE - and forget whatever SKUNKS taught you in criminal universities of Milton Friedman, WEF Schwab, Obama, Greenspan and Hayek and other Skunks, out of such greatness in ignorance, our VIPs will never find a path out - never - never....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written again in February 2016