Money non-existent

Money does not exist - and it is worthless

Recently I explained to my woman what currencies and what cash and what money is. She did not know, as all politicians do not know and about 99 percent of folks on this globe.

These are the principles about Money:

What is Money?

Money does not exist and it is absolutely worthless. Billions in Dollars, Yen, Yuan, Euro, SFR etc. are worthless, because the value is what folks believe, currencies could be worth. At the moment, this esoteric idiocy goes down, all currencies of the globe are broke and out, and we come to the End of Capitalism and the greatest revolution of all times of the poor masses against the powerful and rich class, now without cash, will explode too.

Only a very low percentage of money is cash. That's the reason why the powerful idiots of banks are so afraid of a Run on Banks, because in very short time, there is no money left, when people want coins and paper notes.

About all of the trillions of "values" sent out by Fed, Japan Bank, China Bank, ECB and other cripples are of no value at the moment when issued, because worthless figures are sent in computers and the accounting of other banks and worthless State Bonds and Bad Bank shit go back to the Central Banks.

This is the greatest destruction of money ever seen in the Universe and will end with the complete CRASH of neoliberalism of the Jews of Wall Street.

Deflation and Inflation on the example of "van Gogh"

I explained to my woman the nature of deflation and inflation on the example of pictures of van Gogh. I said:

"Imagine that we have ONE van Gogh being valued at some millions. And imagine that any copy of it would have the same value. And imagine that for a while such shit would always increase in value, as do today the shares and real estate.

In order to prevent deflation, the central banks would issue millions of copies of such pictures to hope, the value would go down and we would see an inflation. How does this end and how long will the process go before complete collapse of the illusion? OK - not very long.

Now replace pictures of van Gogh by Cash and there we are. This is what banks do nowadays, with the ignorant and very stupid governments and other shit in brains. All will end in a world catastrophe without foreseeable consequences and no possibility to be stopped or reversed, some fine day."

The lies of central bankers and all experts

The central Bankers like Greenspan, Hildebrand, Weinmann, Ackerman, Juncker, Goldman, Draghi, Bernanke, Yellen and other cripples and all experts in financing of the globe pretend, that first the idiots issue always lower value van Goghs and then, in case of inflation, they would take back all cash in all currencies out of the computers and all coins and paper money.

First, this is impossible and second, it ends in another catastrophe and third it will never stop the justified inflation and making all currencies worthless for all times to come, because folks will never more believe in cash.

At the same time, all values will be destroyed in real estate, culture goods, shares, bonds and so on, and above all, we see the truth about of all time worthless derivatives, ABS, CDO and CDS, and note that about all such SCRAP will go down to zero and all nations, central banks, banks and funds etc. will be DEAD for all times to come.

The idiotic principles of the finance experts never functioned and in addition, the idiots of politics and finances like Piketty, Krugman, Popper, Friedman, Keynes and other Jewish Shit were never ACCOUNTANTS of the highest scale and therefore, their interpretation of the cash streams and of debt tower making is completely dull and big shit. They have no idea what's happening in the very near future with all worthless currencies.

The Crash of capitalism

Based on the real debt towers in USA, China, India, Japan, Greece, Spain, Italy, England, EU and the rest, being 10 times higher than the official figures, the debts of the globe can never more be repaid and covered and therefore, all Cash in computers and in notes has become worthless long time ago.

On the example of USA: The official figure of about 18 trillions of Dollars State Debts is big shit. The real figure includes: all debts of the nation, of the 50 U.S. States, all towns and counties, Chapter 11, all private debts, leasing, stock exchange not covered, mortgages not covered, rental systems not covered, so for USA some 250 trillions of dollars debts, and so USA are dead today.

Same goes for all countries on this globe, and this means....

We are standing since about 1990 just at the edge of the total crash of capitalism. But by the dirty tricks of bankers and Jews and governments, this assured collapse of the finance system was postponed further and further and increased the end scenario to a total collapse of all systems in finances, economics, culture, religion and ecology - and further in the meantime all resources and energy stuffs went out on a worldwide scale. This humanity is DEAD - NOW.

The idiocy of politics and the end of humanity

Assume that your child of 3 years of age has more intellect than Obama, Greenspan, Popper, Merkel, Hollande, 7 Dwarfs and Putin together, and your judgement is correct. Not to know the simplest things but play "Master of Universe" and let the Jews play CASINO with the trillions of the folks savings and rents, is lower in intellect that the IQ of an APE could be.

In fact, all politicians and all "experts" of the globe have nothing but Shit in their brains and take it for gold.

For this reason, we are not only standing at the edge of capitalism with worthless cash and currencies, but the world system in economics is just going to hell for all times to come, we have no longer any resources, the explosion of pops will end in the death of the uncontrollable masses and the climate is already today out of order and the coming super-storms, sint-floods and droughts will end up with this rotten humans and all will not go to God, or Allah or Buddha, who were never in existence, not even to IS of Islam, they shall go to hell and the Middle Class having become poor will massacre the ELITE in the very next future.

And just believe me, the rich idiots having become poor and the powerful idiots having become without power, will not be in a position to create any army or police forces against the revolution from the bottom - they will be massacred within one year - in a fine "Mad Max World" - Friends.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 15, 2015