Humanity in ultimate CHAOS

Humanity sinks down in ultimate Chaos from now on - to the year 2099.

It sinks down in matters of finance, of industry, of economics, of politics, of culture, of philosophy, of science, of resources and water and nourishment - but worst of all in matters of ecology.

In this study, I restrict myself to the area of FINANCE / ECONOMICS / ECOLOGY.

Humanity sinks down in a FINANCE CHAOS

The worldwide Skunks of Finance don't even know the fundamental RULE of Capitalism:

Capitalism shall crash towards the end - on the basis of the automatism:


There is not one Dynamite Prize holder or economic genius or childish idiot we call "EXPERTS", to read the present situation in the USA and Europe right.

Considering the effect of 30 years of neo-liberalism of the finest from the Bankers of Wall Street around Karl Popper and Milton Friedman, the seeking for computer programmers without brains like physician Dirk Helbing, to "read" the world-theatre, when having my literature to explain the world, we should not wonder about the fast BANKRUPTCY of USA and Europe --- NOW.

And it has nothing to do with Greece or China - it is alone the effect of scrap-in-brains of those who govern us on the basis of the intellectual stupidity of Obama, GW Bush, Greenspan, Bernanke, Narkozy, Merkel, Singh, Hu and Wen, Berlusconi, Thatcher, Blair, Kohl, Reagan and other Skunks with a mind of IQ 35. And the Murdoch Media of the Globe are so dull, that I should vomit each new day of the years.

One of the major errors was to let completely out 90 percent of world debts in all ANALYSIS - and not to see that we are now only in the first 10 percent of a future financial breakdown.

We must not look at the national indebtedness of USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, England, Greece or else. We must count the debts of all banks, all 50 States of USA, all regions, all counties, all Laender, all departments, each town, each village. And we have to add:

- not covered mortgages, Chapter 11 in fast sinking industry and economic power, private debts of any sorts, the CRAZE in trillions with ABS, CDO and CDS, the loss in trillions in values of shares and bonds, the rotten pension and investment funds etc.

But to be honest - even without the rotten Wall Street, WEF, City of London, FED, IMF, Worldbank and Bahnhofstrass, the rest of Christians and Allah and Buddha Idiots including all Socialists, would have killed our financial World by stupidity in counting on GROWTH and GREED of the coming future generation, when resources go to zero, oceans are killed, land and forest gone for all times and POPS going beyond 7 billion of complete cretins without sound minds.

The Finance Collapse is no longer a problem of the future, but of the past. For a father of family it is not possible to get by millions in debts with casino idiocy - and so it is with banks, States and masses of folks. "Highest Accounting" explained this RULE.

The CHAOS is here - NOW - and there is no way out. Humans cannot be crazy for 50 years like hell - and then complain, that nobody shows them a way out of misery, when they had my 10 books at disposal, rejected by 100 editing companies,  to explain the downfall of finance and of humanity.

Humanity sinks down in ECONOMIC CHAOS

Very funny, the matter with our economic Chaos.

Any child of 5 years could have seen, in the year 5000 before Jesus Christ, that with restricted reserves in resources, water and air, never ever an idiotic Circus with Cars, Planes, Cruiser Ships, atomic works, wars in any region, torture methods on socialists, mega-towns in China and India - short - with a Life-Style of stupid APES, a rotten species could have survived.

But it needed a Money-World of the worst - with Shareholder Values, banks, hedge funds, insurance ensuring nothing - and greed of the highest, to bring the ultimate solution.

And there was necessity for GROWTH and GREED theories of all Skunks and Experts in Economics, like Friedman, Keynes, Marx, Smith, von Hayek and worse, to convince any Professor of low IQ Brains with ETH, MIT, Cambridge, Berkeley and other useless Junk, to become such blind, that finally 99 percent of human SCRAP believed in an economic way of living - leading directly to HELL.

Today we have hell: General Motors dead, the Japanese market dead, the death of China, USA, India imminent, cars and planes only death machinery for all future generations - and still idiots like Krugman, Glucksman, Bernanke, Lagarde, Merkel, Obama, Berlusconi, Schwab, Fukuyama, Habermas, Sloterdijk and all other famous VIPs of a globalised PARANOIA of feasibility, cannot see the evidence - which is:


Still some questions - idiots? If yes, think of atomic war, of Chinese coal, of seldom Earths gone out, of Oceans fished empty, of rotten electro cars without current, of mega-towns without one simple chance of survival, of Africa and of other death-struggle under ecologic crimes of USA and Europe and China.

This stupid race or Species of Homo non-sapiens never had any other chance but killing the planet, itself and finally being proud of the own FORCE to have achieved this Casino game with easiness.

We can massacre all VIPs, all NGOs, all bankers, all politicians, all scientists and all philosophers with zero brain, and this would not stop the inevitable downfall and breakdown of Humanity - as described in all of my literature - but worst has not been mentioned yet…..

Humanity sinks down in ECOLOGIC CHAOS

Any child of 5 years could have foreseen that humanity would kill itself in very short time. I did as child - and this is now 60 years ago.

Alone the fact of letting explode the number of POPS from one to 10 billion in only 200 years, accompanied by an impossible LIFESTYLE, would ensure to kill humanity at the end of such times, and the end started since 1900 and will be achieved by the year 2099.

Now comes in addition the destruction of oceans, of land, of forests, the incredible stupid building of mega-towns, the destruction of clear water and air and the mass profit taking on the destruction of all resources and energy stuffs, in the favour of some rich Skunks without brains and ethics.

Naturally, I could foresee, long before the Club of Rome and Al Gore plus some rotten NGOs the deadly effect of LIMITS OF GROWTH, leading directly to death of the CLIMATE and of our WEATHER MACHINERY.

Some Details:

- The world is lost with atomic idiocy not financeable, to say not the works, not the consequences and not the finish of the atomic CRAZE in building back.

- China and India with their Coal Industry for electricity are killing themselves since years. Together with the coming implosion in economics and the death-effect of a terrible overpops, we can see those lands go down to hell from 2010 to 2030 for sure.

- America was the forerunner not only of Lobbies and other Christians at Wall Street, but in respect of killing our Earth in matters of ecology, climate and resources. USA is dead as dead can be already today - same goes for Europe.

- Africa and Australia and South America had hardly a chance. Neo-Liberalism, Climate Collapse, stupidity of folks makes it impossible for such continents to survive. But China and India shall be faster in the self-destruction and overtake those areas.

And so it can be said, that the stupid VIPs of the World shall finally seek for reasons in finance CRASH and other economic stupidities - not talking of Craze in cultures, literature, Hollywood, science, philosophy and religion - when it simply was for our life-style and over-number of Pops, to get killed in ECOLOGY - and this goes for the whole World from NOW to 2099.

Still some fine Questions - Friends?

You had my books and reports in World News and World-Wide Gazette at your disposal. And you had 100 Editing Companies not seeing the value of my philosophic oeuvre.

- It is not MY problem when you - 99 percent of humans - are incapable to read and think on normal level of commonsense and ethics.

written on September 28, 2011